Arguably the first observant rabbi to write about Jewish meditation for the general public, Kaplan's books are widely considered "kosher" even among Judaism's Orthodox and Chasidic branches. Other rabbis explain yoga's appeal to modern Jews as a complementary form of expression for the otherwise cerebral "People of the Book." "It's a little bit of a corrective," says Rabbi Paul Yedwab, of Temple Israel in West Bloomfield — and a certified yoga instructor. "Judaism was a physical religion. You had to walk up hills to make sacrifices three times a year. "Unfortunately, we were torn out of our land and forbidden to use our bodies in farming or the military," Yedwab says, adding that our intellec- tualization may have been a "master- ful coping technique" but perhaps not congruent to Judaism's founding. "Yoga ties the body back to the mind, just like building a sukkah does, or walking the land in Israel." What does give Rabbi Yedwab pause about yoga, he said, is "the bowing" that concludes some, but not all, class- es. It occurs when the teacher brings his or her hands to "prayer position" in front of the heart and says, "Namaste," which can be translated from Sanskrit as "bowing to the divine light" in each of us. Because Judaism is concerned both with one's intentions — as well percep- tions within the community — when performing a deed, Yedwab avoids the namaste portion of class. "You don't want to give the wrong impression of bowing to a teacher," he says. Not all of Judaism's spiritual leaders have signed on to yoga as a comple- ment to the faith. The late Lubavitch rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, who "Yoga ties the body back to the mind, just like building a sukkah does, or walking the land in Israel." — RABBI PAUL YEDWAB rarely delved into these types of esoteric arguments, forbade practices like yoga back in 1978 because, he said, the movement involved "certain rites and rituals" bordering on idolatry. But Chabad rabbis today advise against "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, who frequently blogs for , says yoga's gifts of increased strength and flexibility ought not to be dis- cOunted. In addition to its spiritual benefits, many physical and physiological ben- efits can be derived from yoga. Bikram yoga, one of the more athletic types, consists of a series of 26 postures done for 90 minutes in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat allows muscles to stretch safely, and profuse sweating results in detoxification. "It's like the first layer of Coca-Cola coming out," says Jenny Barrett, owner of Bikram Yoga in Farmington Hills, quoting the movement's founder, Bikram Choudhury. Barrett, who is opening a second studio in Troy early in 2011, says the mental concentration required to execute the poses helps quiet the mind, which may help set the stage for a religious experience. "[People] feel more connected to their religion when they are practicing because they have less stress in their system," she says many students have told her. "The breath work associated with yoga is an active form of meditation, and Jews have been meditating for years," Rabbi Goldberg says. "What do you think the Jews were doing in the desert for 40 years? They were mostly camping, they didn't have to prepare food, there was no stock market — what else [was] there for a Jew to do?" Whatever the perceived or real conflicts with organized religion, yoga has taken deep root in America — an arguably religious country. A 2008 study commissioned by the North American Studio Alliance found that more than 15 million Americans practice yoga regularly. And while the exact number of American Jews taking yoga classes is unknown, in Detroit at least, it seems everyone knows someone who is a regular practitioner of the ancient art. "People want to quiet their minds and get into their bodies," says Dan Gottlieb, a Detroit-area yoga instructor who had no trouble finding a job here or building a steady following after he returned home from teaching yoga in Scottsdale, Ariz. In the final analysis, yoga can be part of a web of religious activities and experiences and also serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth. "A yoga pose does not help you meet God, but it does relieve the pressure of our over-stimulated lives so we are in a more conducive space to connect to something higher than self-centered ego. It's a starting point$ says Detroit native Eric Paskel, now of Los Angeles and owner of Yoga Shelter, a nation- wide chain of yoga studios. "When you are spiritually tired, you are open to spiritual insight," Rabbi Yedwab says. "Working your body is a good way to get to your soul." RT Specializing in Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic & Reconstructive Breast Surgery (248) 865.6400 5807 W. Maple • Suite 177 • West Bloomfield On Our Finest Fashions from Around the World! 00 Furs et? Fashions 181 S. Old Woodward ot r ay, Pac3e. Birmingham, MI 48009 50014,. 'itt,C6 (248) 642-1690 a'. Mon. - Wed. & Fri. 10 6 Thur. 10 - 8, Sat. 10 5 Sun. 1 - 5 Free parkin() at store hold, parloughohtod 111i• addllional • • 0( , • 411 RD TIMID I December 2010 25 • •