'A Fair To Remember' from page A13 Scott Kaufman HAIL TO ISRAEL EMBER OP UNITED NATIONS FIRST BIRTHDAY Jordan Broad ,411111111iiiiiiiillail 0 Detroit cantors lift their voices in song as Jewish Detroit gathers to hail Israel on its first birthday as a modern state. The Mizrachi Women's Organization of America was one of the event sponsors. Phillip Fisher Mindy Schwartz Sheri Wagner they participate. Other attractions include a traveling museum, Israel mission reunions, candlemaking and a shuk (market). The defining moment of the fair will come during the multimedia concert that will close the event with a 10,000-strong sing-along — while videos of Israel play onscreen. "This event has been a labor of love for so many:" says IsraelSixty co-chair Sheri Wagner. "I think the moment that has been driving us all for the past year is that vision of over 10,000 people gathered in the band shell as the sun sets, singing `Hatikvah! I get chills just thinking about it!' Wagner of Birmingham co-chairs the event with Brian Siegel of West Bloomfield. Scott Kaufman, Federation's IsraelSixty director, says, "We're hoping to recreate the sense of spirit that comes through when you look at photographs from the 1949 fair" and the subsequent fairs in 1950 and in 1951, when Golda Meir appeared. "Rarely do we get a crowd of that size just in celebration, not tied to a speaker or politics or sadness," he says. And yet there is a sense of urgency under- pinning the festivities. With Michigan's econo- my in the doldrums and a decline in the state's Jewish population, there is "every reason to celebrate says Phillip W. Fisher of Bloomfield Hills, chairman of the IsraelSixty steering com- mittee. Fisher says the fair is a vehicle through which "to look at the finer, optimistic characteristics of our community:' points of pride that include sending proportionately more people to Israel than any other Jewish community in the U.S., and a Federation that ranks fourth nationwide in dollars raised for Jewish causes. "You're going to see the humanity of the Jewish people, a joie de vivre that pulls the community together in a major way; and the children are going to remember this for decades to come says Fisher, a father of five. "We want people to have a dramatic and emotional experience that reminds them of Detroit's strong, unwavering commitment to Israel:' says Mindy Schwartz, a Pleasant Ridge entertainment lawyer and former manager of the Los Angeles Ballet who is serving on the IsraelSixty volunteer committee. "Because when you think about it:' she says, "trying to build something under dire circum- stances is a common denominator between Detroit and Israel!" As Federation's primary mission is to "help Jews;' Fisher says, the fair has been heavily sub- sidized by new donations from corporate and individual sponsors and foundations to keep it affordable, and no money has been pulled from beneficiary agencies. Committee volunteers say online ticket sales are "looking good:' and word of mouth is spreading due to lawn signs popping up across Michigan as well as articles in the Jewish News, the Detroit News and flyers at local synagogues. "Buzz is definitely building;' says Jordan Broad of Bloomfield Hills, who serves on the event's logistics committee. At 31, Broad, an executive at ePrize, is one of the younger mem- Coming Aug. 14: "A Fair To Remember" entertainment story. bers of the committee, and he encourages other young families like his own to attend. "People are really going to be surprised by what we've done. For people who haven't been to the state fair in many years, it's going to be really cool: he says, to see Wolverine Way turned into the popular Jerusalem pedestrian mall Ben-Yehuda Street, and to hear Israeli music blaring from the loudspeakers. And if it rains? "Wear your raincoat:' Kaufman says. "There will be plenty of indoor activities, and besides, didn't it rain at Woodstock?" ❑ Event Details: "A Fair to Remember" takes place from 3-10 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, at the Michigan State Fairgrounds at Eight Mile and Woodward in Detroit. Tickets are on sale at jewishdetroit.org/israelsixty or by calling (877) 772-5425. For more infor- mation, call (248) 205-2538. The event is rain or shine. Kosher food is provided by Matt Prentice Restaurant Group and Paul Kohn's Quality Kosher Catering. The event is handicap accessible. August 7 2008 A15