Business & Professional RETIREMENT LIVING Time Passes Economic meltdown is a quickly vanishing opportunity. A and concurrently "opportunity was s we grow, we learn one captured." They have moved on and at inevitability after another. the same time eliminated their debt, Death and taxes seems to be allowing them to preserve their future the most famous. income so they can save and have the My favorite is, "Time passes:' On opportunity for financial strength in a macro view, "time passes" when the future. confronting crises — illness, death Many others, as of now, are sit- of a loved one, financial problems. ting on the fence rather than seizing One way or the other, it is inevitable unprecedented opportunity to shed — time passes and we move beyond unnecessary debt and exit that trauma. Sometimes, it homes and rental prop- seems, we move beyond one erty that are hopelessly trauma only to face another underwater. This "win- — but that does vary. dow of opportunity" is I use the expression in a still open, but if you wait micro sense as well. When too long it will narrow. As we encounter the all-too- part of the federal stimu- frequent dreaded meeting, lus package, cancellation event or function that we of mortgage indebtedness must attend, but given the on a primary residence choice, would certainly not, is generally excluded I pause and say to myself, Ke n Gross from income until Dec. "Don't fret, time will pass." Spec ial to the 31, 2012. This means The thought allows me to Jew ish News that if your mortgage is avoid exaggerated anxiety $550,000 and the lender over a relatively inconse- agrees to a short sale of your home for quential event. $350,000, you will not be taxed on the So we say "time passes" to help us cancellation of the $200,000 shortfall. get beyond that which we wish to After Dec. 31, 2012, you will be. avoid. How about, "Opportunity lost"? Right now, with This expression the correct strat- reminds us that we egy, credit card were in a situation debt and second where we could have mortgages can taken affirmative be settled for as steps to our gain, low as 10-20% of but sat on the fence the debt. As the and the opportunity national banks passed us by. gain strength, The Great however, these Recession, as the opportunities will 2008-2009 eco- narrow. nomic meltdown What does has been styled by all this mean? It the Associated Press should be obvi- and others, is a trig- ous. If you're ger point for both of sitting on the fence, you need to act these expressions. On the down side, as credit tightened and jobs were lost, now so that "opportunity is captured:' Wait too long and you will look back, many experienced "time passing:' kick yourself and say, "Opportunity and for some, but not all, the great- lost:' I I est adverse impact of the recession is behind them. Albeit, on different Ken Gross is an attorney with Thav terms. In the midst of this process, some of us have recognized the reality Gross PC ( and hosts and seized the opportunity offered — "The Financial Crisis Talk Center" (www., a radio program that a chance to shed upside-down mort- airs weekly at 9 a.m. Saturdays on WDFN gages and credit card debt. 1130 AM Radio. For these individuals, time passed Right now, credit card debt and second mortgages can be settled for as low as 10-20% of the debt. "I USED TO WONDER IF MOM WAS LONELY NOW SHE HAS MORE FRIENDS THAN I DO." hen your mom moves to The Park at Trowbridge, you won't have to worry about her being lonely anymore. She'll be too busy rediscovering the things she loves to do. See for yourself why seniors living at The Park at Trowbridge experience an invigorating sense of independence, freedom and optimism. Call today! Your story continues here.. grile YCl/d at Trowbridge For more information or to visit, call today! (248) 352-0208 24111 Civic Center Drive Southfield, MI 48033 I HORIZON BAY RETIREMENT LIVING' Need a clean slate? If you are unable to pay your bills, you are a candidate for bankruptcy. It's the best solution to debt problems that are not going to go away. 248-399-9700 A FAMILY OF LAW'rEKI" - , fidential. Trusted. bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code. ; DON'T MISS THE HEALTH & FITNESS SECTION INSIDE THE JN THE LAST WEEK EVERY MONTH Call 248.351.5107 for more information March 24 2011 35