Opinion OT E R VIEWS A Modern Approach To Halachah Mendota Heights, Minn. A round the time of my ordina- tion at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York in 1985, many people skeptical of the ordination of women asked, "What's next? The ordination of gays and lesbians?" The question angered me. After all, the issue of embracing the full equality of women directly affected 50 percent of the population or, I could well have said, 100 percent of the population, while the population of gays and lesbians is closer to 10 percent. Further, the halachic issues on homosexuality — including prohibi- tion of homosexual behavior in the Torah itself — were so much more serious, even prohibitive. How could anyone compare the halachic emancipation of women to the status of gays and lesbians in Judaism, thinking that the former would necessarily lead to reconsideration of the latter? I was wrong. Like many people, I did not yet know many gays and lesbians, due at least in part to the difficulty of corn- ing out at the time. I had not studied the scientific literature on sexual orientation. And I did not yet understand the nature of the suffering that closeted gays and les- bians experienced in a society in which it was unsafe to live their lives openly. At that time, the Conservative corn- munity could not yet recognize the moral challenge that discrimination against gays and lesbians posed to all those devoted to Torah and to Halachah, or Jewish law. Since that time, American society has come to know more about the range of normal human sexuality, about the toxic — even lethal — effects of living a closeted life, and about the yearnings of vast numbers of gay men and lesbians to create stable relationships and families, some of them rooted in their Conservative synagogues. During the past 20 years, the Conservative movement has conducted a serious investigation of the biological, psy- chological, communal and halachic issues related to the status of gays and lesbians. We have studied the sources, debated rab- binic teshuvot, or legal rulings, and thor- oughly considered the potential impact of granting gays and lesbians fully equal halachic status in our communities. Now the Jewish Theological Seminary has invited gay men and lesbians to consider bringing their gifts to serve the Jewish people as rabbis and cantors, opening a powerfully symbolic door to this long-marginalized population. This decision is an impressive demonstration of the vibrancy of Conservative Judaism and its approach to Halachah as lived in contemporary society. We have modeled again how to balance devotion to Jewish law and tradition with Rabbi our deepest moral Amy Eilberg sensibilities as 21st Special century American Commentary Jews. Looking deeply into the sources of Jewish law, we have found that there is basis in the sources for what our hearts tell us: that the halachic value of human dignity, kvod habriot, can and must challenge the Torah's legislation on homosexuality. Thus we have been able to reject an unnecessary dichotomy between our loyalty to Torah and our authentic moral sensibilities as contemporary Jews. It is possible — and imperative — to har- monize these two sets of commitments, as traditional Jews living in the modern world must do. At the same time, we as a movement have affirmed the legitimacy of ongoing debate on these profound issues within our own movement. We recognize that many Conservative Jews still disagree on these matters, that some feel strongly that the recent decision was ill advised, and that some believe the movement has yet to go far enough in normalizing the position of gays and lesbians in our communities. But we have labored to maintain respectful dialogue with one another, honoring the right of good-hearted people to disagree strongly on these issues and asserting that we who disagree with one another can still live together in a single community. In this, I daresay, we model what the world needs most urgently at this time in history: the possibility of coexisting, of building bridges of relationship and com- munity even in the presence of conflict and disagreement. It is not easy to live together with those whose views are at times anathema to our own —to daven together, to respect one another's knowledge and character, to con- tinue to affirm our allegiance to the same movement. But in doing so, we practice the fundamentals of coexistence and per- haps even contribute in a small way to the cause of peace in the world. II Rabbi Amy Eilberg, the first woman ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary, now creates Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogue programs in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn. Roadblock To Peace Washington F acing international demands to recognize Israel's right to exist, renounce terrorism and accept previous Israeli-Palestinian peace agree- ments, the new Palestinian unity govern- ment has responded with a platform that does none of the above. The document deflates hopes that the terrorist group Hamas would moderate its radical positions in order to form a politi- cal coalition with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction. But its implications are even graver, representing a full-scale retreat from the most impor- tant gains achieved during the peace pro- cess of the 1990s. The document doesn't simply ignore calls for the Palestinians to give up vio- lence. It "affirms that resistance in all its forms ... is a legitimate right of the Palestinian people' Thus, a conditional pledge in the platform to expand the false, rocket-riddled "calm" in Gaza is suscep- 32 April 12 • 2007 tible to termina- tion whenever the Palestinian govern- ment decides to exer- cise its "legitimate right" to return to full-blown terrorism. Recognition of Israel is nowhere Howard Kohr to be found in Special the platform. The Commentary document's authors couldn't even bring themselves to mention the word "Israel," apart from mentions of "Israeli occupa- tion" and distorted portrayals of "Israeli policies" in Jerusalem. Regarding acceptance of previous agree- ments concluded between Israel and the PLO, the platform states that the govern- ment merely "respects the ... agreements signed by the PLO." In addition, the agreement only dis- cusses "respect" of previous internal Palestinian agreements and resolutions adopted by the Arab League, not agree- ments reached between the PLO and Israel, such as the Oslo accords. The U.S.- backed roadmap peace plan, moreover, is singled out for scornful rejection. The platform states that "the government reit- erates its rejection of the so-called state within temporary borders, stipulated in the U.S.-Israeli plan." These statements fall well short of meet- ing the international requirement to accept and fulfill those accords. And with the platform's passage, Hamas has solidified its hold on the Palestinian government. The terrorist group will continue to hold a dominant majority in the Palestinian legislature and a plurality of cabinet seats. Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas continues to hold office as well, and there are no signs he's rethinking his December statement that "resistance is the only solu- tion, and the Palestinian government will never recognize Israel." Clearly, the Palestinians have yet to meet the minimal standards laid out for restor- ing the international aid that was cut off last year when Hamas came to power and promptly refused to give up its fundamen- tal commitment to Israel's extermination. Fortunately, the Middle East Quartet — the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia —responded to the formation of the unity government with a statement reaffirming the boycott. Additionally, more than three-quarters of the U.S. Senate and half of the House of Representatives have signed letters to the European Union and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging no retreat on demands for the Palestinian govern- ment to recognize Israel, reject terror- ism and to accept and fulfill past peace accords. Under U.S. leadership, the Quartet must continue to firmly insist on full Palestinian compliance with these three conditions before resuming assistance and engagement. 1 Howard Kohr is executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.