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July 08, 2010 - Image 46

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2010-07-08

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Recipes from page P12

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime


2 pounds ground sirloin
2 teaspoons kosher or coarse sea salt
1/2 cup prepared Jerk Marinade
(recipe above)
6 cored fresh pineapple rings, 1/2-inch
6 jalapeno buns, split

Prepare a medium-hot fire in a char-
coal grill with a cover, or preheat a gas
grill to medium high.
To make the mayonnaise, combine
the ingredients in a small bowl and mix
well. Cover and refrigerate until assem-
bling the burgers.
To make the salsa, combine all the
ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
To make the marinade, combine all
the ingredients in a food processor and
blend until finely minced and mixed
To make the patties, combine the
beef, salt and 1/2 cup of marinade in a
large bowl. (The rest of the marinade
will be used for grilling.) Handling the
meat as little as possible to avoid com-
pacting it, mix well. Form the mixture
into 6 equal patties to fit the buns.
Brush the grill rack with vegetable
oil. Place the pineapple rings on the
rack. Brush with reserved marinade
and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Turn the
rings, brush with marinade again and
cook until heated through, another 2 to
3 minutes. Remove from the grill and
cover with aluminum foil to keep warm
until assembling the burgers.
Place the patties on the rack and
brush with marinade. Cover and cook,
turning once and brushing with mari-
nade, until done to preference, about 5
minutes per side for medium. During
the last few minutes of cooking, place
the rolls, cut-side down, on the outer
edges of the rack to toast lightly.
To assemble the burgers, lightly
spread the mayonnaise over the cut sides
of the buns. On each bun bottom, place
a pineapple ring, a patty and salsa. Add
the bun tops and serve. Serves 6.

P 1 4 •

JULY 2010 •

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The lime that is native to India and
Malaysia and is now known as key
or Mexican lime made its way to the
Caribbean via Spanish settlers. Long
cultivated in Florida, these uniquely
fragrant little fruits are now shipped
all over and can be found in many
supermarkets or Latin markets. Look
for those that are turning yellow, as the
green ones are very tart. If key limes are
unavailable, commonly available Persian
limes (sold simply as "limes" in super-
markets) are a much better substitute
than bottled key lime juice. If you're
worried about the presence of salmo-
nella in raw eggs, use pasteurized eggs.


Enjoy shots of this zesty soup while
the burgers are on the grill. Instead of
chopped vegetables, top the shooters

4 egg yolks
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened con-
densed milk (not evaporated
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice,
preferably key or Mexican lime
2 tablespoons finely grated fresh
lime zest
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups crushed crisp sugar or coco-
nut cookies (6.75-ounce package)
6 thin lime slices, for garnish

Place the egg yolks in a bowl and

with a bit of freshly pickled cucumbers.

Pickled Cucumbers
1/2 cup peeled, seeded, and diced
(1/8 inch) cucumbers
1/4 cup unseasoned rice vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon minced fresh basil

whisk until pale yellow. Add the milk,
juice and zest and whisk until smooth.
Cover and refrigerate until set, about 4
hours or overnight.
Pour the cream into a bowl and beat
with a whisk or an electric mixer just
until the cream begins to thicken. Add
the sugar and vanilla and continue to
beat just until the cream holds its shape
well; be very careful not to over-beat if
using an electric mixer.
Layer the cookie crumbs, lime pud-
ding and cream into 6 (6-ounce) glass-
es, dividing evenly. Refrigerate until
ready to serve, at least 1 hour.
Garnish with the lime slices and
serve chilled. Serves 6.


2 pounds vine-ripened tomatoes,
cored and coarsely chopped
6 tablespoons coarsely chopped
green onions, including green

Recipes on page P16

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