Opinion A MIX OF IDEAS Editorials are posted and archived on JNonline.us . Domestic Violence Greenberg's View THE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T EXIST. GAYS IN IRAN MEANINGFUL OPPOSITION DON'T TO MY EXIST. ELECTION DOES NOT EXIST. I n January 1993, I began a journey of and dangerous responses to her behaviors. discovery by being in the right place People ask, "Why doesn't she leave?" at the right time. The answer to that question is complex As part of the requirements for my and involves a dramatic increase in risk of master's degree in social work, I was physical violence at her leaving or threat placed in the Windows Program at Jewish of leaving. The real question is, "If he is so Family Service for my clinical internship. unhappy with her, why doesn't he leave?" It was there that I first heard the The stories are haunting. stories of women for whom life They are all so similar and was frightening. yet each has their own sense These women's lives were of individuality. Many of the dominated by their husband's women I work with do not controlling behaviors. Most of identify as being abused or the women I worked with were even as a victim. Most seek not victims of physical abuse; help because they want better however, all of them were vic- lives. tims of coercive control. They think that if they could Coercive control is a dynamic improve themselves, that their Ellen in which one person systemati- husbands would be nicer to Yashinsky cally removes another person's them. If they could lose 10 Chute individual freedoms. It is pounds, if they would make Community accomplished through intimi- better dinners, if they could View dation, isolation, physical viola- keep the house cleaner, that tion and domination, which are things would improve. all connected to the woman's own shame Unfortunately, what many of them find and guilt. is that as they do improve, the coercive The education for me in working with control becomes worse, culminating in the these women was how each of them saw most dangerous of controlling behaviors themselves as to blame for their partner's at her hint of independence. actions. Each person in these relationships For almost 20 years, Jewish Family feels victimized by the other. He is a vic- Service has provided service to the vic- tim of her failure to do things "right" and tims of domestic abuse in our Windows she is a victim of his controlling, hurtful Program. We provide therapy, concrete OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS 7,411*P - a••• ■ PROGRAM CERTAINLY AND DOESN'T ALLAH EXIST! WILLING. ONCE IT'S DEVELOPED, ISRAEL WON'T EXIST. services such as financial assistance and, in partnership with the National Council of Jewish Women/Greater Detroit Section's Safe Place, a kosher, single-family domes- tic violence shelter. Safe Place offers a refuge for 90 days, free of charge, for one family at a time to be safe and create a plan for the future. Since its inception in 1993, all of the residents of Safe Place have been women, except for one man who, with his children, used our shelter to escape the violence at home. The vast majority of our Safe Place clients have returned home after their stay at the shelter, but have returned knowing that they have a Safe Place if they need it. We know, statistically, that domestic abuse occurs in the same proportion in Jewish families as it does in the general community. We also know that it occurs equally across socioeconomic divisions and across denominational sectors. The controlling behaviors may change based on income or level of religious obser- vance, but the coercive control remains constant. Unfortunately, as hard as we have worked for nearly 20 years, the need for Safe Place still exists. We have come to understand the need for change at the community level in order to increase safety for our families. Our Detroit Jewish community has come together with the creation of the Jewish Coalition against Domestic Abuse (JCADA), a community coalition of more than 30 Jewish commu- nal agencies and dedicated lay leaders. too, until Bill decided to cut me down. "What are you playing at:' he said. "Everything is going your way. If you don't understand that you sure don't understand much." I never tried that again. There were poker games at his home on the east side, with his big booming laugh bursting across the summer night. Then it was graduation and we started on our careers. Somehow, though, the promis- es Bill thought had been made to him never materialized. There was no job for a black guy in his late 30s with a brand new journalism degree. Not at Parke-Davis, and certainly not at the Detroit dailies. We heard that his marriage had ended and he'd moved into an apartment. Then we heard that someone had found his body in the room after several days. It appeared to be an overdose of something. We attended the funeral at the House of Diggs and the minister said "The love of the Lord is like lemonade on a summer day and how our brother William loved lemonade." We thought if Bill could have heard that, he would have popped up and hit the guy right in the nose. Then the whole gang of us went for drinks, angrily denouncing an unjust world. And as the years went by, Bill became a fading wisp of memory. Occasionally, however, on autumn days like the one we met, I have a quick flash of his smile. He is pointing back at the Big Horns through his car's rear window, rid- ing hopefully ahead to the future, trying desperately to connect. "Look!" he is saying. "Look at that!" Domestic Violence on page 32 Reality Check The Long Sunset B ill wandered into the Daily Collegian offices one autumn afternoon and said he wanted to be a reporter. He was quite a bit older than the rest of us, having served two stints in the Navy. But he was determined to get a journalism degree and start a new career. He worked for Parke-Davis in what sounded like a senior custodial job, but apparently there had been promises that if he got a degree at Wayne State in Detroit, there could be a place for him at entry- level public relations. It would have been a good fit. Bill was bright, funny and had a solid grasp of what matters. He was also black and since there were no other minorities on the reporting staff of the Collegian, we thought it was a great deal to have him working with us. Through afternoons at the Alcove Bar and the copy desk, he told us about growing up in rural poverty in Alabama. About coming to Detroit and marrying too young. About trying to keep it togeth- er with his wife while in the Navy. About reading during much of his time at sea and developing a hunger to know more. When his service ended, he and his wife left the base in San Francisco and started driving home. Late one afternoon, as the sun was setting behind the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, he nudged his wife awake to see it. "Look at that!" he said. "Look at what:' she responded. He said that right then he began to feel a hollow- ness in his stomach. It was the early '60s, when it was fash- ionable for young men to display a certain alienation or disaffection from the cur- rents of daily life. I was quite good at it, George Cantor's e-mail address is gcantor614@aol.com . October 15 • 2009 29