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June 03, 2010 - Image 82

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2010-06-03

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84, of Bloomfield, died
May 29, 2010.
He was a general
litigation attorney for
General Motors Corp.
Mr. Ansell is survived
by his wife, Marjory
Ansell; son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Richard and Evie Ansell;
daughter and son-in-law, Amy and Jim
Ansell Statman; grandchildren, Kelly,
Jenny, Julia, Sadie and Muriel; sister and
brother-in-law, Rita and Carl Frankel;
nieces and nephews.
He was the loving brother of the late
Archie Ansell, the lat e David Ansell and
the late Muriel Ansell.
Contributions may be made to National
Council of Jewish Women, 26400 Lahser
Road, #306, Southfield, MI 48033, www.
ncjwgds.org; or Autism Speaks, 2 Park
Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY
10016, www.autismspeaks.org/donate.
Arrangements by Ira Kaufman Chapel.

KALMAN BARGMAN, 98, of Madison
Heights, died May 25, 2010.
He is survived by his sister, Tanya Roth
of Petosky; sister-in-law, Pearl Bargman
of Huntington Woods; many loving nieces
and nephews.
Contributions may be made to a charity
of one's choice. Services and interment at
Workmen's Circle Cemetery—B'nai Jacob.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

GLORIA BERKOWITZ, 84, of West Palm
Beach, Fla., died May 26, 2010.
She is survived by her daughters and
sons-in-law, Jackie and Fred Friedman of
South Lyon, Paula Horowitz of Farmington
Hills, Gayle and Steven Wohlman of
Bloomfield Hills; sister and brother-in-law,
Aileen and Harvey Kleiman of Bingham
Farms; sisters-in-law and brothers-in-

law, Jack and Reya Horowitz, Passie and
Perry Shulman, Phyllis and Martin Abel;
grandchildren, Michelle Friedman, Lisa
Friedman, Jason Smith, Melissa Smith;
nieces and nephews; great-nieces and
Mrs. Berkowitz was the beloved wife of
the late Marty Horowitz and the late Fred
Berkowitz; dear sister-in-law of the late
Bill and the late Betty Horowitz, the late
Alvin and the late Helen Horowitz.
Contributions may be made to JARC,
30301 Northwestern Highway, Farmington
Hills, MI 48334. Services and interment
at Oakview Cemetery in Royal Oak.
Arrangements by Hebrew Memorial

HERBERT CARSON, 94, of Farmington
Hills, died May 28, 2010.
He was a residential real estate agent.
Mr. Carson is survived by his sons and
daughters-in-law, Robert M. and Maxine
Carson of Bloomfield Hills, Charles G.
and Carrie Carson of Oakland; daughter,
Gail Finney of Minnesota; grandchildren,
Stephen and Lauren Carson, Amy and
Jeffrey Schlussel, Sarah Carson, Jacqueline
Carson, Jill and Jon Measells, Stephanie
and Stanley Barton and Andrew and Gina
Finney; great-grandchildren, Sabrina
and Tony Carson, Jacob, Lindsay and
Mia Schlussel, Olivia and Noah Measells,
Lily and Simon Barton, Max, Jordan and
Serena Finney; sister, Shirley Keller.
He was the beloved husband of the late
Loraine Carson; the dear brother of the
late Sol Cohen.
Interment at Machpelah Cemetery.
Contributions may be made to Jewish
Hospice and Chaplaincy Network, 6555 W
Maple, West Bloomfield, MI 48322, www.
jewishhospice.org. Arrangements by Ira
Kaufman Chapel.



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June 3 • 2010


May 26, 2010, after a tough battle with a
brain tumor. He had a gregarious person-
ality and seemed to know somebody no
matter where he went.
Mr. Dolnick was born on Dec, 7,1932, in
Detroit to Sam Dolnick and Bertha Leah
Hasnas Dolnick. He grew up and was edu-
cated in the Detroit Public School System.
He graduated from Detroit Central High
School in 1951.
Mr. Dolnick then served four years in
the United States Air Force from 1952-
1956, which included a year tour of duty at
Thule Air Base in Greenland.
After the military, he went to work sell-
ing office machines and insurance. After
that, he spent 11 years in retail dairy
distribution (milkman) and then the last
35 years in electronic component distribu-
Buzz lived for sports and was especially
fond of youth sports. He was a terrific coach
and did so for 15 years in the Glendale,
Calif., area, coaching girl's softball (Little
League and CSA), baseball (CSA) and AYSO
soccer for both boys and girls.
In addition to his children, Dave
Dolnick and Janis Greene of Thousand
Oaks, Calif., Mr. Dolnick is survived by his
granddaughter Emma Greene; sister and
brother-in-law, Marion and Bernie Litt of
West Bloomfield; nieces and cousins from
California to New Jersey. He is also sur-
vived by the love of his life, Kathie Kenney,
and her children, Elizabeth and Clinton.

of Eau Claire, Wis., died
May 21, 2010.
She cherished her
marriage and family. She
also enjoyed many close
friendships during her
life. She was thoughtful
and generous to others,
c. 1943
loved travel, reading,
bridge, movies, theater, television and all
card games. She will be dearly missed.
Mrs. Fredson is survived by her son,
Robert Fredson of Phoenix, Ariz.; daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Shelley Fredson
and Maury Pasternack of Eau Claire;
grandchildren, Erica Fredson and Bianca
Pasternack; many loving nieces, nephews,
other family members and friends.
Mrs. Fredson was the beloved wife of
the late Al Fredson.
Interment at the Hebrew Memorial Park
Cemetery in Mt. Clemens. Contributions
may be made to the Northwest Wisconsin
Homecare Hospice. Arrangements by
Dorfman Chapel.

Davison, Mich., died May 28, 2010.
He is survived by his beloved wife,
Dianne Eisenshtadt; daughters and sons-
in-law, Kimberly and Scott Young, Susan
and Stan Hall, Amy and John Nowyorkas;
brothers and sisters-in-law, Jeffery and
Julie Fellows, Timothy and Tammy
Fellows; sister, Joan Eisenshtadt; grand-
children, Megan, Nicholas, Jonathan, Jacob,

PEARL GORMAN, 83, of Oak Park, died
May 28, 2010.
She is survived by her daughters and
sons-in-law, Barbara and David Goldman
of West Bloomfield, Elizabeth and Jeffrey
Rosenbaum of West Bloomfield; sons and
daughter-in-law, Bruce and Judy Gorman
of Livonia and Brian Gorman of Oak Park;
grandchildren, Amanda Gorman, Matthew
Gorman, Hallie (Bryan) Steckler, Jodie

Diesel and Abby. Also survived by a world
of other devoted friends and family.
Mr. Eisenshtadt was the dear son of
the late Frances and the late Norman
Interment at Meadowview Memorial
Gardens in Davison. Contributions may
be made to a charity of one's choice.
Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel.

The Family of the Late

Saul Waldman

announces the unveiling of
a monument in his memory
at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 6, 2010
at Clover Hill Cemetery
Rabbi Eric Yanoff will be officiating.
Friends and Family are invited to attend.

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