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Date Amount Signature Please Circle Ad Desired: #1 - $65 — #2 - $95 — #3- $115 Please fill out this form completely and send with your check or charge card information to: JN Rosh Hashanah Greetings 2008 29200 Northwestern Hwy. Suite 110 Southfield, MI 48034 or fax to: 248.304.0049 A32 September 4 . 2008 iN DIGEST McCain Rebukes Claims Israel Eases Restrictions Washington/JTA — The McCain camp Jerusalem/JTA — The Israeli army rebuked claims by Democrats that is easing restrictions on Palestinians Sarah Palin once associated with Pat during the Muslim observance of Buchanan. Ramadan. "Gov. Palin has never worked for any The army is extending the opening effort to elect Pat Buchanan — that hours of checkpoints and allowing assertion is completely false Michael Israeli Arabs to enter Palestinian-only Goldfarb, a spokesman for the presi- parts of the West Bank, as well as the dential campaign of Sen. John McCain, transfer of gifts to Palestinian prison- R-Ariz., told ABC over the weekend in ers held in Israeli prisons, an Israel discussing Palin, the Alaska governor Defense Forces spokesman announced. and vice presidential choice. Soldiers operating in Palestinian On Aug. 29, the Democratic Party areas were briefed about the customs issued a release quoting U.S. Rep. Robert of the monthlong religious obser- Wexler, D-Fla., as saying that McCain's vance, which began Monday. Troops pick was a "direct affront to all Jewish were ordered to show consideration Americans" because of reports of Paliris for the Palestinians, including being past associations with Buchanan, who ordered to avoid eating, drinking and has long postulated that the pro-Israel smoking in Palestinian-populated lobby is inordinately influential. areas, according to the spokesman. Wexler's comments appear based Ramadan marks the month in on a 1999 report that Pah wore a which, according to Muslim tradition, Buchanan button during Buchanan's the prophet Muhammad received the visit to Wasilla, the town she then led Koran. It ends Sept. 30 with the Eid- as mayor. At that time, however, Pah ul-Fir holiday. had written a letter to the local paper explaining that she wore campaign Anne Frank Photos buttons as a matter of courtesy when Amsterdam/JTA — Photos that Anne candidates came to visit the town. Frank pasted on the wall of her room Palin was an official of the campaign in the hidden attic have been restored. of pubisher Steve Forbes, a supporter It took a decade to restore the at least of Israel, who like Buchanan was con- 60-year-old photographs of celebrities, tending for the Republican presidential most clipped from a Dutch women's nomination. Buchanan said he recalls magazine, the Associated Press reported. meeting Patin at a 1996 fundraiser in Copies have been hanging in their Alaska, but no record of her donating or place. The images include Greta Garbo, supporting Buchanan at that time has the Lane Sisters. Sonja Henie and surfaced. Britain's Queen Elizabeth. The restored photographs are now hanging behind P.A.: Pay Compensation climate-controlled glass. Jerusalem/JTA — Israel can enforce a U.S. court ruling ordering the Palestinian El Al Air Pact Authority to compensate terror victims, Jerusalem — Israeli national carrier El an Israeli court ruled. Al as announced that it has entered into Jerusalem District Court Judge Aharon a code-share agreement with Northwest Farkash on Monday rejected a peti- Airlines that will allow passengers from tion filed by the Palestinian Authority. a number of U.S. and Canadian cities to The petition said that Israel could not fly to Tel Aviv. enforce a 2004 U.S. Supreme Court Starting Sept. 2, the agreement will ruling awarding $116 million to the incorporate flights departing from San family of terror victims Yaron and Efrat Francisco, Boston, Dallas/Fort Worth, Ungar. The Ungars, who were American Miami, and Washington, D.C. Other citizens, were killed in 1996 when they cities to be included in the code-share were attacked in their car by Palestinian late this fall are Tampa, St. Louis, Seattle, terrorists. San Jose, San Diego Raleigh-Durham, The family sued the Palestinian Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Orlando, Montreal, Authority and, following the Supreme Las Vegas, Indianapolis, Honolulu, Court ruling, petitioned the Jerusalem Denver, Cleveland and Austin. court to ensure that the ruling was In addition, El Al Matmid frequent- enforceable in Israel. The Palestinian flyer club members will be able to Authority argued that enforcing the earn points on any flight operated by lawsuit in Israel and requiring it to pay American Airlines. First and Business- the compensation could lead to other Class passengers and frequent flyers will lawsuits against the organization and be able to use the premium class lounges bankrupt the P.A. of both carriers. ❑