Letters How to Send Letters We prefer letters relating to JN articles. We reserve the right to edit or reject letters. Letters of 225 words or less are considered first. Longer ones will be subject to trimming. Letter writers are limited in frequency of publication. Letters must be original and contain the name, address and title of the writer and a day phone number. Non-electronic copies must be hand signed. Send letters to the JN: 29200 Northwestern Highway, Suite 110, Southfield, MI 48034; fax (248) 304-8885; e-mail, letters@the jewishnews.com . We prefer e-mail. Israel: A Miracle Happy birthday, Israel, 60 years and counting. In 1948, three years after the Holocaust and almost 1,900 years after the Roman conquest with its massacres and ethnic cleansing, once again the Jews had sovereignty in the Land of Israel. But freedom and democracy were established at great cost with 6 million murdered in the Holocaust and count- less numbers killed in the centuries prior to winning statehood. Now seven full-scale wars and daily acts of terror- ism later, Israel licks its wounds and carries on. Despite being surrounded by bloodthirsty enemies who are con- sumed by hate and are waging a con- tinuous war of extermination against her, Israel endures and flourishes. Every day of the past 60 years has been a wondrous miracle. Every day that Israel survives gives hope and inspira- tion to all the downtrodden, abused and oppressed people in our world. So Israel: Keep up the good work. Have many more happy birthdays. We need you to continue being strong, cou- rageous and righteous. Douglas Miller Franklin What's In A Name? In reference to presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, it might be interest- ing to note that "Barak," meaning "light- ning;' is a respected Hebrew name from the Jerusalem Bible (Judges 4,5). Barak was a general about 3,000 years ago who was inspired by the prophet- ess Judge Deborah to defeat the army of King Jabin in a great victory at the Qishon River, thereby bringing peace to the region for over 40 years. Tova Milinsky Beverly Hills Our Ally, Israel On May 4, I had the privilege to join my friends and neighbors at the Jewish Community Center in West Bloomfield for a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel ("Walk The Walk, Talk The Talk, May 8, A13). I visited Israel while I was in the Michigan Senate; and I have never for- gotten the beauty of the land, the kind- ness of the people and the courage with which Israelis confront the challenges around them each day. As our oldest and strongest ally in the Middle East, and as the only democracy amid a sea of tyranny, Israel is at the front line of our fight against terrorists, and her security is inextricably linked with our own. In Congress, I will work to preserve and strengthen our longstanding friend- ship with Israel, and I will be a strong voice for ensuring that she remains secure, vibrant, democratic and free. Gary Peters candidate for Congress Ninth District Oakland County Survival Fight High moral ground is typical to Judaism as a philosophy and way of life. As Jews tried to propagate their spirituality, pogroms and the Holocaust proved that in order to be a "light to all nations," Jews have to be alive first. The"Jewish Question" was aimed to position the Jews so that they can defend not only the Judaic way of life, but also their physical existence. Israel was not established on the premise of the Holocaust alone, but also desire to propagate peace and justice as preached by our prophets. As Israel made her survival, it had to fight her bad neighbors. Geneva Convention laws between regular armies have no holding in terror wars. It is demanded, however,that regular armies must obey rules of engagement. Yet when Kassam mis- siles fired from Gaza fall on Israeli civilians, a moral question pops out: Does Israel have the right to respond, to occupy to run the life of others? Anti-Zionist Jewish organizations felt that the moral foundation of Judaism is more important than Jewish physi- cal existence and if the State of Israel has to be sacrificed, so let it be. The "Jewish Question" was replaced by the "Israel Question:' Many anti-Zionist Jews do not live in Israel. The decadence among those in Israel who do not want a Jewish state, the academics and journalists, misun- derstand that Israel is not in a war to be "a light to all nations;' but in a war for her survival. Isaac Barr, M.D. Bloomfield Hills Our Christian Friends Christianity is a proselytizing religion so Union for Reform Judaism President Rabbi Eric Yoffe is no doubt correct that Christian Zionists harbor a hop in their hearts for the conversion of the Jews, but they do not make this a condition for their support ("Reject Yoffie, Embrace Christian Zionists," April 24, A50). The rabbis said that it is better to do the right thing for the wrong reason than to do the wrong thing for the right reason. Judaism is not interested in the motivations for actions, but in the con- sequences of actions. All I know is that for the 60 years of Israel's existence, the Arab world has waged wars against Israel, encouraged Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians and carried out a worldwide campaign of defamation against Israel. Christian Zionists give monetary and public relation support for Israel and they visit Israel often. Christian Zionists say that are not motivated by the biblical verses Genesis 12:2-3 — where God says to Abraham, "I will make of you a great nation ... I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you, I will curse I hope that God will bless our Christian friends. — Shoshana Wolok Oak Park MERV `Oa Don't Know Aside from the books of Ezra and Daniel, where in the Hebrew Scriptures is the only sentence in the Aramaic language? —Goldfein '11:01 11e!waiar :Jamul/ ALEFBET'cha runs every other week. 0 Copyright 2008, Jewish Renaissance Media Our JN Mission The Jewish News aspires to communicate news and opinion that's useful, engaging, enjoyable and unique. It strives to reflect the full range of diverse viewpoints while also advocating positions that strengthen Jewish unity and continuity. We desire to create and maintain a challenging, caring, enjoyable work environment that encourages creativity and innovation. We acknowledge our role as a responsible, responsive member of the community. Being competitive, we must always strive to be the most respected, outstanding Jewish community publication in the nation. Our rewards are informed, educated readers, very satisfied advertisers, contented employees and profitable growth. 271 WEST MAPLE DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM 248.258.0212 SUNDAY 12-5 MONDAY—SATURDAY 10-6 THURSDAY 10-8 May 15 • 2008 A5