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December 06, 2007 - Image 91

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-12-06

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Donate A Gift

Participate in a Chanukah toy and
book drive at Temple Emanu-El. Drop
off unwrapped gifts, marked for a boy
or girl and the appropriate age, by 9:15
am. Sunday, Dec. 9, to 14450 W 10
Mile in Oak Park. The religious school's
fifth-grade students will join others at
Hillel Day School in Farmington Hills
to sort the items and make greeting cards before the gifts go to Metro
Detroit agencies. (248) 967-4020.

Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 27375 Bell Rd. in
Southfield. Facilitator Sharon Berry will
lead the discussion of Not Me by Michael
Lavigne. No charge. (248) 357-5544.
•West Bloomfield JCC: Come for a
book review of An Island Called Home:
Returning to Jewish Cuba and see
the film, Adios Kerida 1 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 12, in the Henry and Delia Meyers
Library. JCC Book Club 2007 will host
author Ruth Behar, professor of anthro-
pology at the University of Michigan.
No charge. RSVP to librarian Francine
Menken: (248) 432-5546; fmenken@

Order the annual mah-jongg card, which
lists all possible hands that can be made
with mah-jongg tiles. Two sources are:
•National Council of Jewish Women,
Greater Detroit Section, 26400 Lahser,
Suite 306, in Southfield. Cherie Selis:
(248) 355-3300.
•Mitzvah Group, Greater Detroit
Chapter of Hadassah, Hadassah
House, 5030 Orchard Lake Rd. in West
Bloomfield: (248) 683-5030.


Let musician Ben Opengeym entertain
1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 10, at the Oak Park
JCC. $2 charge includes light refresh-
ments. Sponsor is the Supportive
Communities. (248) 967-4030.

Listen as trumpeter Rick May presents
a musical program of Jewish, Broadway
and jazz selections at Cafe Europa 1 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the Oak Park JCC.
The Holocaust Survivors and Families
Support Group is the series sponsor. No
charge. (248) 967-4030.

Enjoy Greater Detroit Council of
Na'amat's Chanukah Dollars for David
luncheon 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec.
13, at Adat Shalom Synagogue, 29901
Middlebelt in Farmington Hills. Penny
Steyer, cantorial soloist of Temple Shir
Shalom, will sing Hebrew and sea-

sonal songs and Temple Kol Ami Rabbi
Emeritus Ernst Conrad will speak. There
is a charge. RSVP: (248) 967-4750.

Get invigorated by the klezmer music of
Schmaltz, a concert hosted by Shaarey
Zedek Seniors, 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.
12, at the synagogue, 27375 Bell Rd. in
Southfield. No charge. (248) 357-5544.

Join other seniors for lunch and a
concert Thursday, Dec. 13, at the Oak
Park JCC. Following lunch at noon, the
1 p.m. concert will feature baritone Dino
Valle and soprano Eva Evola performing
operatic duets and Yiddish songs. Martin
Mandelbaum accompanies on piano.
Reservations are required for the lunch,
which costs $2.75: (248) 967-4030.

Win tickets to see
Barry Mallow

in Concert

Saturday, December 15111
at The Palace of Auburn Hills

Send a postcard entry by December 10th to
The Detroit Jewish News
Manilow Tickets
P.O. Box 2267
Southfield MI 48037-2267

winners will be notified by mail unless a phone number is provided


has Arrived!!!

Shuttle Service to & from All Shows

Brush up your duplicate bridge game
at the Bridge Club 1-3 p.m. every
Wednesday at the Oak Park JCC. All
players are welcome. (248) 967-4030.

Experiment with various media at the
ongoing Farber Adult Art classes 9
a.m.-noon every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday at the Oak Park JCC. Harriet
Gelfond facilitates. Tuition and supplies
over 10 sessions are $40 for JCC mem-
bers, $60 for others. (248) 967-4030.

Drop in to play cards with the Ben-
Gurion Men's Group noon-4 p.m. every
weekday at the Oak Park JCC. No charge.
(248) 967-4030.

=' may

Discuss current events with the ongoing
group facilitated by Dave Weiner 10:30
a.m. every Thursday at the Oak Park
JCC. No charge. (248) 967-4030.

Create a special piece at the Barbara
Bloom Judaica Arts & Crafts Class
9:30-11:30 a.m. every Thursday at the
Oak Park JCC. Rifcah Krolikowski leads.
The charge is $2 for JCC members and
$4 for others. (248) 967-4030.

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since 1948

Calendar on page C20

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December 6 • 2007


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