Where are the up and corners going? Right back where you started from. Exciting new technologies are emerging, venture capital is flowing, big names are arriving, promising new businesses are beginning. And life? It's even better than you remember it. If you need a place to breathe again, a place to live again, a place to call home again...opportunity is knocking. And it's pure Michigan. ichAGAIN.org We want you here. JOIN US for a complimentary cocktail reception to learn about Michigan's thriving IT sector. Michigan IT business leaders and officials from the University of Michigan and Michigan State University will provide an update on what's new on campus. One lucky attendee will win tickets to the Big Chill Hockey Game on Dec. 11 to experi- ence the Michigan IT revolution firsthand. SUPPORTED BY: MICHIGAN' ANN ARBOR WOVE COMFIT, MIKAN SPARK 17. IGNITING INNOVATION nc rong, Economic Development Corporation together DEGC Michigan's URC University P.Psitarr.h Corridor AMICHtGAN" accelerate ,, CORPCnrropo C8Pit.8I IT new economy area council .111 WHERE PEOPLE d TECHNOLOGY PROSPER c---NOakland County Michigan' ✓ for southeast rnichigan EASTERN MICHIGAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY 4 November 18 • 2010 WAY N E STATE UNIVERSITY N 1 Oakland' UNIVERSITyj WHEN Dec 1, 2010, 6-9 p.m. WHERE Maggiano's Little Italy 516 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 644-7700 REGISTER NOW AnnArborUSA.org/register?e=10682