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August 06, 2009 - Image 28

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-08-06

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Synagogues from page 27

Pray Up North
Congregation Beth El of Traverse
City, the oldest synagogue build-
ing in continuous use in Michigan
since 1885, will hold Shabbat ser-
vices weekly throughout the sum-
mer at 7:30 p.m. Fridays.
The historic synagogue is located
at 311 Beth El Way off Washington
St. behind the Park Place Hotel in
downtown Traverse City. Services
will be conducted by Rabbi Albert
Lewis or congregant Andy Beider.
Visitors are always welcome.
For information call (231) 946-
1913 or visit the Web site at www.

Judaica To Watch

Congregation Beth Ahm in West
Bloomfield will launch its newest
drop-in lifelong learning series, fea-
turing video and DVD lectures on
Jewish history, holidays, culture, art,
and philosophy, every Wednesday,
1-3 p.m., starting Aug. 12.
"Yom Revi'i @ The Movies" will
include screenings of programs
originally broadcast on PBS, videos
of local adult education lectures by
Professor Howard Lupovitch and
Rabbi Eric Grossman (with the
permission of Congregation B'nai
Moshe in West Bloomfield, the
original sponsor for those lectures),
and DVDs of Teaching Company
courses on Jewish subjects.
This is a free, drop-in pro-
gram. Beth Ahm's Teen Lounge
will double as the weekly Judaica
Cinematheque for the series.
For information, call Nancy
Kaplan, (248) 737-1931, or e-mail
nancyellen879@att.net .

Survivor Witnesses

Father Patrick Desbois, author of
The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest's
Journey to Uncover the Truth
Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million
Jews will be in Metro Detroit to
conduct interviews with Holocaust
survivors who witnessed or have
information about Nazi mass
killings and mass graves in the
Ukraine, Belarus or in the former
Soviet Union.
The dates are Saturday-Sunday,
Aug. 22-23. Translators will be
For information, contact Naum
and Esther Layer, (248) 827-
1759, elupyan77@gmail.com ; or
Rene Lichtman, (248) 932-1834,
Holocaustchild@comcast.net .


associate: Keren Packman Alpert.
Cantorial soloist: Rachel G. Kalmowitz.
Services: Friday 6 p.m. Saturday, 10:30
a.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Friday, Marilyn
Gutmann will speak. Saturday, Phyllis
Loewenstein will read Torah.

48323, (248) 661-0040. Rabbi: Norman T.
Roman. Rabbi emeritus: Ernst J. Conrad.
Soloist: Tiffany Green, Services: Friday 6
p.m.; Saturday 10:30 a.m. Friday, August
birthday blessings.

Temple Beth El (Flint)

1924 Coolidge, East Lansing 48823, (517)
351-3570. Rabbi: Amy Bigman. Rabbi
Emeritus: Morton Hoffman. Cantorial solo-
ist: Pamela Schiffer. Services: Friday 8 p.m.
(7 p.m on the second Friday of the month),
Saturday 9 a.m.

5150 Calkins, Flint, 48532, (810) 720-
9494. Rabbi: Karen Companez. Cantorial
soloist: Aleksander Chernyak. Services:
Friday 8 p.m. unless the first Friday of the
month; call for details; High Holiday ser-
vices; lvriah religious and Hebrew school.
Web: templebethelflint.org .

Temple Beth El (Midland)

2505 Bay City Road, Midland, 48642.
Lay service twice monthly. Contact Stuart
Bergstein, (989) 835-4822.

Temple Beth Emeth

2309 Packard, Ann Arbor, 48104, (734)
665-4744. Rabbi: Robert D. Levy. Chazzan:
Ann Zibelman Rose. Services: Friday
5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat, 6:45 p.m. Family
Shabbat, 7:30 p.m. Shabbat services.
Saturday 9:30 a.m. chapel service (lay
lead), 10 a.m. sanctuary service.

Beth Isaac Synagogue

2730 Edsel Dr., Trenton, 48183, (734)
675-0355. Services: Friday 7:30 p.m.
Congregational leaders conduct services
throughout the year.

Temple Beth Israel

801 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson 49202,
(517) 784-3862. Rabbi: Jonathan V. Plaut.
Rabbi emeritus: Alan Ponn. Cantorial solo-
ist: Clara Silver. President: David Cwynar.
Services: Friday 8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.
the first Saturday of the month.

Congregation Shaarey Zedek

Temple Shir Shalom

3999 Walnut Lake, West Bloomfield,
48323, (248) 737-8700. Rabbis: Dannel
Schwartz, Michael L. Moskowitz, Daniel
Schwartz. Cantorial soloist: Penny Steyer.
Services: Friday 6:30 p.m. Saturday 10:30
a.m. Saturday baby naming of Nate and
Max Sherman, sons of Sarah and Neil

U M Reform Chavurah


Congregation Shir Tikvah

3900 Northfield Parkway, Troy, 48084,
(248) 649-4418. Rabbi: Arnie Sleutelberg.
Services: Friday 7:45 p.m. Saturday 10
a.m. Friday, Prospective Member Shabbat.
Saturday, Yoga Shabbat.


