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March 01, 2007 - Image 33

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The Detroit Jewish News, 2007-03-01

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A Wise SAJE Once Said...



Acquire for yourself Torah knowledge; acquire for yourself eternal life in the
World to Come.

(Pirkei Avot, 2:8)


Fit For The King

Shabbat Zachor:
Exodus 27:20-30:10,
Deuteronomy 25:17-19,
1 Samuel 15:2-34.

Semituirs Adult JewishEnrichment


.5 4

March 5, 12 & 19, 2007

From Barbie To Borat...What Does It Mean
To Be A Member of the Tribe in the 21st Century?

An exclusive showing of the award-winning documentary, The Tribe, followed by a discussion led by
Dr. Kirsten Fermaglich, assistant professor of history & Jewish studies, Michigan State University.

Monday, March 5, 2007 - 7 p.m.
Dessert reception will follow program.

Evening co-sponsored by Hillel of Metro Detroit

or metro detroit

The Science of the Future...In Israel Today

An Evening with The Technion — Israel Institute of Technology
Home of Israel's Nobel Scientists


laying dress-up is a universal involved, and Ramban hints at it in
pastime. Children and adults
one of his famously obscure com-
alike enjoy trying on new
ments. According to Jewish mysticism,
outfits, imagining themselves in a
the cosmic effect of evil is to cause
different guise. The timid toddler can
divisions within God, specifically
become a superhero or even a rank
by separating the male and female
villain for an hour. The sensible parent qualities known respectively as tiferet
can reclaim a playful personality that
(splendor) and malkhut (presence).
is normally repressed.
The Tabernacle is
Usually we dismiss these
understood to symbolize
changes of costume as mere
God's dwelling on earth
antics, escapist fantasies that
(malkhut). But to actual-
bear little relation to our
ize this potential, Israel
true being. Yet this weekend,
must practice mitzvot,
in both Parshat Titzaveh
thus inviting God's glory
and the festival of Purim,
(tiferet) to enter the
costumes are a serious busi-
shrine. With his divinely
Rabbi Daniel
ness. Purim is famous for its
ordained garments, Aaron
S. Nevins
masquerades, recalling the
can restore tiferet (splen-
Special to the
recurrent tension between
dor) into God's taber-
Jewish News
appearance and reality among
nacle, thereby uniting the
the main characters.
supernal realms.
Esther did not reveal her birth
Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz understands
or her people, as Mordecai had
Aaron's priestly garments to be a tik-
instructed her ... (2:20). Esther, the
kun, or repair, for the damage done
queen hiding in plain view, models
to the supernal realm by Adam. When
Jewish survival skills that have been
Adam sinned, God's glory departed
necessary throughout our history. Like from the garden, leaving the world
Moses, she knows that her royal attire
depleted. Aaron, who is later called
does not capture her essence.
man of Your compassion',' restores
Esther's physical beauty and royal
God's loving presence into the sanctu-
crown are but decoys; her greatness
ary via his clothes and his service.
derives from her faith, her strength
When God's glory dwells in His
and her leadership in a desperate
sanctuary, the world is suffused with
hour. Her garments are tools and even blessing.
weapons as deft and deadly as a lance
So, you see, there is more to clothes
or sword.
than meets the eye! As we dress for
Our Torah portion is also concerned Shabbat, and then for Purim, let's sew
with clothing, in this case, the sacred
meaning into the very fabric of our
garments of Aaron and the other
faith. —
priests. Most readers can be forgiven
for losing interest in these sacerdotal
Daniel S. Nevins is senior rabbi at Adat
details. Yet the Torah invests great
Shalom Synagogue. In July, he will become
significance in the clerical garb: You
dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary's
shall make holy garments for your
rabbinical school in New York.
brother Aaron; for glory and for
splendor (28:2).
Is the Torah interested simply
in organizing a fashion pageant?
Does it matter what costumes
Ramban initially seems to say so.
children wear on Purim? Should
Aaron's clothes were literally regal;
the characters come from the
they were intended to dazzle and
Megillah, or is the point simply
to have fun?
But there is something deeper



Monday, March 12, 2007 - 7 p.m.
Dessert reception will follow program.

Evening co-sponsored by Detroit Chapter of the American Technion Society


Awesome Design-Intelligent Design: Do God & Darwin Mix?

Dr. Gerald Schroeder, MIT nuclear physicist, former member of
the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and best-selling author.

Monday, March 19, 2007 - 7 p.m.
Dessert reception, book sale and signing will follow the program.

Evening co-sponsored by Aish HaTorah Detroit, with deep appreciation to Naomi and
Lionel Margolick for their commitment to furthering adult Jewish education in our community.



Marion & David Handleman Hall & Auditorium
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building — 6600 W. Maple Road — West Bloomfield

Spring Seminars Fees:
One (1) program — Center members 58/ non-members $10
All three (3) programs — Center members $20/ non-members $25

For more information or to purchase tickets, please call 248.432.5577, ext. 7.

The Center is providing shuttle service promptly departing at 6 p.m. from the JPM Building in Oak Park on each
evening of Spring Seminars. Cost is $2. Space is extremely limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please call JPM at 248.967.4030 to reserve your seat.

SAJE for All Seasons is endowed by a generous gift from Cis Maisel Kellman.

orgi . e

Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital





6: Alliance


Cle- at Almfca Cinan, Way* Sub L.Nes:v




SAJE Spring Seminars are underwritten by a
generous grant from Henry Ford Health System.






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March 1 . 2007


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