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May 28, 2009 - Image 33

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-05-28

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staying young

Controlling Your Blood Pressure

magine a weightlifter whose
muscles face the burden of daily
workouts. These muscles will

very high. This is why the disease is
termed the "silent killer." Most are
diagnosed during routine visits to

cal" means. The most effective meth-
od is weight loss. Even modest drops
in weight can have a dramatic effect

soon become bigger, which is
desirable. Unfortunately, when the
heart and blood vessels encounter

doctors' offices. community
screenings or blood dona-
tions. Hopefully. the diag-

on blood pressure. On the
other hand, recent weight
gain can cause an undue

such a load. due to high blood pres-
sure (hypertension), adverse effects
on the body often occur.
High blood pressure is among the

nosis is made early enough
so that the damage has not
yet taken place.
A doctor will look for

rise in pressure.
Avoiding excess salt can

most common chronic diseases that
require repeated visits to the doctor.
Up to one-third of the population car-

evidence of damage to the
body from high blood pres-
sure. A physical examination,

ries this diagnosis. Many people do
not realize they have this problem.
Once given this diagnosis, patients

blood and urine testing, EKG
and echocardiogram (ultra-
sound of the heart) are meth-
ods of uncovering important

must be followed closely for the
remainder of their lives. The goal of

treating hypertension is to avoid the
"organ complications" later on.
Blood pressure, which is actu-

help lower pressure in cer-
tain (salt sensitive) patients.
Other means include smok-

ing cessation, exercise,
stress reduction and avoiding
excess alcohol. In addition,
certain medications such as
stimulants. diet pills and cold

Although many medications exist
that treat hypertension, it is also
important to lower it by "non-medi-

ally the pressure in our arteries,
consists of two numbers. The first
(systolic) represents the peak pres-

medicines can contribute to
high blood pressure.
Medications work in many different

ways. They can relax the heart mus-
cle, dilate the arteries, work on the

brain and rid the body of excess salt.
As hypertension often is silent, the
goal of drugs is to achieve adequate

control at the lowest possible doses,
so that side effects are avoided.
Patients should not feel differently
when they are on the medication.
Often, low doses of multiple drug

combinations are more effective. with
fewer resultant side effects.
Avoiding the ravages of hyperten-
sion would greatly lower the inci-
dence of many serious health prob-

lems. Thus, routine "well" visits to
your doctor are warranted. before we
encounter the irreversible problems

that the disease will trigger.

Dr. Lewis is a primary-care internal

medicine physician at Premier Internists/

Millennium Medical Group PC in Southfield.

uality Car to o

sure from the contraction of the
heart. The second (diastolic) signi-
fies the artery's pressure when the

Our Center offers a safe, convenient
alternative to having your procedure
performed at a hospital

heart is completely relaxed. Control
of both is vitally important to
preservation of health. Ideally, we

should have our systolic pressure
less than 130 and our diastolic less
than 80 (130/80).
Our blood pressure fluctuates

We are a state of the art
Ambulatory Surgery Center

throughout the day in response to
many stimuli, such as excitement,
stress, exercise and certain foods.

Offering the follozving services:

This expected elevated pressure
is not what causes problems.
When blood pressure is high dur-
ing "normal" situations, however,
the harmful results of hypertension

• E.N.T.
• Colon & Rectal

The organs of the body vulner-
able to the effect of persistent high

• Colonoscopy
• Gastroscopy
OGeneral Surgery

blood pressure are the heart (caus-
ing heart attacks and congestive
heart failure), the brain (strokes),
kidneys (renal failure), aorta (aneu-
rysms), eyes (retina damage) and
legs (peripheral arterial disease).

Our physicians
must rneet stringent
credentialing and
privileging criteria to
be a member of the
Medical Staff.

These consequences are due to
either hypertrophy of muscles both
in the walls of the arteries and the
heart, or from injury in the lining of
the arteries from the chronic strain
produced by incessant high pres-

Our professional staff
is highly trained to
provide you with the
highest quality care
during your stay
with us.

Very few people show symp-
toms of hypertension unless it is

e Gynecology
3 Cosmetic Surgery
e Podiatry


West Bloomfield
Ambulatory Surgery
Center, LLC

(248) 406-2400
6900 Orchard Lake Road
Lower Level Suite 100
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
(Across front the Boardwalk)

We are fully
accredited by

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May 28 •2009


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