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July 03, 2008 - Image 86

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-07-03

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1.riendsnip utinegititi tnc, morric and
Sybil Fenkell Voluntcer
like to congratulate
and salute the participant$ of the B'nai. Mitzvah V, Atinteer
Training Program on bvt‘orning Bar and Nit Mitzvahs:

Mara Chab en


Danielle Kay


usan and David Allan of Ann Arbor
are delighted to announce the
engagement of their daughter Jennie
Allan to Marc Renouf, son of Eric and Judy
Renouf of Grant, Mich.
Jennie is pursuing a master's degree in
elementary education at the University of
Marc earned his master's degree from the
University of Michigan and is a computer
engineer with General Dynamics.
A July wedding is planned at Barton Hills
Country Club in Ann Arbor.

Jenna McMillan

Carly Wt

In our

cornmun and truly

e Friendship

To inquire about the Binai Mitzvah Volunteer Training Program for
your Mitzvah Project, please contact Tzvi at t 8-788-7878 ext.210 or



/ Mitzvahs
I Corporate Events


ancy and Ron Holton of West
Bloomfield are delighted to
announce the engagement of
their daughter Randi Melissa to Joel Aaron
Murav, son of Avery Murav and Susan
Brennan of West Bloomfield.
Randi earned her bachelor's degree in
psychology from Michigan State University
and her master's degree in social work from
Wayne State University in Detroit. She is
employed at Orchards Children's Services in
Joel received his bachelor's degree in
marketing from Oakland University and his MBA in management from Walsh
College. He is employed as an IT consultant with Blue Wolf Group.
An October wedding is planned at Temple Israel.




Alicia R. Nelson f (248) 557-0109



July 3 • 2008


achel Gottlieb and Carey
Kalmowitz were married recently
at Temple Beth El in Bloomfield
Township. Rabbi Daniel Syme, Rabbi David
Castiglione and cantorial soloist Marla Aviva
Bentley officiated.
The parents of the bride are Julie and
David Bernstein and Richard Gottlieb
of Grand Rapids. Edith Gottlieb of West
Bloomfield and Midge Frank of Livingston,
N.J., are her grandmothers. The parents
of the groom are Melvin Kalmowitz of
Delray Beach, Fla., and the late Henrietta
Katharine Whitsett, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Eitan Kalmowitz
and Ezra Kalmowitz, sons of the groom, were best men. The bride's nephew,
Benjamin Whitsett, was the ring bearer.
Rachel is cantorial soloist at Temple Beth El, and Carey is a health care attor-
ney at Wachler & Associates in Royal Oak.
They honeymooned on the island of Kauai and reside in West Bloomfield.

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