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September 11, 2008 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-09-11

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Special Report



avowed intention to destroy

Age: 80
Birth City: Pontiac
City of Residence: Royal Oak
Years Lived in District: several before and
after incarceration
Family: (not married) sister, Flora
Business/Professional Career:
medical doctor
Religious Affiliation: unaffiliated
Campaign Web site:
Office address/phone: P.O. Box 231,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48303; (248) 410-0132


1. Israel

Knowledge of a discrepancy between eco-
nomic and security aid from the U.S. to
Israel is somewhat discomforting. Reason
would dictate a more balanced policy, in
view of the extant exigencies, with periodic
and timely increases when called for. The
U.S. might best contribute to progress in
peace talks with at least token economic aid
to the Palestinians in order to reduce or dis-
pel the latter's suspicion or claim of bias on
the part of the U.S.

2. Iran

Sanctions have thus far been fruitless in
trying to discourage Trans' leaders who are
irreconcilably convinced of their sovereign
right to pursue nuclear research for any
legitimate purpose they choose. The key
word is legitimate; the Nuremberg Tribunal
internationalized the common domestic
crime of threats and all civilized nations
must, therefore, vigorously try to convince
Iran to erase its stigma by forswearing its

Joe Knollenberg
from page A14

and debate. It is important that
students are able to express and
discuss their views without fear
of being persecuted or ostracized.
Growing anti-Semitism is very dis-
turbing. However, I am proud that
many Michigan State University
students from my district were
recently honored at the American
Israel Public Affairs Committee
National Policy Conference in
Washington, D.C., as members
of the No. 1 pro-Israel university
student advocacy group in the
nation. It is critical to empower our
students and support organiza-
tions such as StandWithUs, which
provide the tools students need to
combat anti-Israel advocacy.


September 11 • 2008

uate itself only to guarantee a
broad and open assessment of
differing moral opinions that
can enlighten, but not dictate,
to the scientists involved.

3. Gun Control

The Ninth Amendment
protects the right of
citizens to own weapons,
a right contingent on
self-discipline to respect
others' rights with rational

8. Immigration

4. Homeland

Most of the important steps for Homeland
Security have already been taken, but
there is little doubt that our border patrols
should be reinforced, both north and
south and at air and seaports. Scrap the
return visa policy.

S. U.S. Supreme Court

In my opinion, the basic litmus test for
Supreme Court nominees is their concept
of the fundamental relationship between
church and state. My opinion in this regard
is exactly that of John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, Ulysses Grant and Thomas Edison:
absolute and complete separation.

6. Never Forget

Holocaust education in schools can be
advanced by multiple annual remembrances
on major Jewish holidays, with gentile
participation, interspersed with similar
celebrations of other religion's holidays, e.g,.
Ramadan. The massacre in the Sudan can be
stopped only with decisive military interven-
tion by a coalition of powers.

7. Abortion

These are legitimate and ethical medical
activities into which government may insin-

All existing immigration laws
must be strictly enforced, bor-
ders more tightly controlled
and currently illegal immi-
grants repatriated to follow the
established procedure for U.S.
citizenship. Employers of the illegals must be
punished and education in all U.S. schools
must be in English only.

9. Michigan

Encourage and support research into all
forms of alternate energy sources, including
the devising of new sources. Also, enhance
incentives for new industries to help stem
the brain drain and expand the well-paying
job opportunities.

10. Economic Stimulus

I am not familiar enough with the structure,
aim or operation of bi-national funds to offer
an opinion. The U.S. and Israel should coop-
erate in expanded research and development
with work of guest scientists, industrialists
and students in each other's facilities and

11.Humanitarian Outreach

If elected to Congress, I will advocate a
simple plan based on reason, which would
greatly ameliorate the miseries of hunger,
poverty and homelessness without the
painful necessity of increasing or imposing
taxes. In addition, it will assure access by all
segments of society to comprehensive health

12. Intergroup Relations

I will promulgate special, predominantly
cultural events aimed at repairing the many
divides afflicting the constituency in my dis-
trict and entire country

13. House Service

My preference is the House Judiciary
Committee as the proper venue to introduce,
elaborate and try to establish on a pilot
basis a remarkably practical, ong-neglected
ancient sanctuary system to supplement (as
a dialectical control) our currently cruel and
ineffective system of solely harsh punish-
ment and incarceration. Based on the Jewish
system of tzedakah justice — with Torah
rules of discussion between offenders and
victims in safe, state-sponsored sanctuaries,
true compensation with release from guilt on
the part of the former and meaningful satis-
faction for the latter can be achieved, thereby
salvaging many individuals and families
otherwise doomed to unnecessary suffering
or destruction. Public safety is assured in
cases of failed negotiations by the automatic
invocation of the dialectical punitive system
now in operation.

14. Campus Unrest

The most promising action Congress could
take in trying to solve this persistent and
intermittingly acute problem might be to
foster and sponsor special open seminars
on every campus, entailing the active par-
ticipation of students, faculty philosophers
and historians and respected and influential
members of the involved sectarian or racial
groups. The aim should be to stimulate and
nurture student rationation, which can help
to rein deleterious passions fanned by pro-
paganda and senseless fanaticism superim-
posed on inculcated and enduring cultural

Gary C. Peters from page A15

launched a new initiative in my campaign for
Congress, called Take Action Now, in which my
volunteers, supporters and I take time every
week to go and volunteer with community
service projects across Oakland County. Two
of our first projects spoke directly to the issue
of hunger in our community. We helped out at
the Stogdill Pancake Breakfast in Pontiac, and
we collected and sorted food for the Gleaners
Community Food Bank.

12. Intergroup Relations

As a member of Congress, I will have a valu-
able platform from which I can reach out to
members of differing racial, ethnic, cultural,
religious and social groups in our community.
In addition to supporting legislation that would
foster intercultural and inter-group commu-
nication, I would use my position to sponsor
meetings and promote discussions that would
bring people of different backgrounds together.

Establishing strong bonds between peoples
of different backgrounds is essential to global
cooperation. An example of this is the fight,
going on right now, to ensure that the upcom-
ing U.N. World Conference Against Racism
is a productive meeting that focuses on the
important issues of racism and global human
trafficking. In 2001, this conference, held in
Durban, spiraled into an Israel-bashing session,
and the United States delegation led a walk-
out in protest. I believe that the United States
must work with our allies to establish a useful
agenda. If it becomes clear that the confer-
ence will not address the most pressing issues
affecting race today, the United States should
not participate and should encourage others to
boycott as well.

13. House Service

I spent over 20 years in the business world,
working as a vice president at two major

Wall Street investment firms here in Oakland
County. As a member of the House Financial
Services Committee, I would put my experi-
ence to use to help promote economic growth
here in Michigan.

14. Campus Unrest

College campuses are the training ground for
future leaders; we must address these issues
now so that we can ensure a stronger U.S.-
Israel relationship for generations to come.
Anti-Israel sentiment and anti-Semitism,
wherever they appear, are of serious concern
and should be addressed by the campus com-
munity and public officials in the United States
and around the world. As with similar speech
directed at any group, there is an important line
between open and free discussion and harmful
or destructive hate mongering; and Congress
should take a role in investigating and address-
ing such matters.

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