/ Metro vwESTOORN MARKET Great New Israel Face Midwest consul general has an agenda. Alan Hitsky Associate Editor On the Palestinian issue, Gil called Gaza "one of Israel's worst experiences in dealing with the Palestinians. There areer Israeli diplomat Orli Gil is not one Israeli soldier or one Israeli has only been in the Midwest civilian in Gaza, but the rockets keep for two months, but she being fired" into Israel. already has a two-part agenda: Warn the During questions and the remainder world about the threat posed by Iran of her remarks, Gil commented briefly and get people to see and understand on a variety of topics. the real Israel. Asked which U.S. presiden- Gil, who has been with the tial candidate would be best Israel Ministry of Foreign for Israel, she responded: "You Affairs for 22 years, was should vote for whoever would introduced to the Detroit make America stronger. Both news media last week at an candidates are capable" and event hosted by the Jewish strong supporters of Israel, but a Community Relations Council strong America is the best ally of of Metropolitan Detroit. Israel. Orli Gil Home base for Gil's typi- Asked when Israel would con- cally three-year assignment is sider attacking Iranian nuclear Chicago. installations, she emphasized that Gil stressed that the threat being Israel would explore all other options posed by Iran "is the only strategic first. threat Israel is facing right now Iran As far as peace talks with the stands behind all the radical forces in Palestinians go, she believes strengthen- the Middle Ease She expects that Iran ing the Palestinian Authority is the best will have enough enriched uranium by way to achieve peace. "I believe a major- the end of 2009 to make its first nuclear ity of Palestinian society wants peace, weapon and that it is already adapting as does Israeli society. I want to see a rockets to carry nuclear warheads. thriving Palestinian state next to Israel The Iranian threat goes well beyond — the two-state solution." Israel, according to Gil: The free flow of But, "we won't compromise our secu- energy from the Gulf is essential to the rity," she added. "We can't put up with world." suicide bombers being raised on the The Iranian people suffer with a poor other side of our border. economy — "They even had to import "We have to let the Palestinian soci- wheat this year from the Great Satan ety mature into a peaceful society. We [the U.S.]" — and while Iran is one of haven't been so great with our own the largest oil-producing nations, it has society ... We shouldn't tell them how little refining capacity. to do theirs." Gil told the Detroit area reporters that Commenting on last week's election recent support from Russia has boosted of Tzipi Livni to head Israel's Kadima the falling internal popularity and Party and possibly be the country's next world legitimacy of Iranian President prime minister, Gil, said, "I wish her Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. At the same every luck in the world, but I don't envy time, Iran continues to be the largest her." supporter of terrorism and radicalism, Married and the mother of three, Gil especially with Hezbollah in Lebanon was born in Rishon l'Zion, served in the and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Israeli air force and earned a university degree in English and Hebrew literature. Syria, Hezbollah She joined the Ministry for Foreign The Syrians, while trying to develop Affairs in 1986, and previously served closer ties with Western nations, are outside Israel as the deputy chief of doing a "double play" by remaining mission at the Israel embassy in Oslo the conduit for Iranian support for (1990-1993) and as consul for academic Hezbollah in Lebanon. "The Syrians are affairs for the U.S. at the consulate in doing everything they can;' she said, to New York (1999-2003). continue their control of Lebanon and For the past four years, she worked in maintain their pressure on Israel. Jerusalem in the ministry's department C Flavors! Vestborn Market , M404 A Passion for 27659 Woodward Ave Berkley, Ml 4807 Www Save $5 on your next purchase On purchases more than $25 (does not include beer, wine or custom floral orders) Offer Expires October 13, 2008 Promo code: #2500 A20 October 2 • 2008 for United Nations specialized organiza- tions, including UNESCO and the World Health Organization. Strong U.N. Last week in Detroit, Gil called for a strong United Nations, but one that does not believe that the Palestinians are the only people in the world who have problems. "We [Israelis] are not saints:' she said. "Not everything we do is fine." But the United Nations must remem- ber that there are other problems in the world, in Darfur, in Southeast Asia, in Africa, and that not all Palestinian problems are the fault of Israel. She emphasized that the world must see the real Israel — a land of science and technological advancement that is hosting and visiting Third World countries to improve lives. In this way, she said, "Israel is now becoming part of the world community." ❑ Answering Israel's Critics The Charge Addressing the U.N. General Assembly last week, the Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Zionists "murderers," claiming they dominate the world monetary system, are deceitful and manipulate Americans. The Answer Not since the Nazi regime fell more than 60 years ago has a nation's leader taken the world stage to spout such anti-Semitism. An international group of politicians, led by former Canadian justice minister Irwin Cotler, is calling for charges of incite- ment to genocide to be laid against Ahmadinejad. - Allan Gale, Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit © Jewish Renaissance Media, Oct. 2, 2008