bat mitzvah project of a Relay for Life kids' team keeps Haley Nathan and Rachel Hollander at the 2007 West Bloomfield Relay for Life W hen preparing for a b'nai mitz- vah, most teens go through the same pro- cess of deciding which proj- ect to do. Little did I know my mitzvah project would begin by being woken up and dragged out of bed early one Sunday morning to be a part of my first Re- lay For Life. Relays like this raise money for the Ameri- can Cancer Society. As I walked the track of West Bloomfield High School on that morning in June 2006, I noticed that all the teams were organized, run and sponsored by adults. Also, I thought of my friend, Haley Nathan of West Bloomfield, who was diagnosed with rab- domyosarcoma cancer the previous summer at age 6. Haley went through endless weeks of chemotherapy and radiation; her fighting spirit and determination inspired me to create my own relay team as my mitzvah project. This would be no ordinary team. It would be a team cre- ated, operated and supported by kids and teens to be called Kids Conquering Cancer. Fast forward to June 2010. Kids Conquering Cancer completed its fourth Relay for Life. Each year, our team grows in size and spirit. This year, we had more than 300 children, teens and adults proudly walking the track in our turquoise T-shirts. From toddlers to teens, we sold ice cream, made friendship brace- lets, promoted a healthy cancer-free lifestyle and Kids walked mile after mile to Conquering raise money to fight this Cancer horrible disease. Throughout the day, my friends and I deco- rated luminary bags as a way to honor and re- member those who have been touched by cancer. (I don't understand why everyone says "touched" by cancer. I feel that is too gentle of a word. What about "beat up"?) As the sun set, the atmosphere around the track changed from joy- ous to solemn as the lu- minary ceremony com- menced. We walked the At the 2009 West Bloomfield Relay for Life: Haley Nathan, 10, Rachel Hollander, 14, track in silence, watch- Ally Nathan, 6, Ari Hollander, 11, and Andrew Nathan, 10 ing the candles flicker in each bag. I think about the memories I have of those skiing trip Up North last win- ey, Kids Conquering Cancer who have died from cancer ter with Haley and her family, team members are always en- and the memories that I have we all designed and decorated thusiastic and optimistic. We created from being involved buttons that would be sold at have been recognized each year by receiving the Best Relay. in Relay for Life. At Relay For Life this year Team Spirit Award. Relay for Life is always a Kids Conquering Cancer is meaningful 24 hours, but this as I displayed those buttons to year, the significance and im- sell, I kept looking at the ones proof that the meaningfulness portance increased. Six weeks that Haley created. I realized of a mitzvah project can be in- before the 2010 Relay, Haley that in the end, cancer may tensified when it is extended died after a long, hard-fought have taken Haley from us, but past your b'nai mitzvah. A battle with cancer. She had the her spirit will never be taken mitzvah project can grow into something that can inspire spirit of an 11-year-old, but from Relay. Over four years, Kids Con- others and that will stay with was wise beyond her years. quering Cancer raised more you the rest of your life. } Haley taught me the value of celebrating life and living ev- ery day to the fullest. To prepare for Relay, Hal- ey, her siblings Andrew and Ally, my brother Ari and I spent countless hours plan- ning, decorating posters and than $47,000 for the Ameri- can Cancer Society. It is excit- ing to see that what started out as a simple mitzvah project has grown into one of the top fundraising teams at the West Bloomfield Relay for Life. Rachel Hollander, 15, is a sophomore at Harrison High In Farmington Hills.