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December 11, 2008 - Image 99

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-12-11

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Obituaries are updated and
archived on JNonline.us .

Farmington Hills,
died Dec. 2, 2008.
She was an
active member
for more than
50 years of
B'nai Moshe and was involved with
its sisterhood, book club and many
committees. She was a "Grandma"
at Kendalwood Elementary School
and also an active volunteer with
SAJE. She was also active with Sinai
Guild and the Oakland County
Health Clinic.
Mrs. Behrmann is survived
by her son and daughter-in-law,
William and Jane Behrmann of
Springfield, Va.; daughter and son-
in-law, Rosanne and Dr. Arthur
Cherkinsky of Dewitt, Mich.;
grandchildren, Marcy Behrmann
Frank, Rebecca Behrmann and
Joshua Rubin, Simon Behrmann,
Jeffrey Cherkinsky and Lorri
Cherkinsky; great-grandchildren,
Samuel Jacob Frank, Elana Jean
Frank, Amelie Violette Behrmann
Rubin; sister-in-law, Helen
She was the beloved wife of the
late Jack Behrmann; cherished
sister and sister-in-law of the late
Harry Katzman, the late Gail and
the late Mike Gutin, the late Joseph
Katzman, the late Dorothy and the
late Webster DeClark, the late Hilda
and the late Jack Reed, the late
Nizzette Behrmann, the late Ruth
and the late Samuel Fuhr.
Interment at Machpelah
Cemetery. Contributions may be
made to Congregation B'nai Moshe,
6800 Drake Road, West Bloomfield,
MI 48322, (248) 788-0600, www.
bnaimoshe.org . Arrangements by
Ira Kaufman Chapel.

COLBURN, 90, of
Bloomfield Hills,
died Dec. 4, 2008.
He was the
founder and
chairman of the
Colburn Group
and former part-
ner and co-founder of Hermelin,
Colburn, Colburn, Blumberg and
Steinberg Insurance Agency. He
was also on the board of trustees
at Children's Hospital of Michigan
and Karmanos Cancer Institute in

Obituaries on page C36

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December 11 . 2008


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