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May 24, 2007 - Image 94

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-05-24

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Cap & Gown



you are an intelligent, responsible
and loving young woman with
great values. We could not be more
proud of your accomplishments or
more optimistic about your future.
We wish you a wonderful
experience at Indiana University.

Bloomfield Hills Andover

Varsity soccer, captain 2 years, MVP; varsity vol-
leyball, Defensive Award, OAA Scholar-Athlete;
Bloomfield Hills Force Travel Soccer Club captain,
National Honor Society, Freshman Mentor Club co-
president, Care and Share Club, School for the Deaf
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania

All our love,
Mom and Dad


West Bloomfield

Ian Monast

National Honor Society, JV and varsity poms dance
team, Achayot BBG president, Michigan Region
BBG president, membership vice president, BBG
International membership vice president.
Indiana University

We are proud of you and all your accom-
plishments. May your future hold a lifetime
filled with love, happiness and health.
Good luck at Michigan State.


Mom, Dad, Danielle, Grandma & Grandpa

Frankel Jewish Academy

■ 11411.-

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Student Government treasurer 2005-2007, National
Honor Roll, golf captain (regional qualifier, dis-
trict medalist), varsity basketball, varsity baseball,
Carnival Extravaganza manager; Summer in the
City, Federation, JARC, Relay for Life, United We
Walk, Bookstock volunteer.
Michigan State University


Cranbrook Kingswood

on having a dream and making it happen.
Good luck on your new journey at MSU
in the Broad Freshman Business Program.

Mi. Rd &yes,





What a pleasure to watch you grow into
such a fine young man. Our family has
truly been blessed. May you enjoy much
success at Lyman Briggs—MSU!


Nto,m, clad, ot4;?2eakei


May 24 2007

University of Pennsylvania Wharton-Franklin
Scholar, National Merit finalist, Cranbrook
Kingswood Crane Scholar, AP Scholar with hon-
ors, yearbook editor-in-chief, Gold Key president,
Society of Woman Engineers certificate, Detroit
Civic Philharmonic and Interlochen All-State
Orchestra principal oboist, Cranbrook Kingswood
Woodwind Quintet leader.
University of Pennsylvania


Cranbrook Kingswood

Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, Young
Entrepreneurs Club, Michigan Endocrine
Consultants medical assistant, Republican National
Committee, political campaign and nursing home
volunteer, Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
Program, President's Volunteer Service Award,
Michigan Competitive Scholarship nominee.
University of Michigan


North Farmington

National Honor Society, Service Learning, DECA,
Humanitarian Club, JV lacrosse, freshman basket-
ball, Chemistry Fair first place, English and Spanish
distinguished sophomore, Ahava BBG, Adat Shalom
High School and Hillel Day School graduate, Camp
Agree counselor, U-M Scholar Recognition Award.
University of Michigan

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