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May 28, 2009 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2009-05-28

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has an additional dimension in under-
standing this threat': Jasser said.
In 2000, Jasser and like-thinking
Muslims and Jews formed a Muslim-
Jewish dialogue in Phoenix called
the Children of Abraham to discuss
theological similarities and differences
between Judaism and Islam. Brenda
Rosenberg of Bloomfield Hills later
helped form a Detroit chapter.
In the past 10 years, Jasser has
become very close to Jewish mem-
bers of the Children of Abraham.
He counts many of them among his
biggest supporters at the American
Islamic Forum for Democracy: "They
have always told me that what they
appreciate most is the fact that my
criticism of Islamism is born out of a
love for my faith, a close relationship
with God and a desire to leave a tradi-
tion of Islam behind for my children
that is not in conflict with societies,
like America, based in secular liberal

The Hurdles

Debate over political Islam within
the Muslim community will arise in
societies that tolerate and encourage
dissent and questioning of authority
without censorship of any kind. But
Middle Eastern nations are run for the
most part by autocrats and despots
who are either secular Arabists (fas-
cists) or monarchs. Iran is an example
of an Islamist nation that is equally

despotic, but theocratic in nature.
Radical Islam evolved out of the
ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood
in the early 20th century with Sayyid
Qutb and Hassan Al-Banna at the fore.
Through the last century, whether
expressed by the Muslim Brotherhood
or the Wahhabi radicals in Saudi
Arabia, radical Islam has been a coun-
ter response to the fascists in control,
like two heads of the same snake.
"The moderates who are anti-fascist
and anti-Islamist have been lost in the
din of this conflict," Jasser said.
He added, "Until these societies can
begin to foster an intellectual engage-
ment among Islamists, anti-Islamists
and non-Islamists, I cannot see the
regional neighborhood changing
Democratization alone is not the
solution. Elections, influenced by
Arab and Islamist propaganda, have
brought to power Islamists, like
Hamas, who prey on their own people
as well as Zionists and the West.
"Thus we need the establishment
of liberal institutions that can enable
education about minority rights and
the pre-eminence of societies based in
one law over theocracy, over autocracy,
over monarchy and tribalism," Jasser
said. "Until that process begins to hap-
pen, the environment will not change,
but instead move toward short-term
appeasements and long-term stagna-
tion." __

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You have given me so
many reasons to be proud.
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Blue Jeans And Liberty

Meeting Jasser last year con-
Southfield physician who is
vinced Spitzer that Muslims them-
a friend of Dr. Zuhdi Jasser
selves had to want freedom, blue
says there are three pos-
jeans and the American
sible solutions between
way of life.
the West and Islamism:
Spitzer and his wife,
• Nuclear annihilation;
continue to exchange
• Surrender and destruc-
and ideas with
tion of Western civilization;
and work with
• A long-term vic-
promote American
tory of Western ideas over
Forum for
Dr. A. Robert Spitzer
A. Rob ert
cited America's victory
Spitze r
over Communism.
Islam and defeat Islamism from
"We created a 50-year stale-
Spitzer said. "It is vital to
mate," he said. "During this
spread his message."
time, my cousins behind the
It will take years to defeat
Iron Curtain kept asking us to
Islamism, but we must start to sow
send blue jeans. Eventually, the
the seeds now, Spitzer said.
desire for Western blue jeans and
"This is a long-term project and
Western television and movies,
we all need to get behind it," he
and the desire for the good life,
defeated Communism."


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With its contemporary flair and snappy content and visuals,
Platinum has positioned itself in the market to deliver the
Metropolitan Detroit Jewish population to advertisers through
home delivery, street distribution and event attendance.

28 • 2009


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