World Playing Politics J Street targets RJC advertising in Jewish newspapers. Ron Kampeas Jewish Telegraphic Agency Washington A campaign by a new dovish pro- Israel group to get Jewish news- papers not to run Republican Jewish Coalition attack ads has raised questions about what's kosher and what isn't in this fraught political season. The new group, J Street, helped flood many Jewish newspapers with letters in recent days urging them not to run the RJC ads attacking the Democratic presi- dential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. Letters were even sent to newspapers in which the ads did not appear. "I was saddened to see that the Republican Jewish Coalition's vile, fear- mongering advertisements have been printed in your publication," read one letter. "Since when do Jews go along with smear campaigns? By all means tolerate genuine dissent but please, draw the lines at hateful, dishonest caricatures!' In addition to initiating the letter-writ- ing campaign, J Street organized a petition calling on papers not to publish the ads. The petition garnered 23,000 signatures, according to the group's executive director, Jeremy Ben-Ami. "There is a deep well of anger in the broader Jewish community over the ques- tionable tactics used by the RJC and the lies and distortions they and others have circulated during this campaign:' Ben-Ami said. "We do hope that our campaign will spark a discussion among Jewish media executives about the extent to which they wish to provide a platform for further dissemination of baseless allegations and unfounded personal attacks." Matt Brooks, the RJC executive director, derided what he described as J Street's amateurish" attempt at intimidation and censorship. "It's wildly offensive that they would engage in intimidation on newspapers not to run ads:' he said. "It's misguided and offends people's sensitivities!' Brooks said he was ready to meet Ben-Ami to debate the ads' content. The overall thrust of the RJC's ad cam- paign is that Obama remains an alarming mystery to American Jews; the slogan is: "Concerned about Barack Obama? You (( should be!" It's not an unprecedented tack in political campaigning, although it hardly jibes with two years of intense media scrutiny of Obama — and doesn't comport with a GOP campaign that is going out of its way to keep reporters from examining the record of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the running mate of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. A review of the RJC ads reveals some substantive attacks on Obama, and others that severely distort his record and his relationships. Ahmadinejad Perhaps the RJC's most sub- stantive claim is that Obama has expressed a willingness to meet with Iran's president without preconditions. L. , Obama's surrogates, includ- Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain ing his running mate and the National Jewish Democratic Coalition, have suggested that when Similarly, two months later, with the Even as Obama maintains his support the Democratic presidential nominee opening of the United Nations General for stepped up diplomacy with Iran, he spoke of meeting with Iranian leaders, Assembly, Obama answered questions has also stressed that the goal of any talks he meant the religious hierarchy that about how he could reconcile his willing- would be for the Islamic Republic to aban- controls the country's security appara- ness to meet Ahmadinejad and his view don its nuclear program and end its sup- tus — not Iranian President Mahmoud that Columbia University had made a port of terrorism. Obama has portrayed Ahmadinejad, who has denied the mistake in offering to host the Iranian U.S.-Iranian talks as an important step for Holocaust and predicted that Israel would president during his New York visit. building international support for tougher be wiped off the map. But the record sug- The RJC also gets it right when it notes measures if Iran pushed ahead with its gests this is an attempt to backpedal from that Obama has said that Iran and other nuclear program — and he has refused to Obama's stated position, rather than a current pariah states targeting the United take military options off the table in deal- mere clarification. States are "tiny" compared to the Soviet ing with the issue. The issue first emerged during a July Union and don't pose the same threat. A 2007 debate sponsored by YouTube and Policy Advisers McCain campaign TV ad simply quoted CNN, in which voters submitted their Obama as calling Iran "tiny," denying In addition to the issue of Iran, the RJC questions via video. With an image of viewers the ability to draw their own con- ads have attacked Obama's supposed Ahmadinejad flashing on the screen clusions about what Obama had actually choice of religious and foreign-policy as he spoke, one questioner asked the said. advisers. Democratic candidates if they would be One Iran-related distortion lingers, how- One ad refers to Obama's relationship willing in their first year of office to meet ever: "Sen. Obama is opposed to critical with his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah separately — without preconditions — legislation labeling Iran's Revolutionary Wright, who has in the past embraced rad- with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Guard a terrorist organization:' one ad ical views about Israel as a colonial state Cuba and North Korea. says. The legislation in question — a non- and suggested that the United States bears Obama said yes, and never challenged binding amendment — was hardly criti- responsibility for fomenting the unrest the initial media coverage or criticism cal, and Obama has supported such a label that leads to terrorism. Obama has cut off from the other candidates based on in separate legislation. Additionally, he has Wright and insisted he was unaware of the assumption that he had been talk- sponsored legislation that would protect his pastor's more radical views, although ing about a potential meeting with from lawsuits pensions that divest from Ahmadinejad. companies that deal with Iran. Playing on page A30 October 23 2008 A29