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April 24, 2008 - Image 91

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-04-24

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

Melanie Jill Cohen,
daughter of Lauren
and Jordan Cohen of
Phoenix, became a
bat mitzvah Saturday,
April 5, at Har Zion
in Phoenix.
Grandparents are
Penny and Harold
Blumenstein of Bloomfield Hills;
Shirley Cohen of Fort Worth, Texas;
and the late Harold Cohen. Great-
grandmother is Lee Bernstein of Boca
Raton, Fla.
Melanie attends Phoenix Country
Day School. For her mitzvah project,
she collected book donations for the
Kenilworth K-8 School Media center
in the Phoenix Elementary District
and raised money for the purchase of
books requested by the school.


Shayna Danielle
Hillenberg (Sorah
Davida) of West
Bloomfield, daughter
of Terri and Steven
Hillenberg and sister
of Jakob and Annie,
will celebrate her bat
mitzvah Saturday

Caleb Philip
Nusbaum, (Daniel
Moshe ben Avraham
Halevi) of Ann
Arbor became a bar
mitzvah at Beth
Israel Congregation
on Saturday, April
12. Participating
in the ceremony
were his father, Arthur S. Nusbaum;
mother, Lynn Phillips; and sister
Haley Nusbaum. Also participating
were proud grandparents Barbara
and Irving Nusbaum of Franklin
and Bridget and William Phillips of
Northville; and many other relatives
and friends.
Caleb is a student at Emerson
School in Ann Arbor.




April 26, at Temple Shir Shalom
in West Bloomfield. Her very proud
grandparents are Harriet Chodoroff,
Leonard Fidler, Marilynn Spoon and
Dr. Sidney and Florence Hillenberg.
Shayna is a student at Clifford
Smart Middle School in Walled Lake.
She enjoyed volunteering her time
working with preschool children at the

eri and Joe Racey, along with Rose
and Buddy Fenster of Huntington
Woods, are thrilled to share the
engagement of Cara Quinn Racey and
Bryan Joseph Fenster.
Cara received her bachelor of arts in
psychology from Wayne State University
in Detroit and is working toward a doctor-
ate in psychology at Argosy University of
Bryan received a bachelor of arts in
sports management and communications
from the University of Michigan and is
pursuing a career in event marketing and
An August wedding in Detroit is planned and the couple will continue to
reside in Chicago.

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Israel a


E-mail us your favorite photograph taken in Israel

• Can be landscape or with people
• Open to all ages

• Prizes will be awarded
• Winning photos will be published in a special Israel@60 section on May 15

Photo entry deadline: May 9 by 5pm
Include name, city and phone number with each entry
E-mail to: kcohen®renmedia.us

Act now!



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April 24 • 2008



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