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October 09, 2008 - Image 28

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-10-09

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'Out Of Context'

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October 9 • 2008




TO am Spm

Trunk Show 12 m - 4 .m

Obama video stirs concern.

Jewish group will address
the concerns of retired Israeli
security officials who say their
words were used out of context in a pro-
Sen. Barack Obama video.
Mik Moore, the co-executive director
of the Jewish Council for Education and
Research, said the Israeli producers of
the film in support of the Democratic
presidential candidate "have assured us
that all participants were fully informed
of the nature of this project." He added,
though, that if there are folks who are
unhappy, we will work with them to
come to some resolution:'
Former Mossad director Ephraim
Halevy and retired Maj.-Gen. Uzi
Dayan were among seven retired
Israeli security officials who appear
in the eight-minute video, which
was released Monday by the Jewish
Council. The pair told Israeli news-
papers that they were interviewed
about whatissues the next American
president will have to deal with in the
Middle East and had no idea their

Kol Ami Benefit
Temple Kol Ami Family Religious
School will host a bingo fundraiser on
Sunday, Oct. 26, from noon-3 p.m.
Cards will be $5 each and pizza,
snacks and drinks will be available
for purchase. All proceeds will benefit
Temple Kol Ami Religious School.
Temple Kol Ami is located at 5085
Walnut Lake Road, in West Bloomfield.
For information, check the Web site at
wwwtkolami.org, or call the Temple
Kol Ami office, (248) 661-0040.

Balfour Celebration
The Zionist Organization of America
Michigan Region will host U.S.
Ambassador John R., Bolton as the
guest speaker at the 75th annual
Balfour celebration Sunday, Nov. 9, 7
p.m. at Congregation
Shaarey Zedek
Bolton was the key
player in the U.N.
resolution that stated
"Zionism is racism."
He is a passionate
advocate for truth
John Bolton

comments would be used to back a
"It wasn't about the campaign; it
was about the political and security
issues of the Middle East that the
next president should be involved
in," Dayan told the Jerusalem Post.
"Nothing was said about Obama or
[Republican nominee Sen. John]
He added, "I don't want other people
to interfere in my elections, and I must
not interfere with the elections in the
United States."
Halevy told the Post that he was
complimentary to both candidates
in the video and it would be inap-
propriate for an Israeli to advise an
American for whom to vote. Moore
said the video is devoted mostly to
analysis of the security situation and
the candidates' policies in dealing with
it. He pointed out that just one of the
seven interviewed actually says he
would vote for Obama. Retired Brig.
Gen. Giora Inbar said, "I personally
would vote for Obama to help the State
of Israel." ❑

and freedom as well as reform in the
United Nations, His talk is titled "Israel
at Sixty."
The year's celebration will
honor Ann and Leonard Baruch of
They will receive the 2008 Justice
Louis D. Brandeis Award in recogni-
tion of their achievements as civic and
community leaders.
Co-chairs are Beverly Baker and
Joseph Savin. For information, contact
Pamela Lippitt, (248) 282-0088, or
balfour2008@mizoa.org .

Olive Harvest
Jerusalem/JTA — The Israeli army
and Palestinian Authority officials
have met to prepare for the olive-
harvesting season. Palestinians will
harvest olives from trees throughout
the West Bank, including in areas on
the Israeli side of the security fence.
The harvest takes place from October
through December.
According to the army spokesman's
office, some 3,000 Palestinian work-
ers have received permits to work in
Israeli areas of the West Bank.

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