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June 28, 2007 - Image 43

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-06-28

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enee and Rick Unger and Rita
and Howard Golding, all of
West Bloomfield, are ecstatic to
announce the engagement of their children
Andrea Caryn Golding and Brian Michael
Brian received his bachelor of arts in
finance from Michigan State University. He
is employed with Canvasser Development in
Farmington Hills.
Andi received her bachelor of science
in merchandising management from
Michigan State University and is the store
manager of Lilly Pulitzer in the Somerset
Collection in Troy.
A June wedding will be held at Temple Beth El in Bloomfield Township.

On your graduation from Stanford Law School

On your achievements as an Editor of the Stanford Law Review and
President of The Stanford Jewish Law Students Association;

For your past successes as:

Executive Editor of - the Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil
Liberties; Editor of - the Stanford Journal of

Law, Business & Finance, the Stanford
Journal of International Law, the Stanford
Law & Policy Review, and The Judicial

And for your work in the Stanford Community
Law Clinic.

Mazel Tov on your position as law associate
at Kirkland and Ellis, LLP in Chicago.

All our love,
Dad, Morn, Anne, and Michael



r. and Mrs. Martin Mellin of
West Bloomfield are thrilled
to announce the engagement
of their daughter Lauren Danielle to Derek
Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Partovich of
West Bloomfield.
Lauren received her bachelor's degree in
psychology from Michigan State University
and her teaching certificate and master's
degree in education from Wayne State
University, Detroit. She is a teacher at Hillel
Day School of Metropolitan Detroit in
Farmington Hills.
Derek studied business administration
at the University of Hartford in Connecticut and Arizona State University in
Tempe. He is the owner-operator of Construction Collection Specialists LLC in
West Bloomfield and Farmington Hills.
An August wedding is planned at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield.

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r. Ronald and Carol Fogel of West
Bloomfield and Marlene and
Herbert Gerson of Memphis,
Tenn., are delighted to announce the engage-
ment of their children Sarina Gail and
Robert Lowell.
Sarina graduated from Indiana University
in Bloomington with a degree in Jewish
studies and sociology and works in govern-
mental relations in Washington, D.C.
Robbie is a graduate of the University of
Maryland in College Park and has a master's
in public policy from American University
in Washington, D.C. He works for a progressive think tank.
The couple met at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. An August wedding is planned
in Michigan.

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June 28 • 2007


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