i7 V N ISH ITKWS l f: i Don't be lazy get fit and get closer to God. by Avi Buckman hhhhhhhhh!" One of the most common expressions found in my vo- cabulary at this time of the year. School is finally over, and the need for an extended break is so essential that just the thought of summer is an experience of its own. We all have this feeling; freedom from academic respon- sibility is too appealing to clear out of the average high-schooler's head. Unfortunately, looking back on the summers spent at home, I picture myself lying down on the couch watching TV as the windows teem with sunlight. Al- though this confession is usually comforted by, "It's OK, you deserve a break," the reality is shocking. Too many teens spend time sitting around the house as the beautiful summer weather knocks on our doors. Not only is this lazy habit unhealthy, but also Jewish law makes it quite clear that being lazy is an inclination frowned upon by the Torah. Deuteronomy 4:15 commands, V'nishmartem m'od l'nafshoteichem, which often is translated as, "For your own sake, therefore be most careful." The word "nafshoteichem" may eas- ily be translated two different ways: "your soul" or "your body." Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, one of the frontrunners of the Torah U'mada ideology, a combination of traditional Judaism and mod- ern science, expounds on this precise nuance. In his book Horeb, Hirsch explains that one needs to maintain a healthy body for the soul to effectively serve God. From a Jewish perspective, fitness for the sake of devel- oping a beach body is not the ultimate goal; rather, fitness should be a means to improve our soul's connection to God. We should be active in Aidan Altman, 15, a rising junior at FJA, works out on a keeping our lives healthy and machine In the West Bloomfield ICC fitness center. long so that we are capable of doing God's will. For instance, it is very hard to help someone in a wheelchair up the stairs when merely climb- ing the stairs is wearing. Maimonides, one of the greatest Jewish philosophers, thinkers and halachis- ts, gives the average Jewish person a simple approach to fulfilling the Torah's commandment for preserving his or her health. As an experienced physician, Maimonides delineates healthy practices in his code of Jewish law, the Mishnah Torah. The bottom line to his series of healthy practices can be summed up in one word: routine. Every Jewish person should come up with and maintain a certain routine for staying fit. Finding a routine is quite simple; the most obvious part of the routine is hav- ing a balanced diet. We need to be more conscious of what we eat — pick water over pop, skim milk over whole milk, whole wheat over white, chicken breast over red meat. By merely replacing unhealthy foods with better alternatives, Nathan Goldstein, 16, a rising junior at the Frankel Jewish Academy, hits the bag at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield. maintaining health becomes much simpler. Lastly, the summer brings a lot of opportunity to complete the healthy rou- tine. Taking an hour or two walking or jogging outside is a great way to keep the heart pumping and keeping fresh air in the system. For people like me who find walking or jogging slightly monotonous, playing basketball, soccer, Frisbee or just catch with friends is healthy activity. For more amphibious people, swim- ming is an excellent way to exercise most parts of the body, including the most important, the heart. There are so many ways to maintain a good, healthy lifestyle. Now it is up to you to find your healthy routine and stick with it during the summer. God gave our bodies to us as a present; let's thank Him by stay- ing healthy and connecting to Him through His Torah. Avi Buckman, 15, attended the Frankel Jewish Academy In West Bloom- , Anal field and will be a Junior at Yeshiva Atlanta in the fall. teen2teen June 25 • 2009 B1