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July 03, 2008 - Image 85

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-07-03

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Family Focus


Jeff's Circle

Tamarack dedicates campfire
in Jeff Grey's memory.


Emily (Grey) Berman, Jordan Berman (holding Jonah Berman), Jason Ellis,

Rachel (Grey) Ellis, Shira Ellis, Ruth Grey and Jim Grey.


he Jeffrey Grey Campfire
Circle (Jeff's Circle) was
dedicated on June 8 at Camp
Maas in Ortonville. Approximately 200
of Jeff's family and friends gathered to
celebrate the past Tamarack camper
and staff member's life in a spot over-
looking the camp's lake.
"Jeff's Circle" honors the memory
of Jeffrey Grey, who died during a
storm in Algonquin Provincial Park,
Canada, while he was director of Camp
Kennedy. He attended nearly every
Tamarack program as a camper and
held staff positions at Camp Maas,
Agree Outpost Camp and Camp
Grey had a passion for living life
through camping, music and sports.
He was dedicated to working with
others and helping them pursue their
Jeff's Circle was created so those

who come through Camp Maas
can find peace, joy and community
through nature and music. The Circle
was designed to accommodate groups
of 10 to 1,000 and was built to incor-
porate much of what Jeff loved.
"Jeff's life revolved around music,
camp and the people that were part of
said Ruth Grey, Jeff's mother. "It is
fitting that we remember Jeff by build-
ing this serene space at Camp Maas!'
The dedication ceremony included
remarks by Jeff's parents, Ruth and
Jim Grey; sisters, Emily Berman and
Rachel Ellis; as well as a former camp-
er and cousin of Jeff's, Nathan Nemon.
Also participating in the program
were Brian Kepes, Tamarack's board
president; Jonah Geller, the agency's
executive director; and Tamarack's
Rabbi Jason Miller. A highlight of the
program was a group song session
honoring Grey's memory.

June 14
Debbie (Weinstein)
and Matt Dubin are
thrilled to bits to
introduce Tessa Bryn
Dubin (Etta Binah),
born in the United
Kingdom. Cheeky
siblings are Alivia,
5, and Marcus, 21/2.
Proud grandparents are Marvin and
Eleanor Weinstein, Dr. Howard and
Susan Dubin and great-grandmother
Clara Dubin, all of West Bloomfield.
Tessa is named in loving memory of
her paternal great-great-grandmother
Etta Solomon and great-great-uncle
Ben Solomon.

March 10
Jennifer (Pavlov)
and Larry Thurswell
of Birmingham
are thrilled to
announce the birth
of their daughter,
Skylar Alexandra
(Aleksandra Galya).
Skylar was welcomed
home with love by her big brother
Luke, 2. Sharing in their excitement are
grandparents Lynn and Harvey Rubin
of Bloomfield Hills and Jerry and
Sarah Thurswell, also of Bloomfield
Hills. Proud great-grandfather is
Lester Satovsky. Skylar is named in
loving memory of her maternal grand-
parents Alexander and Galina Pavlov.

Lauren (Kaplan)
and David Weinberg
of Birmingham are
thrilled to announce
the birth of their
daughter, Alexa
Rose (Rawchal).
Alexa was welcomed
home by big brother
Ian, 2. Sharing in the excitement are
grandmother Phyllis Kaplan, grand-
parents Linda and Joseph Weinberg,
great-grandparents Frida and Chiam
Weinberg of West Bloomfield and
great-grandmother Margeret Eidel of
Farmington Hills. Her Hebrew name
honors her maternal great-grand-
mother Ruth Weinberger.

Dec. 25
Amy (Kraft) and
Michael Morris
of Auburn Hills
are delighted to
announce the birth
of their daughter,
Lilly Anne (Liora
Hannah). Sharing in
their happiness are
proud grandparents Jess and Barbara
Kraft of Southfield and Lee and
Barbara Morris of West Bloomfield.
Lilly is named in loving memory of
her maternal great-grandmother Lillie
Bloomberg and paternal great-grand-
mother Alice Ames.



ottie and Donald Wagner of
West Bloomfield are thrilled
to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Sheri Lynn to
Steve Greenbaum, son of Rachel and Neil
Greenbaum of Glencoe, Ill.
Sheri received her bachelor of arts in
organizational psychology and teaching
certificate in elementary education from the
University of Michigan. She is the executive
vice president of pulse220, an experiential
agency, in Southfield.
Steve received his bachelor of arts in
psychology and communications from the
University of Michigan and juris doctor
from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He is a principal of Urban
Innovations in Chicago, specializing in preserving affordable senior housing
throughout the country.
A November wedding is planned at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield.

Jason Ellis, Shira Ellis and Rachel (Grey) Ellis dedicate the fire circle with

family and friends gathered around.

July 3 2008


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