iN DETROIT JEWISH i,EWS Mazel Tor) To All 2010 Grads! une 17, 2010 / 5 Tammuz 5770 Frankel Jewish Academy students Matt Weisberg, Josh Schostak, Hannah Cohen, Rachel Margolin and Blake Orman take a moment of reflection at the ruins of Blrkenau concentration camp in Poland. marching in solidari March of the Living shows teens the importance of "Never Again." by Rachel Margolin and Blake Orman W e were freezing. The rain dripped down our blue rain ponchos; the feeling of numbness traveled through our toes, and still we could not imagine stand- ing without our rain jackets, without shoes and without an identity. The weather perfectly mimicked the mood for our first encounter of the horrors of the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps operated by Nazi Germany in Poland. As we walked un- der the replica gate that read "Arbeit Macht Frei" (the original was stolen by a Holocaust denier and recovered, but is still under repair), I held the hand of Gertrude "Trudy" Album, who stood in that exact same place as a prisoner almost 70 years ago. Blake and I were overcome with emotion with the great responsibility that was placed upon us at that very moment. With more of a museum feel than we anticipated, Auschwitz held hundreds of thousands of shoes, suit- cases and Jewish ritual prayer items — each its own story. At Birkenau, we used personal reflection time to roam the ruins of once-standing barracks and gas chambers. In one of the bar- racks still standing on the men's side of camp, Trudy told her experience to the 100 members of the BBYO delega- tion of March of the Living (April 8- 22). We returned to Auschwitz and Birkenau for a second time; this time with the sun emerging through the clouds, with more than 10,000 other people, mostly students, from around the world. We held our friends' hands this time as we marched in protest of the "Final Solution." Though Hitler thought he could rid the world of the Jewish people, we stood, hand in hand, showing that the Jewish people are alive and thriving. Being back in the death camp in solidarity with the Jew- ish people to celebrate life instead of death made us feel extremely proud. Our travels through Poland con- continued on page TT4 teen2teen June 17.2010 TT1