I This is the second article about how to manage your lower back pain. If you cover your toes and mostly keep your feet dry you just may have some foot tired- haven't read the first newsletter, you can go to our web site www. myompt. ness or soreness after wearing them. In the end you are just a bit more selective corn and click on what's new at OMPT and then click on the newsletter, or you can call us and we will send you a free copy of the newsletter. I about when you choose to wear those shoes. As time goes by and we use our bod- ies there will be changes (for better or worse) in the disc. When these changes n this month's article, we will be talking about what it cause pain and subsequent inflammation it is important means to be loading and unloading the back with our to take steps to manage the loading of the disc. One such daily activities. From the previous article, you should be method is the use of traction or unloading of the spine. Now, when able to identify what influences your pain in terms of making we are talking about traction, we mean methods that are used to it better or worse. Now, it is necessary for you to understand manage how much pressure/shock is going into the disc. Many are some basic anatomy of your lower back. To begin, the spine familiar with the machines that are used to give mechanical trac- consists of a series of bones (vertebra) stacked one on top tion which in some cases can be very helpful. However, at OMPT of another. Between each vertebra is a disc which acts as a Specialists we predominately use other forms of traction: either shock absorber during walking, running and other loaded activities. Along with the facet joints (small joints located be- hind the disc) the disc provides a means whereby the spine is able to bend and twist This article is written by: JOHN KRAUSS PT PHD FAAOMPT, OCS Senior manual physical therapist at OMPT Specialists, Inc. and associate professor at Oakland University in collaboration with OMPT Specialists Inc. therapy staff manual or self traction and/or the AQUA MAC (treadmill un- der water). During manual traction the therapist carefully and spe- cifically tractions or unloads the disc using his/her hands and body. The position, forces and nuances of the traction are specifically tai- Unfortunately, over time, or due to repeated stress, or you lored to the individual patient These positions and forces are then are born with it (i.e. our genetics) the disc loses its flexibility used to teach the patient how to perform self traction. This helps to and may become less able to absorb shocks and allow for smooth spinal bending extend the physical therapy environment and treatment impact beyond the Walls and twisting. Unfortunately there is no sure way to predict how much change will of the clinic and into your particular work or home environment In addition to occur in each individual, and how the change will affect each individual's ability to these manual techniques patients will also be taught to manage spinal positions function with or without pain. Perhaps the best analogy would be to compare the and exercises that may inadvertently stress the disc. In addition patients are taught disc to the sole of a good pair of comfortable shoes. When your shoes are new simple exercises and movements that facilitate their ability to protect and use their they are comfortable to walk in and your feet feel good throughout and at the end disc in as safe way. Finally the goal of these treatments is to provide an optimal en- of a busy day. Unfortunately as time goes by the sole of the shoe begins to dry out vironment for your disc to recover, heal and build tolerance for the social, work and crack and your feet are tired by the end of the day. Your shoes still work, they and recreational activities you want to participate in. If you have further questions or wish to receive a FREE CONSULTATION, please contact us at: OMPT SPECIALISTS, INC. 29255 NORTHWESTERN HWY., SUITE 300, SOUTHFIELD, MI S PEC IA LI STS OVITI-10PMDIC MANUAL T 1-4tt 248-353-1234 or on the web: www.omptspecialists.com and fill out the contact form Look for next month's article about "Why Traction Sometimes Doesn't Help the Back Pain but in Fact May Cause More Symptoms like Nerve Irritation.