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November 04, 2010 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2010-11-04

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Meet Al and Evelyn Jacobs.
Dancers. Performers.
Really Living since 2009.

No Place For Bullying

from page 21

less of the source. We all have the
right to live free of intimidation.
If we have legitimate differences
of opinion with another person
regarding religion, politics or
other areas in which debate may
be valid, that calls for thoughtful
discussion and mutual respect.
I call upon parents, educators,
clergy and all others who work
with youth to join us in a zero-
tolerance policy for bullying in
all its forms, including cyber
Not only will this save young
lives from being needlessly
thrown away, it also will ensure a
safer and healthier environment
for all our children.

Rabbi Steven Burg is international

director of NCSY, the youth program

of the Orthodox Union. He lived in

the Detroit area while serving as

associate director of NCSY's Central

East Region from 1996 to 2000.

Israel's Critics

Apartment homes that simplify life.
Neighbors who enrich it.

The Charge
A Turkish organization that
Israel says has links to ter-
rorism, the I.H.H., charged
that Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu this month praised
his soldiers for killing innocent
and defenseless people.

The Answer
Netanyahu lauded his sailors as
ethical and restrained in their
response to violence perpe-
trated by provocateurs aboard
the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara
last May.

For Al and Evelyn, really living means pursuing their passion for the
theater, not letting financial worries steal the show. Their beautiful
apartment home is completely free from maintenance. So instead
of budgeting for the next costly repair or sky-high utility bill, the
Jacobs enjoy stable, predictable expenses and a worry-free way of
life. Thanks to Erickson Living?AI and Evelyn leave the drama on
stage—exactly where it belongs.

For more information on the
Mavi Marmara incident, watch
the BBC Panorama investigative
feature, http:/lwww.bbc.co.uk/

Discover what really living can do for you. Call 1-800-725-0876
today for your free Guide to Erickson Living at Fox Run to learn more
about this affordable retirement lifestyle.

- Allan Gale

Jewish Community Relations

Council of Metropolitan Detroit

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Add more Living to your Life'

© Jewish Renaissance Media • November 4, 2010

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(Cavi Kyla.1



November 4 • 2010

Bernstein Feted
By MSLYs Hillel

East Lansing


he Lester and Jewell
Morris Hillel Jewish
Student Center at
Michigan State University hon-
ored Stephen R. Bernstein of
Keego Harbor with the Hillel
Hero Award at the Homecoming
Shabbat Dinner on Oct. 15.
Bernstein was recognized for
his many years of dedicated
and com-
mitment to
the advance-
ment of
Jewish life
on campus.
A 1973
of the MSU
of Law,
Stephen Bernstein
maintains a
private law
practice in Farmington Hills. He
has also served as an adjunct pro-
fessor of law at MSU Law.
As an active member of the
MSU Hillel Board of Directors
since 2000, Bernstein has sig-
nificantly contributed to Hillel's
growth and success.
One of his main projects
continues to be Hillel's annual
Homecoming/AEPi Family
Shabbat Dinner.
He has helped to improve event
attendance and ensures sufficient
funding to make it the success it
is today.
He was the 60th international
president of Alpha Epsilon Pi
Fraternity, where he serves as
the fraternity's general counsel.
Bernstein is a retired high school
and small college basketball offi-
MSU Hillel also has estab-
lished the Stephen R. Bernstein
Honorary Fund. The fund will
help support a variety of Hillel
initiatives, including basketball
and the intramural sports pro-
Elliot Spoon, president of MSU
Hillel's board of directors, and
board member Don Rudick were
event chairs. ❑

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