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May 15, 2008 - Image 36

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-05-15

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Snapshots of historic moments in the history of
Jewish Detroit and the State of Israel.

Top left: Cantor Hyman Adler of Congregation

B'nai David in David blows the shofar celebrat-

ing the birth of the State of Israel in 1948.

Top right: Israeli Prime Minister Menachem

Begin and Jewish leader Max Fisher of Detroit
meet in 1981

Left: Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion

and Michigan Gov. G. Mennen Williams at Detroit
City Hall in 1952

Bottom left: Detroiter Max Fisher on a United

Jewish Appeal mission to Israel in 1958

Bottom right: On a prime minister's mission
to Israel in 1990, Joel and Shelley Tauber

and David and Doreen Hermelin visit the

Applebaum-Hermelin-Tauber Child Development
Center in Neot Shalzaar, Yavne. They and

Eugene and Marcia Applebaum, all of Detroit,
funded the center.

State House

The Michigan House adopted
a resolution introduced
by Rep. Andy Meisner, D-
Ferndale, recognizing the
60th anniversary of the State
of Israel with historical roots
going back 3,000 years and
reborn in the ashes of the
"We would
like to reaf-
firm the bonds
of friendship,
and collabora-
tion between
Michigan and
Israel," the
resolution reads.
It adds, "In its 60 years of
existence, Israel has become
the most successful democ-
racy in the Middle East, and
its citizens enjoy one of the
highest standards of living in
the area."
The resolution notes that
"the modern State of Israel
has rebuilt a nation, forged a
new and dynamic society, and
created a unique and vital
economic, political, cultural
and intellectual life despite
the heavy costs of six wars,
terrorism, international ostra-
cism and economic boycotts."
It cited Israeli leaders
David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir,
Menachem Begin and Yitzhak
Rabin, in particular. It notes
"Israel continues to strive for
peace with security and dig-
nity for themselves and their
The resolution pays spe-
cial note to "The connection
between Michigan and Israel
is strong and growing, as
evidenced by the creation of
the Michigan Israel Business
Bridge to promote economic
and business partnerships
between the States."
A copy of this resolu-
tion was sent to Israeli
Ambassador Sallai Meridor
"as an expression of the
admiration for Israel's mani-
fold accomplishments and
best wishes for a peaceful
and prosperous future."

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