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October 09, 2008 - Image 26

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-10-09

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Your opportunity to see
where opportunity thrives.

Sisters' Love
Knows No Distance

Neither miles nor age can halt
tradition of siblings getting together.

Shelli Liebman Dorfman
Senior Writer




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October 9 • 2008


roving an unbreakable
bond between sisters,
Tillie Lantor and Ruth
Brill have always made time for
one another no matter where life
has taken them. Not an easy feat
for the women who live in different
states — and have a combined age
of 203!
Tillie Lantor enjoys an August 2008
Turning 106 years old this
visit from her sister Ruth Brill.
December, Tillie, who lives in West
Bloomfield, receives annual visits
from her 98-year-old sister. Ruth trav-
er they sit outside on the condo porch
els from Brooklyn, where she still lives [of Tillie's home] to enjoy the summer
in the same apartment she and her
weather, visit with family and take
late husband raised their children in
daily short walks."
many years ago.
Tillie's son and daughter-in-law,
Tillie was born in 1902 in Prushnitz, Arnold and Beverly Lantor, lived in
Poland, moving to New York where
West Bloomfield until last month,
she and Ruth grew up, along with
when they moved to Florida. Her 92-
their brother Harry, who died at age
year-old sister-in-law Roz Goldfarb
89. Tillie and her late husband Morris
lives in Southfield, and one of
came to Detroit after they were mar-
Tillie's eight grandchildren lives in
Birmingham with her husband and
"The visits from Ruth maintain a
two of Tillie's seven great-grandchil-
tradition of annual visits dating back
dren. Tillie's twin great-grandsons are
to 1937 when Tillie, Morris and their
due in December in Dallas.
two sons took the New York Central
"Tillie is appreciative of the
train — the Empire State Express
little things in life," Marilyn Lantor
— to visit in Brooklyn:' said Tillie's
said. "She was an avid reader until her
son, Herb Lantor of West Bloomfield.
sight declined. She is-a life member of
That's also the year Ruth began
Hadassah and worked as a volunteer
her yearly visits to Detroit: by train
librarian at the JCC in West Bloomfield
until 1970 and by plane in the years
from approximately 1985-1998. She
since, traveling alone until two years
drove a car until age 95."
ago when she broke her hip. Now her
Herb Lantor refers to his mom
children fly with her, drop her off in
as "modest, easy going, only wants
Detroit, go back home and then fly in a shalom bayis (peace in the home),
week later to pick her up.
and is appreciative of anything we do
"For many years after Tillie moved
for her. She gives to many charitable
to Detroit, Ruth, who worked as a
organizations and dedicated an ambu-
secretary at the Yeshiva of Flat Bush,
lance through Magen David Adom in
wrote Tillie a letter every day after
memory of my dad:' he said.
work, and Tillie responded," said
Tillie has always kept busy, work-
Herb's wife Marilyn B. Lantor.
ing in her family clothing business
Added Ruth, "I spoke to her on
in Hamtramck as a bookkeeper and
the phone every week on Sunday at
cashier until she was 85.
11 until the past year or two when
With no end in sight for the visits,
we began talking every day except
according to Ruth, the focus of the sis-
Shabbos. Tillie is the greatest! She
ters' annual get-togethers contentedly
is always there for everybody and is
"consists of reminiscing about their
extremely ethical."
early years from childhood to adult-
Said Marilyn, "When they're togeth-

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