Thoughts A MONTHLY MIX OF IDEAS George Cantor's Reality Check column will return next week Bond With Israel Today I have to admit it. The only time I really think about Israel Bonds is on Yom Kippur. It's usually because of the per- suasive 10-minute speech about the wonder of Israel Bonds, followed by men at Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills who walk down the aisles, holding their white boxes, waiting for those who are com- mitted to helping Israel, no matter what. I sometimes feel like a child with spin- ach on his plate. Yes, I know it's good for me and great for Israel. But so often, I think that I have too many debts and bills to pay and, besides, I will get to it another time. The problem is: I rarely think about it again until next Yom Kippur. When one of my Israel Bonds came due last October, I determined I would cash it in after the beginning of the year, to avoid paying taxes in 2008. I procrastinated and finally decided to cash it in at the Israel Bond office in Southfield two weeks before Israel Independence Day (Yom HaAtzmaut, April 29). When I sat in the office with Paula Lebowitz, the Israel Bond representative, I looked at the beautiful framed posters of Israel and thought, "Why not now? Why wait for Yom Kippur?" My wife, Judy, and I should reinvest it for our family's future. It's a lot safer than the stock market; I won't have to pay taxes; and I'll get to help Israel for its anniversary, in a time of great peril and need. I felt like Popeye eating a can of spinach. I felt strong and ready to defend Israel myself. It's time to bond with Israel today, not just on the High Holidays. With Iran preparing to join the nuclear age and openly declaring the goal of wiping out Israel, and Israel's other enemies just waiting for the right moments to attack Jews, we simply can't wait any longer Did you know that the Israeli govern- ment has approved a $78 million budget for implementing the reinforcement of exposed civilian structures located within close range of Hamas terrorist rockets launched from Gaza? Israel Bonds help pay for the critical protection of Israeli citizens. Bonds also pay for water supply services, drainage and sewage facilities, power plants, educational institutions, environmental protection and transporta- tion systems. Would you rather invest in the American stock market that has declined over 40 percent in the last year and some- times seems as stable as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? I know. I, like so many other Americans, have felt worn out by the worry and stress about savings and retirement accounts. I realize now that if I had invested most of my savings over the last few years in Israel Bonds, I would have slept wonderfully, gotten a very reasonable return and helped Israel survive, all at the same time. Israel has never defaulted on payment of principal or inter- est since the first bonds were issued in 1951.1 can tell you I would feel a lot safer with money in Israel Bonds than in Citibank. Unfortunately, too many investors in Israel Bonds are Jewish Americans who lived when Israel was born. Now, it is time for the younger generation to act. If you have traveled to Israel for Birthright, buy a bond now. If you have taken your family to Masada and the Western Wall, call 1 (888) 352-6556 or e- mail . If you have never been to Israel and hope to go some day, take a few moments to help your fel- low Jews in Israel be able to keep their country strong. You can give Mazel Tov Bonds for $100 as a bar or bat mitzvah gift, which can help a young Jew pay for college. You Honest Approach To Regionalism 0 n Tuesday, May 5, Detroiters will go to the polls to choose either Dave Bing or interim Mayor Ken Cockrel Jr. as mayor. Even though the campaigning has been somewhat on the dull side, as compared to what Detroit voters have witnessed in elections past, this elec- tion could very well determine the next chapter of regional cooperation in Detroit. Coming on the heels of the failed Cobo Hall deal between the executive and legislative branches of local govern- ment, it is hard to imagine what the next priority issue will be. For there to be regional coopera- tion between Detroit and the suburbs (Oakland County in particular), we must have honest dialogue with regard to how to confront the issues that affect us all. Detroit cannot function indepen- dently, with no input from municipali- ties outside of its boundaries. The city needs all the help it can get to address complex problems dating back decades. That means Detroit needs — in fact, must have — leaders who understand that we can no longer operate with a mindset that sets Detroit up as some sort of island with the wherewithal to "do its own thing." Similarly, Oakland County and its leaders cannot operate in a manner that sends mixed signals regarding their desire for and commitment to regional development (especially when Detroit takes center stage in the discussions). While it is important for Oakland County to articu- late its priorities to this region, it must bear in mind that like Detroit, it cannot operate on its own. The failure of the Cobo Hall deal should teach our leaders an important lesson — that political maneuvering and posturing is the wrong way to conduct business, particularly when there is so much at stake, when one wrong step could be a major setback. Operating with a separat- ist mindset is not an option. Neither are fear, mistrust and double-dealing. Although there has been and will continue to be a cer- tain amount of discomfort, it is nothing less than common sense that we work together. We move forward together or we flounder. can invest $1,000, $5,000 or more for a three-year or five-year savings bond that pays way more than bank money market accounts. You can get paid interest twice a year or at the end of the investment time period, or decide to roll it over when the time comes. There are many options for anyone who believes in the importance of saving for one's financial future as well as the safe, secure future of Israel. I know I'm starting to sound like Jerry Lewis and that many are facing financial hardships, but I really believe everyone can invest something in Israel. Now is the time for every Jew — young, middle-aged and elderly — to celebrate Israel Independence Day with a gift of an Israel Bond. Spinach isn't the right metaphor. Buying Israel Bonds is more like eating kosher matzah ball chicken soup. It's delicious and nutritious; you know you are doing something good for yourself and good for your soul. You will be able to sleep soundly at night, knowing your investments are safe and that your mitzvah is a small step toward preserving the Jewish people. L. Arnie Goldman of Farmington Hills has no affili- ation with Israel Bonds, whose local registered representative is Paula Lebowitz, (248) 352- 6555. Answering Israel's Critics The Charge Palestinian leadership on the West Bank is saying that there will be no progress toward peace without a freeze to Jewish settlement activity there. The Answer Successive Israeli governments have held to a pledge to not build new settlements. The Palestinian Authority needs to stop shouting about settlements and "occupation" and focus on fighting terrorism through reliable security forces, building a thriving economy, and establishing the rule of law. Bankole Thompson is the senior editor/exec- utive editor of the Detroit-based Michigan Chronicle newspaper. He and JN Publisher Arthur Horwitz will periodically write for each other's publication. — Allan Gale, Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit © Jewish Renaissance Media, April 30, 2009 April 30 2009 A29