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November 12, 2009 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-11-12

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Caring. Helping. Mental Illness.


Caring, Helping, Mental Illness.




Sandi Tamaroff — President
Ted Wagner — Vice-President
Dan Serlin — Vice-President
Lita Zemmol — Vice-President
Jim Miller — Treasurer
Julie Zussman - Secretary
Richard Ludwig
Jim Schmidt, PhD


Laura Adler
Janet Aronoff*
Jerome Bookstein
Bobbi Gordon
Richard Herman*
Gail Katz *
Brian Kolender, MD
D. Michael Kratchman*
Todd Kroll
Sissi Lapides
Phyllis Levitt
Jennifer Lewis
Joy Nachman
Kenneth A. Nathan*
Jo Elyn Nyman
Rhoda Raderman*
Arlene Redfield
Nancy Reed
Eli Saulson
Eugene Schoener, PhD
Merle Schwartz*
Phyllis Schwartz
Howard Serlin
Rabbi Rachel Shere
Gail Stewart-Berman*
Robin Tobin
Lois Zussman
Richard Zussman*
*Past Presidents

Janette Shallal, LMSW, ACSW

Executive Director

Nancy Stein, LMSW, ACSW

Clinical Director

To quote "Hey
Jude" by the Beatles,
"remember to let
them into your heart,
then you can start to
make it better, better,
1 better!" Kadima's
25th anniversary
was celebrated at
our annual benefit
held at the Max M.
Fisher Music Center.
The group, Beatlemania, was the featured
entertainment and music from the Beatles era
still resonates today.
We were proud to honor Ann and Norman
Katz, long-time supporters of Kadima. Ann
spoke of a family member who was diagnosed
with schizophrenia as a college student. Ann s
fated, "There was no organization like Kadima
years ago and I have wondered if there were,

Kadima celebrated its
25th anniversary at our annual fall

benefit with "Twist and Shout: The Ultimate
Beatles Revue" on September 22nd. A
crowd of more than 1,000 people danced in
their seats to the Beatles look-alike, sound-
alike cast at the Max M. Fisher Music Center.
Singing along to "Let it Be" and "Hey Jude"
made for great entertainment for people of
all ages. The event raised critical funding for
Kadima's programs and services.


Kadima continues to offer a monthly
support group for parents of children with
behavioral and emotional issues. The group
meets the fourth Tuesday of every month and
there is no fee for this service.

For information contact
Lisa Kaufman
248.559.8235, ext. 104


Kadima's Sunday brunch program, generously
funded by NCJW, provides a variety of
stimulating activities for Kadima clients.
The following activities are scheduled.

November 15th- Brunch and trip to Royal Oak Flea Market
December 6th- Chanukah brunch and Detroit Repertory Theater
December 20th- Brunch and activity

would my family member be a functional
individual in our community?"
Board member, Jo Elyn Nyman, spoke
of a large population of children and
young adults with mental, emotional,
behavioral or substance abuse disorders
that are misunderstood, misdiagnosed and
mistreated. Jo Elyn continued, "The way
it is right now, these children are falling
through the cracks and Kadima is ready to
develop programming for children and young
adults". A family involved with Kadima's
Parent Support Advocacy Group discussed
their personal story. Their child had been
misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Kadima
offered this family hope and gave them
needed guidance and services to help their
family move forward.
Kadima's Biennial Educational Conference
offered insight into childhood mental illness.
Gail Katz, immediate past-president of

The program included a welcome by
President, Sandi Tamaroff and recognition
of Ann and Norman Katz, benefit honorees
and long-time Kadima supporters. Ann is
a Kadima board member and Norm and
Ann donated a Kadima residential home.
Jo Elyn Nyman, a Kadima board member,
spoke of the increasing need for Kadima
to provide children's services for children
diagnosed with serious and chronic
emotional disabilities. A family receiving
services at Kadima shared their story about
how Kadima's Family Advocacy Support
Group has helped them successfully
navigate the educational and mental health
systems to receive necessary services.
Following the program, the cast of "Twist
and Shout" joined guests at an afterglow in
the atrium where everyone mingled, took
pictures and had a wonderful evening.

Biennial Conference

On Friday, October 23, 2009, Kadima hosted its Biennial
Educational Conference at Oakland Community College in
Auburn Hills. The conference, titled "Children and Young
Adults Struggling with Emotional Disorders: Using Challenges to
Foster Hope", provided the almost 200 attendees (mental health
professionals, educators and parents of children with serious
mental health disabilities) with morning workshops, afternoon
breakout sessions and a panel presentation.
Keynote speaker, Dr. Demitri Papolos, author of The Bipolar
Child and practicing psychiatrist, presented two morning
workshops that focused on "Childhood-Onset Bipolar Disorder:
Under-Diagnosed, Under-Treated and Under-Discussion
- Diagnostic Conundrums and A Dimensional Approach to
Diagnosis". The five afternoon breakout sessions, each with a
professional speaker, offered attendees research and information
on children with serious emotional disabilities. The afternoon
culminated with a panel presentation consisting of speakers
from various ethnic communities within the metro Detroit area
who presented on "Mental Health Issues and Challenges Facing
Metro Detroit's Diverse Communities". The conference was well
received from those in attendance.

Kadima and a dedicated committee created a
successful and well-attended conference. Dr.
Demitri Papolos, the guest presenter, spoke
to an audience of therapists, educators and
family members. During the questions and
answers segment of the conference, attendees
were moved by the personal stories of parents
whose children faced issues of stigma often
associated with mental illness.
Kadima has always had the vision to "let
them into our hearts", but without your help
and support we alone can not make lives
better. We are blessed with the support of
our community and we will continue to grow
to meet the needs of children and adults with
chronic mental disabilities.

Ann & Norman Katz, benefit honorees

Katz Family

Save the Date

Ninth Annual Kadima
Golf Classic
Monday, July 19, 2010
Franklin Hills Country Club

For more information contact Paula

Schonberg (PaulaS@KadimaCenterorg),




Wish List

Stoves • Refrigerators • Dishwashers
Microwaves • Washers • Dryers


See all that is happening and make tributes on line at www.kadimacenter.org . You can also contact us at kadimaplus 2ms.ttcom.

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