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December 27, 2007 - Image 34

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-12-27

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The Way To Fitness


am an Aerobic and Fitness Association of
America-certified personal trainer. I have
various certifications that range from
senior fitness, yoga
and even kickboxing.
My client base ranges
from pre-teens all the
way up to octogenar-
My passion is to
work with a variety
of people that are
interested in becom-
ing more active and
fit. I enjoy helping
people make changes
that not only serve
their physical health,
but their mental well
being also.
For many of us, the question arises: How
do I get started? How do I begin to exercise?
Truly, making the decision to begin may be

the most difficult step.
For the following conditions, the experts
recommend a physician's approval before
beginning an exercise routine:
• If you have been diagnosed with heart
disease, high blood pressure or diabetes;
• If you are older than 65 or have been sed-
entary for more than a year;
• If you are recovering from any injury, ill-
ness or a condition;
• If you have had chest pains, dizziness or
fainting spells;
• If you are pregnant.
Of course, don't underestimate your own
best judgment; be sure to see a doctor if you
have any questions.
Having the willingness to take a few steps
in becoming healthier is huge. Many of us get
held back by fear: Fear of even walking into
a gym or fitness facility. Fear of failure. And
simply, and very importantly, fear of change.
you were to walk into any "gym" today, I could
assure you that you would see a variety of

people: very young, very old, very in shape
and those that are trying to be.
Setting goals is an excellent way to keep
focused. Define your goal. Is it realistic? Is
it attainable? Do you know how to reach it?
What is your time frame? Of course, the most
important element: How will you reward
yourself once you have achieved the goal?
Making changes to our lifestyle and mak-
ing exercise a regular component of it is hard
for most of us. It is very important to begin
slowly; being persistent and consistent are
imperative to achieving your goal.
If we understand clearly the benefits of
exercise, there is no reason why anyone would
avoid it. Exercise helps to manage our weight
by either necessary loss or gain. It helps
strengthen our muscles and our bones. It
combats chronic diseases. It improves resis-
tance to infections. It lowers the risk of heart
disease by strengthening the heart and lungs.
It has been proven to lower high cholesterol.
Exercise promotes improved sleep pat-

terns, helps to improve mood disorders and
fights depression. Exercise helps our brains
work better, allowing us to think more clearly
and actually become smarter. Depending on
how creative you choose to be, exercise can
actually be quite fun.
Many times I am asked, "If I work out
regularly, will I look like you?" The truth is,
our heart is the most important muscle in
our body that needs to be strong to sustain
us. So if you could see my insides and I could
see yours, the answer may very well be, yes!
Now is the time: Start today! The secular
new year is almost upon us, and as one of
my teachers has taught me: Stay fit and never
quit! fl

Jill Sherman-Marx trains at the Jewish
Community Center in West Bloomfield as well as
at the Sports Club of West Bloomfield and various

other locations. She can be reached at (248) 819-

4622. Her e-mail address is: Ainjill@aohcom.

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