Petoskey. Rabbinic Intern: Tami Elliott.
Monthly services at 7 p.m. Fridays. Call
Tom Johnson for details, (231) 487-1661.

Pardes Hannah

1715 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids, 49503, (616)
459-5976. Rabbi: Michael A. Schadick.
Services: Friday 6:15 p.m.

Temple Emanu El


14450 W. 10 Mile, Oak Park, 48237, (248)
967-4020. Rabbi: Joseph P. Klein. Cantor:
Darcie Sharlein. Services: Friday 7 p.m.

Temple Israel

5725 Walnut Lake, West Bloomfield,
48323, (248) 661-5700. Rabbis: Harold S.
Loss, Paul M. Yedwab, Joshua L. Bennett,
Marla Hornsten, Jennifer T. Kaluzny.
Cantor: Michael Smolash. Cantorial soloist:
Neil Michaels. Services: Friday 7:30 p.m.
Saturday 10:30 a.m. in the chapel. Monday-
Thursday 7:30 a.m. Sunday 9 a.m. Friday
baby naming, Hayden Shane Frishman,
daughter of Julie and Michael Frishman.
Saturday baby naming of Avery, Devyn and
Zoe Kapeller, daughters of Jennifer and
Scott Kapeller.

Temple Kol Ami

5085 Walnut Lake, West Bloomfield,

JCC, 6600 W. Maple, West Bloomfield,
48322, (248) 661-1000. Director: Marilyn
Wolfe. Alternative cultural Jewish celebra-
tions; secular bar/bat mitzvah ceremonies;
adult programming; cultural Sunday school
from nursery through teen.

Sholem Aleichem Institute

28690 Southfield, Suite 293, Lathrup
Village, 48076, (248) 423-4406.
President: Alva Dworkin. Holiday obser-
vances; Friday night oneg Shabbat; cultural

Workmen's Circle Arbeter Ring

JCC, 15110 W. Ten Mile, Oak Park, 48237,
(248) 432-5677. President: Arlene Frank.
Michigan district director: Ellen R. Bates-
Brackett. Secular and cultural holiday
observances. Shabbes potlucks, bar/bat
mitzvahs, educational and cultural pro-
gramming. Welcoming community, Jewish/
Yiddish culture, social justice.


1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor 48104, (734) 769-
0500. Regular Friday evening services
through the school year. Co-chairs: Shayna
Liberman, Stefanie Albowitz, Edi David,
Rebecca Kamil. Reformchairs07@umich.
edu .

Temple B'nai Israel

Temple Emanuel (Grand Rapids)

Jewish Parents Institute

2010 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, 48104,
(734) 213-8374. Rabbi: Elliot Ginsburg.
Affiliation: Alliance for Jewish Renewal.
Services: Friday night, monthly. Shabbat
morning the second and fourth Saturday
each month. Services are led by the rabbi
and other group leaders.


The Birmingham Temple

28611 W. 12 Mile, Farmington Hills, 48334,
(248) 477-1410. Rabbi: Tamara Kolton.
Services: Friday 7:30 p.m.; monthly family
service 7 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. Shabbat
study. Sunday school, b'nai mitzvah pro-
gram, holiday observances. Rabbi's tish
Sunday 10:30 a.m.

Jewish Cultural Society

2935 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor,
48108-2301, (734) 975-9872. First Friday
Shabbat observances, adult programs,
pre-school. Sunday school, b'nai mitzvah
program, High Holiday observances.


Keter Torah Synagogue

5480 Orchard Lake Road, West
Bloomfield, (248) 681-3665. Services:
Friday at candlelighting. Saturday 9 a.m.,
8 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. Check Web site for
specifics: www.ketertorah.us . President:
Ricky Behar. Hazzanim: David Soleimani,
Avie Benaderet, Isaac Benezra. Eli Rashty.
Gabbai: Mordechai Yehuda.

B'nai David

P.O. Box 251574, West Bloomfield,
48325, (248) 855-5007. Cantor: Ben-
Zion Lanxner. Services: Saturday 9 a.m.
Services held at Hadassah House, 5030
Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield.

Woodward Avenue Shul

25595 Woodward, Royal Oak, 48067,
(248) 399-6265. Directors: Rabbi Chanoch
Hadar and Tamar Hadar. Services: Friday,
5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m.


Fleischman Residence

6710 W. Maple, West Bloomfield, 48322,
(248) 661-2999. Rabbi: Avie Shapiro.
Services: Sunday-Thursday abbreviated
Minchah: 10 minutes before sunset, fol-
lowed by Maariv. Friday and Saturday,
Minchah 5 p.m.; Maariv 6:10 p.m.; Saturday
and Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Call office to confirm

Yeshivat Akiva

21100 W.12 Mile, Southfield, 48076, (248)
386-1625. Services: During the school
year, morning services at 7:30 a.m.; after-
noon services at 2:40 p.m. The community
is invited.

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