I World Michael Jurewicz and a co-worker, a nurse, on a house call in an Indian village The crowded streets of Vellore, India Culture Shock N Local medical student sees heroic caregivers in India turn simple tools into compassionate care. othing I had read or heard could have prepared me for the heart-wrenching despair that characterizes India and the immense pov- erty of the Third World. "Culture shock" is a term often invoked by travelers, but my experience as a visiting medical student in Vellore, India, evoked a "shock" to which I could hardly adapt and that will stay with me forever. The general living conditions in the majority of small towns in India (1-2 mil- lion people is considered small) are unlike anything I could have imagined. A country of over a billion people with a limited infrastructure makes for what appears on the surface to be a constant state of chaos. The narrow streets are packed with cars, auto-rickshaws, ox-drawn carts and buses, intermingled with strolling pedestrians. There are no sidewalks and the air is generally full of dust and honking horns as drivers are constantly overtaking each other just to slam on their brakes and nar- rowly avoid catastrophe. When you finally arrive at your des- tination (shaking from the near-death experience) and stop to look around, the heartbreak sets in. The crumbling huts and cinderblock shacks mixed among the two- or three-room stucco houses are a sight beyond words. The garbage littering the streets and the primitive sewer system lining the roads emanate a combined odor that evokes feelings you may not have known were possible. It is that feeling of wanting so badly to help but knowing at the same time that you cannot change anything. whole new meaning for the poor in India. In addition to the people having so little money, the hospitals were severely under Life Changing funded as well as under staffed. Lacking Privileged and appreciative are feelings the proper equipment and faced with an that would be impossible for a visitor not inordinate volume of patients, Indian doc- to feel, but it was my medical tors practice under conditions experience that really had the which are unimaginable. Most of impact. The opportunity to the outpatient clinics consist of work in a hospital, a commu- tiny exam rooms that have only nity health clinic and make a curtain as a door and at most house calls was not only a one computer shared by two to learning experience, but also a three physicians. life experience. Due to the demand to treat up Making house calls on to 100 patients in a day, there is families in the slums of the no time or space for privacy as city and doing checkups in a multiple patients are examined Michael mobile clinic in the neighbor- in the same room and others are Jurewicz ing villages immersed me into constantly standing at the cur- Special to the Indian culture. It was unbe- tain trying to get their "appoint- Jewish News lievable how little these people ment" moved up. In addition, had and yet how generous because it is so hot in India, there they were. As we entered a dwelling, chairs are rolling outages whereby multiple times were brought in (our hosts sometimes per day, the power shuts down. having to borrow them from neighbors) and tea or coffee was offered. The people Life Goes On were so appreciative that we were there to Remarkably, things just continue as if help them with their ailments and even to nothing has happened. Even in the operat- just listen to their problems. ing rooms, the staff seems unfazed by this It was painful to see children with incredible distraction. They simply stop, infected sores, to hear the stories of take deep breaths and wait for the power abused women and to be present as a to come back on. I was amazed to observe child was diagnosed with a disease in how the physicians were able to stay calm which a routine operation was necessary and continue to administer a high quality but could not be afforded. And through all of care. this, we were always sent off with a smile Health insurance is virtually non-exis- and a blessing. Appreciation takes on a tent in India. For the most part, patients pay for medicines and surgeries out of pocket, which leads to yet another prob- lem that the physicians deal with. They have to decide who deserves discounts on their care, medication and tests. It is up to them to be social workers as well, gather- ing family and financial information and counseling patients on how to proceed with treatment that best suits them yet is affordable. For all of these reasons, it is no wonder that the doctors in India are con- sidered royalty. My Indian medical experience is one that will remain with me forever, both personally and professionally. As a young Jewish Wayne State University medical student in Detroit, having grown up in affluent West Bloomfield, I found these experiences truly life altering. It is inspir- ing for a young physician-in-training to witness how these heroic caregivers are able to function with what few tools they have and yet provide care to so many. I can only hope to acquire a small increment of their humanitarianism and resourceful- ness for my own future endeavors. ❑ Michael Jurewicz, 22, is a West Bloomfield resident. He is a graduate of West Bloomfield High School and Temple Israel Religious School in West Bloomfield. In 2007, he graduated from the University of Michigan. He is now a sec- ond-year medical student in the Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit. His parents are Risa and Jay Levinson and Walter Jurewicz, all of West Bloom field. September 4 • 2008 A27