Opinion A MIX OF IDEAS Dry Bones Editorials are posted and archived on JNonline.us. TERRORIST TRAM X-RAYED Editorial Stymie Jew-Bashers W ith anti-Semitic hate crimes and discrimination on the rise around the world and an expanding scope of anti-Semitic acts con- fronting American Jews, the U.S. govern- ment has stepped up efforts to integrate combating hatred of Jews into all aspects of the State Department. The move to confront these disgusting acts with more rigorous diplomacy is welcome; time will tell how effective it is. At the B'nai B'rith International annual policy conference in November, the U.S. Department of State special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semi- tism declared that one of Hannah her biggest priorities is Rosenthal to underscore that anti- Jewish sentiment "is a disease that was not cured after World War II!' Global trends bear that out. Special Envoy Hannah Rosenthal said anti-Semitism today flares up in many ways: anti-Zionism, Holocaust denial, neo- Nazism, the U.N. Human Rights Council, the Arab League, campus intimidation. Holocaust denial and Holocaust glorifica- tion are among anti-Semitism's most acute challenges. Rosenthal said success will be to get others — individuals, communities, nations — to condemn Jew-bashing. Her work is to engage governments and civil society organizations worldwide in arresting Jew-hating and promoting at least tolerance, if not acceptance. When Rosenthal took office late last year, we speculated that she would have her hands full, not only in rooting out and responding to hate, but also serving as lead ambassador for teaching why such intolerance has no place in a civilized world. That scenario remains so. The pro- tracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict has left the world with the worst strains of anti- Semitism since Hitler's reign. Anti-Semites, whether masquerading as opponents of the Israeli government or emboldened as outright Jew-haters, have emerged in ever-rising numbers across Europe, in part driven by indoctrinated Muslims emigrating from the Middle East and in part by scared Europeans search- ing for a scapegoat for their economic and security woes. Here in the U.S., the situation is no less disconcerting. Anti-Semitic incidents remain at "a sustained and troubling level: according to the Anti-Defamation League, which compiles an annual statistical audit of anti- Semitic assaults, vandalism and harassment. Jews continue to be singled out for acts of hate on an average of AND FRISKED! three times per day in America. Rosenthal, a former rab- binical student whose father was the only member of his family to survive the Holocaust, calls anti-Semitism "a human rights issue and we concur. To endanger Jews as a religious and an ethnic group because of stereo- type, indoctrination and jealousy is non- sensical. A desire to isolate Jews is central to hat- ing Jews. That desire is rooted in history and attempts through the ages to ghettoize Jews in hopes of neutralizing our influ- ence and impact. Some of the isolation that Israel, a sliver of a country in the DryBonesBlog.corn grand scheme of the world, sees emanat- ing from the United Nations certainly has an anti-Semitic undercurrent. Rosenthal's appointment by the Obama administra- tion affirms the gravity of the dangers posed by Jew-haters, wherever they dwell. U.S. Jewish leaders must be held accountable for monitoring and combat- ing the perilous briar patch of religious and ethnic attacks. ❑ The Helen Thomas I Knew I had a long dinner with Helen Thomas in Washington nine years ago, a few weeks before Sept. 11. She was in a good mood. She told me she was finally getting used to writing a column, something that had been a bit of a transition after half a century of straight news reporting, as a wire service reporter for United Press International. "With UPI, I always kept my opinions out of the story:' she said. That was the way it was all those years in the front row at those presidential press conferences. She was famous for penetrating and sharply focused questions, aimed equally at everyone. But she played it straight. That was her job, right up till she resigned from UPI in 2000, when it was sold to Sun Myung Moon's News World Communications. Helen wasn't about to work for the Moonies. So she wished them "good sto- ries and happy landings." "I never thought I'd work again:' he told me. Then the phone rang. It was Hearst 24 December 16 • 2010 Newspapers, and they wanted her to write a column. "I was so thrilled!' But could she make the transition to expressing her own opinions in print? "When I worked for a wire service, I was careful of every word, every verb. I really wanted to walk that line (of objectivity) and now I am asked to push the edge! If I write something it has to have a point of view. I found — I still find it difficult:' but, she said, "I am getting the hang of it — and it's kind of fun." These days, Helen Thomas doesn't seem to be having fun. She clearly managed to overcome her inhibitions about expressing her point of view. Possibly too well, especially in front of a microphone. As the years went by, her columns became more strident, and Helen more of an angry scold. Her colleagues were increasingly both- ered by her clearly adversarial line of questioning — though in truth, more of them ought to have been asking some of the questions Helen was asking about Iraq, and the reasons for going to war. Then, last May, disaster. Helen Thomas was effec- tively fired by Hearst after telling a blogger with a video camera the Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine and go back to "Germany, Poland, America and everywhere else." She apologized, but it was too late. Yet it wasn't clear exactly what she had meant. Clearly, her reference to Germany and Poland was tasteless, and evoked memories of the Holocaust. But did she mean Israel itself didn't have any right to exist — or just that it should vacate the occupied territories? Helen Thomas laid low for awhile. Then, two weeks ago, she came to a forum in Dearborn to say "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street, are owned by the Zionists. No question. We're being pushed into a wrong direc- tion in every way." With that, her alma mater, Wayne State University ended its annual Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in the Media award, with a spokesman for the Detroit- based school saying it "strongly con- demns" her anti-Semitic remarks. Helen Thomas then fired back at the school, saying its leaders had disgraced themselves and "betrayed academic free- dom." No matter your politics, this was very sad. Naturally, various Arab American institutions denounced the university for ending the award, and tried to use this for their own agendas. Which is all very sad. The Helen Thomas who was ranting about "Zionists" on a cold December day was Helen Thomas on page 25