JN Contents By Teens, For Teens! JNOnline.us May 24-30, 2007 7-13 Sivan 5767 Vol. CXXX1, No. 16 Nutritionally Speaking See the JN's new monthly Teen2Teen pull-out section in today's centerfold. teen By BarbaraBeznCq... ', RD, 1..D/N Integrated Nutrition, I —Lc en :osy I4 2 ∎ 07 '' Special Sections On The Cover 'Cap & Gown' 54 Honoring our brightest high school seniors. 'Teen2Teen' (centerfold) The topsy-turvy world of teens. 'Summer Fun' 111 Moat Vs. MI. Derws/ellit Tema rn• A three-month calendar of summer events. tawcw.h.e. ,./1 the topsy-turvy world of teens is complicated 2 cu. I yaaa Y-a zct t respansiti:ities, stt-dies. trienzts isod mon.. Sarah's Mggllag act use imagine a des', piled with work. It's already 6 and you just got home from an after-wheel activity. No time for dinner. You get to work, wishing you could hang out with friends instead. Out there's that paper due tomorrow. ; .astwr ty '1" ' — %Name ffatwro4. Lg enig Po. dOCS11 . 1 stick. You want sleep. Then. in a panic, on Ou Metro ' An, .24a . 4 . 4 ,14 You finish the report at 11:30, then devote another 90 minutes to the test, trying to cram as much something t our leacher asked you in do. Too late. You ahead) erashed, bead en."10,":"Di 'twin rm11.4L, n, Dec 33s n arse' them. You're making progrest, then glance at the clock — 10 p.m. When did that happen? Now you're really nervous - because you have a huge test tomorrow, too. You've got to get a good gtode or t here's no way your parents will let you hang out with farads, maybe for the rest of your life. info into your head as possible, but it just D•Or mr, i.rre ft, ralrar er member 'tam yi• N.: et toot waited. asleep. e .vvrfrztrge Sound familiar? To most terns, it doer But does it have to he that way? In this issue. we look at the an of juggling and gitr tips for keeping the halts in the air. <1. th.. 14 TV! we.f. r.r, • ' — arawa DOD, O Oak dark. By Sarah Spltese, 16.160dt- a Ape, Seuttdiald Rather, ltallng act eMCDDAVO.^ Not only can this jugghng as nuke too tired, more importantly, it can make you stressed. . Like most teenagers, I find myself constantly hating to make ikcisiens on how to balance my stress and actiottes. • When everything gets to be no much to handle. I net to primitim and think about what is impunant. Often, to rope with on bust schedule. I hke to tale a "power nap,• a 10- to 2t1-mi nute rest that at set the an extra burst of tetra,. Nlaking to-do bats also helps nu manage rot stress because being aisle to cows mouthing off rot list gives me of accomplishment. Taking breaks to talk mmy friends listen to music and chat online also helps to mho.- stems — &km ]star 1T. DAM Stonallfak between activities Nlichelle Klein. a social worker who specializes in treatment for adokseents, thinks it a important to make time to do :KV nothing. to relax and cut back when you am overloaded. - Teenagers , a1Q(D: :0 "'DA 0).T., need to make sure to have time to do nothing, and be able to spend quality rime with foray and friends. Tit 500 It's also important to have chill time, to talk, listen and get everything off tour chest," she advised le, Representing U.S. in Israel's Bible contest. — Ufa E.Ty00.11er tam?. fist t seems ue% e turned Into hard-working monsters. working at full force every day: with too many things on our plates. bet Yes, Akiva! 15 easy to forget to recall things that bring you joy when mu arc trying to please ewnenc," she raid. When I feel overloaded. stressed and tired, I take a break. relax and do the things that make me happy DD DoDo, or w 21 , = — maker Share. World/Israel Flag Debate 25 Some U.S. Jews question flying Israel's flag. This gives me the rnerp to turn that hard-working monster into a happy, high-achieving person. The balanong act never ends, but prioritizing and taking breaks helps me keep everything from falling off my plate. ay Rachel Margolin, 14. Frankel /MO Aodaroy,INtst Mooenflaid ..mdesesea keg' Business Econ 101 in Michigan 37 For late-breaking news: Ann Arbor 111, 123 Around Town 44 Arts/Entertainment. . 123 Business 37 Cap & Gown 54 Crossword 133 Front Lines 9 Letters 6 Marketplace 141 Mazel Toy! 136 Metro 15 Online 9 Opinion 33 Sports 51 Staff Box 12 Synagogues 134 A dialogue on the state's economic future. To Do!/Calendar ....131 To Life' 39 Torah Portion 52 World/Israel 25 Obituaries Toby Dobkin 156 Columnists George Cantor 33 Sy Manello 9 Danny Raskin 130 Robin Schwartz ....44 Robert Sklar 5 Gail Zimmerman... 124 On The Cover: Page design, Deborah Schultz The Detroit Jewish News (USPS 275-520) is published every Thursday with additional supplements in March, October, November and December at 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical postage paid at Southfield, Michigan, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 29200 Northwestern Highway, #110, Southfield, MI 48034. To Lifc! Generations For The Good Times 39 Rose AZA alumni plan a reunion. Arts & Entertainment Sudsy Story 123 Can U-M filmmaker sell soap to Hollywood? ties- tion: Dear Bar n you explain the difference be- tween IBS and IBD. Desper- ately seeking the answer, Susan. nswer: Dear Susan, Ir- ritable Bowel Syndrome .1(IBS) is a term that refers to a variety of relatively minor bowel disturbances that include abdominal pain, bloating, gas, spastic colon, indigestion, nausea, and fatigue. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (which, unfortunately, . r-- is familiar to many Jewish people of European descent) is a term used to collective- ly refer to ulcerative colitis (colitis) and Crohn's dis- ,/ ,) ease. Colitis and Crohn's ) disease both involve chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal / (GI/ digestive) tract and are widely believed to be autoimmune disorders. – The differences between colitis and Crohn's disease are, typically, the areas of the intestinal tract affected and the specific na- ture of the inflammation. There is no known medical or surgical cure for Crohn's disease, whereas colitis may be cured by medical therapies and/or surgical removal of part or all of the large bowel. Avoiding foods that exacerbate symptoms and vitamin replace- ment can help. Of course, see your doctor or specialist if you suspect one of these conditions. — Barbara Beznos, Registered Dietitian Shabbat Lights Key JN Phone Numbers: Candlelighting Friday, May 25, 8:39 p.m. Shabbat Ends Saturday, May 26, 9:49 p.m. Candlelighting Friday, June 1, 8:45 p.m. Shabbat Ends Saturday, June 2, 9:56 p.m. Direct Your Ouestions. For Barb Switchboard: (248) 354-6060 11 Cl General News: (248) 351-5144 Business News: (248) 351-5148 Arts News: (248) 351-5142 Circulation: (248) 351-5174 Retail Ads: (248) 351-5151 Classified Ads: (248) 351-5100 701 .. . s„. „,,,,„ aotaiu TiatU • AJ A • 2006 A CIENNIFII- lb Counseling Inquiries To: Integrated Nutrition, LLC, 32401 Northwestern Hwy. Farmington Hills. MI 48334 Phone: (248) 538-8050 E-mail: barb@integratednutrition.com EXCELLENCE wit.-a Web: www.integratednutrition.com 1211550 May 24 a 2007 3