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January 17, 2008 - Image 62

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2008-01-17

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Skill, Sensitivity and Tradition
come together to create your special Bris.

heryl and Stuart Wertheimer are
proud to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter Sharon
Robin to Joshua Brandon Rosenzweig, son
of Kathy and Dennis Rosenzweig.
Sharon graduated from the University of
Michigan with a bachelor of arts degree and
is pursuing a master's degree in elementary
education at Loyola University Chicago.
Joshua graduated with a bachelor of arts
degree from the University of Michigan
and received his juris doctor from the John
Marshall Law School in Chicago. He is an
associate at the law firm of Dreyer, Foote,
Streit, Furgason and Slocum, P.A., in Aurora, Ill.
A July wedding is planned at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield.


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obert and Joyce Siegel of
Huntington Woods are pleased to
announce the engagement of their
son Edward to Mari Hoffman, daughter of
Tamara and Ron Hoffman of Los Angeles.
Edward received his bachelor's degree
from the University of Southern California
and his master's of business administration
degree from INSEAD in France. He is vice
president of mergers and acquisition for
Philips Electronics in Andover, Mass.
Mari received her bachelor's degree from
the University of California at Berkeley and
her doctor of medicine degree from the
University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. She is a resident in the emergency
department of Boston Medical Center, having already completed a residency in
internal medicine.
A May wedding is planned in Los Angeles.



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January 17 • 2008


Kaplan 100th


sther Kaplan of Orchard Lake cel-
ebrated her 100th birthday on Jan.
10. A party to mark the occasion
was given in her honor by her children at
the Farmington Hills Manor.

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