Spirituality HOLIDAY 101 Pesach At-A-Glance A well-celebrated day that commemorates our religious freedom. Elizabeth Applebaum Special to the Jewish News W by We Celebrate: In the Torah, God commands the Jewish people to commemorate their liberation from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 12:14-19). •The Name of the Holiday: Pesach in Hebrew, Passover in English. In Hebrew, Pesach means "skip over" or "pass over:' and refers to the 10th and final plague that God brought upon Egypt, where He killed the first-born Egyptians but passed over the Jewish households (Exodus 12:21-30). Pesach is actually the rabbinic name of the holiday, found throughout the Talmud. In the Torah, only the first day of the holiday is called Pesach (Exodus 34:25). Otherwise, the Torah labels the holiday Chag Ha Matzot or Festival of Matzahs (Exodus 23:15, Leviticus 23:6, Deuteronomy 16:16). In the Passover liturgy as found in the Jewish prayer book, the holiday is iden- tified as z'man cheiruteinu,"Time of Our Liberation!' •When We Celebrate: On the Jewish calendar, 14-22 Nisan, which this year coin- cides with sundown Saturday, April 19, to sundown Sunday, April 27. The eight-day holiday is observed throughout the world; but in Israel, Pesach is seven days. Sunday and Monday (April 20, 21) and Saturday and Sunday (April 26, 27) are full holidays when no work is permitted. The intervening days are semi-holidays when work is allowed. • What We Celebrate: Primarily, our liberation from slavery to the Egyptians, 3,000 years ago. On a more profound level, we remember the founding of the Jewish nation and the beginning of our relation- ship with God on a national level. •How We Celebrate: Special prayers are recited at all services for the entire holiday. In observance of the Torah command- ment,"You shall tell your child" (Exodus 13:8), we gather with family and friends to hold a commemorative meal called a seder ("order"). The seder menu includes foods intended to arouse curiosity from the children and stimulate discussion among all gathered. The subjects can range from Jewish identity to our relationship with God, from the actual events of the Exodus from Egypt to our life in Egypt prior to lib- eration, miracles, the concept of a promised land, and so on. Among the best-known seder foods are matzah (unleavened bread), a bitter vegetable, and four cups of wine. tir‘ 11111 ,moileitagirdimA k. ‘a a m \ i f 74 11 11 Is • phi A woodcut from Sete Minhaqim. Bedikat Hametz (searching for leaven). Amsterdam, 1723. The story of the Exodus is told in the Haggadah, a seemingly endless number of which exist. It's worth a look at versions from the turn of the century to the 1940s, which are often filled with stirring and dra- matic images. A number of good, or sometimes just interesting, Haggadot and Passover books are available. A few to consider: The Family Passover Haggadah: The Prince of Egypt (Circa Press, in conjunction with the National Council of Synagogue Youth), with illustrations from the movie, produced by Steven Spielberg. The Family Haggadah by Ellen Schecter, illustrations by Neil Waldman (published by Viking), for those in need of a very politically correct Haggadah (God isn't He or She but "a Being of limitless creativity and power"). Why On This Night? A Passover Haggadah for Family Celebration by Rahel Musleah, illustrations by Louise August (Simon & Schuster) is a lovely book with stained- glass like pictures and excellent, useful information on preparing for Passover and bringing lively discussion to the table. The Seder Activity Book by Judy Dick (Union of American Hebrew Congregations Press) is a fun book filled with activities for the younger child. The Tifereth Haggadah (Feldheim Publishers) contains traditional text with outstanding photographs, evoking a time long ago. A Children's Haggadah by Howard Bogot and Robert Orkand, with illustrations by Devis Grebu (CCAR Press) guides readers on topics such as social action. My Very Own Haggadah by Judyth Robbins Saypo and Madeline Wilder, with illustrations by Chaya Burstein (Kar-Ben Copies) provides children with a chance to color pictures that tell the Pesach story. There are song lyrics, too, like the perennial favorite, "One morning when Pharoah woke in his bed, there were frogs in his bed and frogs on his head!' The Passover Journey by Barbara Diamond Goldin, with illustrations by Neil Waldman (Viking Press). Waldman's art work makes for one of the most beauti- ful Haggadot you'll find. While the text is brief (and in no way comprises the entire Haggadah), a nice aspect of this book is that it includes information you might not see elsewhere, such as customs from Baghdad and the story of the Warsaw Ghetto during Pesach. •Rules and Regulations: Pesach is replete with rules, most of which are con- cerned with what we eat. On Pesach, we refrain from consuming any foods that are leavened or contain leavening (such as yeast). This includes bread and other items made from dough or batter, most foods and beverages made from grain, and anything edible that even might contain any amount of anything leavened. All food for Pesach is certified as kosher for Passover (kosher l'Pesach) or is beyond suspicion of containing any leaven. Instead of bread, we eat matzah, either alone or prepared with other ingredients to make a variety of dishes. Pesach includes an ancillary observance, called the Counting of the Omer. • What It Is: A daily count of the 49 days and seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuot. •Why We Observe: A divine command- ment found in the Torah (Leviticus 23:15-16). •How and When We Observe: We begin the count on the second night of Pesach. Thereafter, ideally, we count as part of the daily evening service. The count itself is preceded by a blessing. We then announce the relevant day and week of the Omer. The count should be recited while standing. •The Omer and Mourning: The first part of the Omer period is characterized as semi-mournful. We do not get haircuts, have or attend marriages, or play musi- cal instruments. As stated in the Talmud, during this period a plague decimated the disciples of Rabbi Akiva because they did not treat each other with respect. Later in history, the Omer also became a period of mourning, for it was during that time of the year in 1096 and 1146 that Jews in the Rhineland were killed by the Crusaders. Moreover, the Chmielnicki mas- sacres in the Ukraine and Poland (1648-49) took place during this period. •Lag b'Omer: This is the 33rd day of the Omer (lag is the acronym formed from the Hebrew letters, lamed and gimet which sig- nify 33) on which mourning is suspended. It is usually a day of joy and celebration. Hair may be cut and weddings may be held. Among those Jews who do not cut their sons' hair until the boys reach the age of 3, Lag b'Omer is the day chosen for the first haircut. A long-standing tradition is to light bonfires and for children to play with bows and arrows on Lag b'Omer. For unknown reasons, Lag b'Omer is associated with Bar Kochba, the Jewish leader of a revolt against the Roman occupation during the time of Rabbi Akiva. This year, Lag b'Omer occurs on Friday, May 23. ❑ April 17 • 2008 A47