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July 28, 2011 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2011-07-28

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$2.00 JULY 28 - AUG. 3, 2011/ 26 TAMMUZ - 3 AV 5771



» Mumford Memories

Class of 1961 reunion attendies will visit the old high school
building slated for demolition. See page 8.

»Work Some Magic!

Dan Gilbert, Brian Hermelin and Josh Linkner add NBA
legend Magic Johnson to their Detroit lineup. See page 16

» Pure, Natural Kosher Cooking

Try some simple, healthy recipes from a new cookbook,
The Whole Foods Kosher Kitchen. See page 50.

Mumford High on Wyoming Avenue in Detroit


»cover story


Stolen History

Vandals at U-M destroy
Jewish historical marker.

Vandals smashed a state historic marker on the

University of Michigan campus that honored the
state's first Jewish cemetery.

Jackie Headapohl

Managing Editor

Ann Arbor

Crew members film actor Bradley Whitford as Mitch Albom delivering his rabbi's eulogy.

Extras! Extras.

Temple Israel congregants take part as extras
in filming of Mitch Albom's Have a Little Faith.

Keri Guten Cohen J Story Development Editor


1942 - 2011

Covering and
Jewish Detroit
Every Week


8 0880

05563 5

andals on the University of Michigan campus
destroyed a historical marker identifying the first
Jewish cemetery site in Michigan. The damage to
the marker, at the corner of Fletcher and East Huron streets
in Ann Arbor, was discovered Sunday, July 10.
Rob Schwartz, assistant director of the Michigan Regional
Office of the Anti-Defamation League, said he's confident
the vandalism was not an anti-Semitic act. Rather, he said, it
appears the vandals were looking for metal to sell as scrap.
The police agree. Diane Brown, spokeswoman for the
U-M Department of Public Safety, said, "It appeared some-
one had attempted to pry off the plaque and, in the process,
snapped off the lower portion of the metal.
The police were able to recover the portion broken
from the plaque. They speculate the vandals left the metal
because they were either interrupted or discovered that it
had no monetary value. "There have been similar incidents
around campus, including the theft of a statue," Brown
David Shtulman, executive director of the Ann Arbor
Jewish Federation, concurs. He visited the site of the van-
dalism and could find no other signs of anti-Semitism,
such as graffiti. "This is no more than malicious vandal-
ism:' he said.


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