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June 14, 2007 - Image 50

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-06-14

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May 13
Debbi (Hersh) and Jacob Headley of
California are excited to announce the
birth of their daughter, Isabel Ann.
Izzy is welcomed home by big sister
Madison, 22 months. Thrilled grand-
parents are Marilyn and Marshall
Hersh of West Bloomfield and Vicki
and Steve Headley of California. Proud
great-grandmother is Selma Jaffe of
West Bloomfield. Isabel Ann is named
in honor of her grandma Vicki Ann
and in memory of her paternal great-
grandmother Alice Susick.

April 18
Gloria (Park) and Mark Dubrinsky
of New York are proud to announce
the birth of their son, Jake Park
(Yitzchak). Ecstatic big sister is
Madeleine Isabel. Thrilled grandpar-
ents are Michele and Max Dubrins
of Birmingham and Hae Jung and
Chan Mo Park of Pohang, South Korea.
Jake is named in loving memory of
his paternal great-grandfather Isadore
Dubrinsky. He is also the grandson of
the late Isabel Dubrinsky.



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50 June 14 • 2007

April 7
Molly (Lupiloff-
Brazz) and James
Martin of Gilbert,
Ariz., are thrilled to
announce the birth
of their son, Aidan
James (Avraham
Yonah). Excited big
sister is Natalie Anne. Sharing In their
joy are proud grandparents Marlene
Lupiloff and Bill Brazz, Karen and Bill
Morse, Robin and Jim Martin. A loving
welcome was extended from great-
grandmothers Marian Lupiloff and Vi
Morse. Aidan is named for his mater-
nal great-grandfather Albert Lupiloff
and maternal great-great-great-grand-
father John Sodos.

March 15
Julie Kaplow
Prossin and Alan
Prossin of Ann
Arbor announce
with love the birth
of their son, Jonah
Blake (Gavriel
David). Sharing
in their happiness are proud grand-
parents Robert and Lois Kaplow of
Farmington Hills and Albert and
Andrea Prossin of Montreal, Quebec.
Jonah Blake is named in loving memo-
ry of his maternal great-grandmother
Geraldine Kaplow and close family
friend David Twik.

March 13
A daughter, Emily
Grace, was born
to Ben and Alison
Levine of Santa
Monica, Calif.
Grandparents are
Susan and Norm
Levine of Santa
Monica and former Detroiters Joni
Trempala of Corona del Mar, Calif.,
and Neil Schneider of Phoenix, Ariz.
Great-grandparents are Ralph Kahan
and Al Levine of Los Angeles and Jean
Barkin of Grand Rapids, the late Lewis
Barkin, the late George and the late
Shirley Schneider, the late Anne Kahan
and the late Ruth Levine.

March 13
Tracy and Jamie
Greenstein of
Lebanon, Ohio,
are thrilled to
announce the
birth of their son,
Nathan Logan
Sharing their joy are grandparents
Gary and Marilyn Greenstein of
Farmington Hills. Nathan is named
in loving memory of his pater-
nal great-grandfather Benjamin

Feb. 12
Halye (Mitnick) and Art Aisner of
Canton are ecstatic to announce
the birth of their beautiful daugh-
ter, Ava Madeline (Aviva Michal).
Thrilled big brother is Asher
Louis, 3. Overjoyed grandparents
are Randy and Barry Mitnick of
Commerce Township and Ida Aisner
of Farmington Hills. Elated great-
grandparents are Charlotte and
Herbert Mitnick of Franklin, Mili
Heller-Sommers of Delray Beach,
Fla., and Andrzej Lubieniecki of
Windsor. Ava is named in loving
memory of her paternal grandfather
Alexander Aisner, paternal great-
grandmother Maria Lubieniecki
and her maternal great-grandfather
Albert Heller.

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