Opinion OTHER VIEWS U-M Press' Hate-Filled Tie S ince 2004, the University of Michigan has been the sole distributor for London-based Pluto Press, which publishes some of the most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and anti- American tracts available in the United States. More than a dozen of these books advo- cate the destruction of the Jewish state and any book dealing with Israel can be trusted to vilify Zionism. Neither U-M Press nor Pluto Press offer any texts that present pro-Israel views. If left alone, this distribution contract will automatically renew every six months. There has been no communication from U-M whatsoever that the contract is to be discontinued and, in fact, some indication that the contract could be renewed. Our efforts, with the help of other com- munity organizations, exposed the Pluto Press arrangement and resulted in the U-M Press executive board creating guide- lines for contractual distribution relation- ships with other publishers. This was, of course, a welcome change. However, the guidelines now appear on the U-M Press Web site. Pluto Press remains listed as a distributed publisher, as does all the language used by Pluto Press to promote its books on its own site. Indeed, Pluto Press is listed directly above the guidelines, providing any visitor to the U-M Press Web site the clear image that Pluto Press now is in compliance with the At Issue new guidelines. StandWithUs-Michigan accepts that Local representatives from B'nai B'rith, President Coleman's emphasis on proper American Jewish Committee, the Jewish review procedure is important when deal- Community Relations Council and ing with longstanding university contacts. StandWithUs-Michigan met with U-M We share her respect for free speech and President Mary Sue Coleman academic freedom, and we and Provost Terry Sullivan on thank her and Provost Sullivan Feb. 12. President Coleman and for the efforts that have been Provost Sullivan assured the made. These are important assembled group that the Pluto considerations. Press contract and all distri- The problem that remains bution contracts are being is that anti-Semitism is still reviewed under the new guide- being treated differently and as lines posted in January. less serious than other forms "The director of the Press of racism. It is inconceivable Jonatha n Harris has been charged with that if black community lead- Commun ity View reviewing all the distribution ers had learned that U-M Press contracts of the Press;' said was distributing Ku Klux Klan Coleman. "That review is to determine if material and brought it to the attention the existing contracts meet the new guide- of the U-M administration that they then lines:' would be asked to endure a year's worth of President Coleman said that a determi- bureaucratic procedure. nation on Pluto Press was expected before We would see similar alacrity regarding the May 30 deadline for terminating or concerns from the Muslim community, renewing the contract. When pressed the Hispanic or any other minority. But on the issue of the Web site, President what constitutes hate of Jews and Judaism Coleman and Provost Sullivan stated that is still open to debate by non-Jews. Aside our concerns would be brought to the U- from a brief two-week suspension of sales M Press board. Three weeks have passed of a single anti-Israel text, not one thing and the Web site endorsement and promo- has changed regarding Pluto Press. More tion of Pluto Press remain. than 30 texts of prejudiced, malicious misinformation about Jews, Judaism and Israel are being actively promoted and sold on the University of Michigan Press Web site every day, right now The series of anti-Israel events that took place in Febraury at U-M, while rep- rehensible, were largely ill-attended and likely effected few students. That is the good news. But what also was revealed by those events is the real pattern emerging at the University of Michigan — the total absence of responsible, informed debate about Israel and Zionism and the total forfeiture of responsibility by the U-M administration. These unscholarly, overtly political events held the endorsement of several university departments, including the Program of American Culture and the Screen Arts and Culture Department. The sponsoring group, now emboldened by its acceptance by the university, has invited Israel Lobby writers John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt to U-M in March. Condemn Anti Semitism Seen in the light of U-M Press's four-year exclusive distribution of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic texts, a series of dubious anti- Israel speakers and a weeklong series of non-scholarly anti-Israel events endorsed by university departments — and notably all of these actions greeted with the com- plete silence of the administration — it - The Quintessential Holocaust Survivor N early 62 years after he was liber- ated from Auschwitz, this past year, at the age of 92, my father, Charles, was laid to rest. He was indeed the quintessential Holocaust survivor. While I was relatively young, my father would eagerly recount his "adventures" and exploits of being shuttled into vari- ous internment camps and concentration camps, which included incarceration at Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz. His narrative was calm, yet sufficiently explicit, that I could conjure up a vivid imagery of his dramatic accounts. His stories were varied and included such episodes as being examined for an eye infection by Dr. Mengele himself; his being "saved" from a brutal beating for attempting to pick up the remains of a cigarette off the "factory" floor. Apparently, the Nazi who "saved" him had recently obtained a "perfect hair cut" from my father, and was not going to let an ordi- nary guard bash his skull just yet! He twice "escaped" from internment A30 March 6 p 2008 iN camps, in Belgium and France, and often recounted these episodic events enthusi- astically, adding or modifying a detail he had missed previously. He likewise offered accounts of his exploits in Brussels, prior to his being deported in 1944. He often spoke of his youth in his beloved native Vienna, which he was forced to flee with his first wife whom, along with his parents, perished in the Holocaust. My sister and I would sit mesmerized while he spoke, all the while our eyes trans- fixed by his tattooed six dig- its, branded on his left arm " courtesy" of his Auschwitz hosts. In 1956, our family immigrated to America, initially settling in Detroit, mov- ing to Oak Park in 1958. My father had felt he had "moved around enough',' residing in Oak Park with our mother, Helen, for the next 49 years. Through his stories, I was left with an indelible impression of varied les- sons learned of faith, justice, treachery and redemption, the vulnerability of the human condition, and an intui- tive belief that there was indeed a purpose to his survival. During my teenage years, sometimes wild and carefree, there were various incidents where I could have easily strayed and gotten into "trouble"; however, I would always sub- consciously hear the murmur of a subliminal refrain and rhe- torically ask: Would my negative actions be what he survived for? The obvious answer was sufficient moti- vation to quickly nudge me back into a reality check, onto a "straight and narrow" path. While there is an extensive amount of literature on the Holocaust, there are far more untold stories, suppressed for a vari- ety of reasons; however, each is deserving of its unique legacy. With each passing hour, day, month and year, there are new generations of deniers or those that would diminish the extent of the Holocaust; how- ever, for me, there is but one true constant — my father's legacy, a testament to the quintessential survivor that he was, which will be forever cherished by my family and those who were fortunate enough to have known and loved him. ❑ Bob Strassberg is a Farmington Hills resident. Helen and Charles (Karly) Strassberg (circa 1986)