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December 16, 2010 - Image 66

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2010-12-16

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Obituaries from page 61

GLASER, 94, of West
Bloomfield, died
Dec. 6, 2010.
He was an educa-
tor at Hillel Day
School and United
Hebrew Schools. He
was loved, respected,
and an inspiration
to all those whose lives he touched.
Mr. Glaser is survived by his
beloved wife of 63 years, Bella
Glaser; daughters and sons-in-law,
Malka and Nachman Littman of
West Bloomfield, Aura Glaser and
Stephen Y. Nose of Ann Arbor; grand-
sons, Amir and Michelle Littman,
Ron Littman, Yoav Littman; great-
granddaughters, Maya, Lily, and Lexi
Contributions may be made to
Zionist Organization of America,
Michigan Chapter, American Red
Magen Dovid, 23470 Riverview,
Southfield, MI 48034 or Yad Ezra,
2850 W. 11 Mile Road, Berkley,
MI 48072. Interment at Adat
Shalom Memorial Park in Livonia.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

Pioneering Travel Agent

ared M. "Bud" Schubiner,
A very likable and easygoing man,
of Farmington Hills, who
Buddy had lots of interests. He was a life
revolutionized travel for Metro
master at bridge, a golfer, tennis player,
Detroiters beginning in the 1950s, died
skier and talented photographer. In
Dec. 11, 2010, at age 81.
college, he was on the debate team and
After graduating from the University
acted in school productions.
of Michigan at 21, Mr.
Charity was important,
Schubiner founded Elliott
too, as Mr. Schubiner gave
Travel Service. What began
generously to the UJA and
as one of Detroit's first
travel agencies evolved
Besides being a loving
into 16 travel offices
husband, father and grand-
throughout Metro Detroit
father, he also enjoyed
and a significant tourism
close relationships with his
operation. Hundreds of
siblings: Beverly, David and
thousands of Detroiters
took Elloitt Tours to the
Buddy Schubiner will be
Caribbean, Mexico, Las
Jared Schub iner
greatly missed.
Vegas, Hawaii and dozens
Mr. Schubiner is sur-
of other destinations.
vived by his wife, Sondra Schubiner;
"Freeport 222" was a tremendously
sons and daughter-in-law, Kenneth
popular 7-day air and hotel tour pack-
and Elyse Schubiner of Southfield,
age to the Bahamas that cost only $222.
Craig Schubiner of Birmingham, James
To keep costs down, Mr. Schubiner char- Schubiner of Birmingham; grandchil-
tered 737s that departed from Windsor,
dren, Joshua Schubiner and Lindsay
Ontario. Eventually, his tour operation
Schubiner; sister and brother-in-law,
expanded to dozens of planes each
Beverly and Martin Miller; broth-
week. The first airplane ride for many
ers and sisters-in-law, David and
area residents was on an Elliott Tour.
Diane Schubiner and Elliott and Lila
Mr. Schubiner was an avid traveler
Schubiner; sister-in-law and brothers-
and often led tour groups. In his 20s, he
in-law, Ruth and George Simmons and
led a multi-week trip to Japan. With his
Irving Wolf.
wife, Sondra, and their children, Buddy
He was the brother-in-law of the late
would scout out new potential tour des-
Sharon Wolf
tinations around the globe.
Interment was at Clover Hill Park
He met his wife at an election party
Cemetery. Contributions may be made
on the night in 1960 John Kennedy was
to American Heart Association, P.O.
elected president. Their 50th wedding
Box 15120, Chicago, IL 60693, www.
anniversary was to have been in March.
americanheart.org ; or Multiple Sclerosis
Together, they had three sons, Kenny
Society of Michigan, 21311 Civic Center
(daughter-in-law, Elyse), Craig, and
Drive, Southfield, MI 48076,
James. He adored his two grandchildren, www.nationalmssociety.org/mig .
Josh and Lindsay.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel. ❑

Jaimee Wine; sisters-in-law, Florence
Schuman and Ethel Brown; loving
nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was the beloved son of the late
Jack and the late Sylvia Klau; cher-
ished brother of the late Ruth and the
late Robert Applebaum and the late
Lillian Matz; dear brother-in-law of
the late Michael Schuman, the late
Albert and the late Adeline Brown,
and the late Sidney Brown.
Interment at Machpelah Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to
JARC, Irving Wine Vehicle Fund,
30301 Northwestern Highway,
#100, Farmington Hills, MI 48334,
www.jarc.org , or Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Detroit, 6735
Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills,
MI 48301, www.thisisfederation.
org . Arrangements by Ira Kaufman

of Southfield, died
Dec. 11, 2010.
He was a furni-
ture manufacturing
Mr. Klau is sur-
by his wife of
62 years, Helen Klau;
daughters and son-
in-law, Carol Klau of Miami Beach,
Fla., Susan Klau of Southfield, Robin
and Gary Wine of Orchard Lake;
son, Morris Klau of West Bloomfield;
grandchildren, Carly Klau Wine and

Chicago, Ill., died Dec. 10, 2010.
She is survived by her husband,
James E. Leopold; children, David
Futransky and Nancy Lieberman,
Alan Futransky, Richard and Joan
Leopold, Susan and Norman Pappas
and Jay and Sarah Leopold; grand-
children, Emily Futransky and Lisa
Howley, Jill Futransky, Leslie and
Nathaniel Unger, Daniel Pappas, Amy
Pappas, Elizabeth Leopold and Brian
Massaferri, Joe Leopold, Ari Leopold
and Caren Leopold; five great-grand-
Mrs. Leopold was the beloved wife
of the late Eugene C. Futransky; cher-
ished daughter of the late Albert H.
and the late Pauline Rosenberg.
Interment in Chicago. Contributions
may be made to a charity of one's
choice. The announcement was placed
at the family's request by Ira Kaufman

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