t./141iv Grad bike Lve .st BMX It Showy Spirituality TORAH PORTION An Open Invitation To Visit A Synagogue Parshat Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23; Ezekiel 44:15-31. At the 19301 fBetween-Evergreen & Skouthielld p 1:30 pm Cl#1drens rally 2:00 pm-Bike stunt show 2:45 pm-A great carnival 4:00 pm Grand Itsffle f Ps;TC;7110 11. /10 available for purekase for more information log on to www.CitabacH3ingitatrifarms.c om a project of Chabad of Bingham Farms in conjunction with Yeshivas Lubavitch JN Community Forum Featured Blogger: Set aside time on Shabbat for an appointment with God. Meet Rabbi Jason Miller ❑ His blog is about sports, technology, politics, pop culture, and current events all through a Jewish perspective. Read his latest blog at: http://thejewishnews.com/community Check out his recent blog: Living in a Post-Denominational World 1567310 46 arshat Emor munity together. The Jewish begins with laws Encyclopedia translates pertaining to the Ohel Mo'ed as the "'tent of priesthood (Leviticus 21 mutual appointment, that & 22). The 23rd chapter is, [the] place of meeting?' of Leviticus is the festival All too often, people have calendar. We find descrip- complained to me that they tions of holidays in various were not welcome in a con- places in the Torah, but the gregation because they were calendar in Leviticus 23 is not wealthy. I have heard the most complete. people tell me that they Rabbi Amy B. It begins with the weekly would have liked to become Bigman day of rest, Shabbat, and Jewish, but were told that Special to the includes the pilgrimage they had to be born Jewish Jewish News festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, and could not convert to and Sukkot) as well as what Judaism. we now know as the High Holidays or I would not want to be part of a the Days of Awe (Yamim Nora'im). The congregation or a religion that didn't 24th chapter contains a variety of laws. welcome people. Indeed, we are told in The calendar found in Leviticus the Torah numerous times to welcome 23 begins with the words "The Lord the stranger, to welcome those who spoke to Moses, say- feel or perceive them- ing: 'Speak to the selves as unwelcome. Israelite people and Perhaps that is why say to them: These I prefer the transla- are My fixed times, tion of mo'ed as an the fixed times of the appointment: We Lord, which you shall make appointments proclaim as sacred all the time — with occasions." The word our doctors, with our that is translated into clients, with our rab- English as "fixed time," mo'ed, can also bis. All we have to do is pick up the be translated as "appointment." telephone and make an appointment. We could now translate the text So, too, with God: all we have to do as follows: "... These are My appoint- is make an appointment. Set aside ments, the appointments of the Lord, time on Shabbat for an appointment which you shall proclaim as sacred with God. Come worship with your occasions." Jewish family at the synagogue of This sounds more like God is invit- your choice. Study the weekly par- ing us in rather than commanding us. shah with a friend. Judaism is easily Rather than looking at the holy days accessible. and festivals as fixed times, as times where duty compels us to come to the Amy Bigman is a rabbi at Congregation synagogue or to partake of certain tra- Shaarey Zedek in East Lansing. ditions in our homes, we should look at this as an invitation. God is inviting us to return to God, to our people, and to our traditions, Conversations even if we may have absented our- How many people do you know selves from them previously. We may who are waiting for an invitation not have stepped foot in a synagogue to return to the synagogue? recently, yet there is God inviting us to What can you do to make come back in. newcomers feel more welcome Indeed, our Torah tells us of the at your synagogue? Ohel Mo'ed ("Tent of Meeting") which our ancestors built to bring the com-