World OMMEN ARY Haman And Ahmadinejad The Iranian dictator bodes potentially much worse for the Jewish people. W ill we go to war with Iran? That is the question mil- lions are asking in America right now. It is also a question that seems appropriately connected to Purim. On one level, Purim is a fun holiday, a Jewish equivalent to the Christian Mardi Gras. Masks, plays and revelry are wel- come relief from the severity of other Jewish holidays. But on another level, Purim is a serious matter, the triumph of the Jews over a wicked enemy who plotted Rabbi the destruction of Sherwin Wine the Jews. If the story Special to the in the Megillah of Jewish News Esther is true, then there was a prime minister of Persia (Iran) named Haman who was arranging for a minor Holocaust. Today, a modern Haman is the presi- dent of Persia. His name, Ahmadinejad, is longer and more difficult to pronounce. At every opportunity, he announces his intention to wipe Israel off the face of the map. He even sponsored a much-publi- cized conference in Teheran where visitors were told that the Jewish Holocaust never happened. According to Ahmadinejad, the Jews invented the fiction of the Holocaust to arouse world pity and to justify their seizure of Palestine. Ahmadinejad is more frightening than Haman. Haman was a dangerous Jew hater. But he was also an incompetent buffoon, undone by the cleverness of Mordecai and Esther. Ahmadinejad is a shrewd politician who has mobilized mil- lions of people to support his campaign against America and Israel. And there now seems to be a secret Jew available in the present Iranian government to play Queen Esther against his King Ahasuerus, the formidable Ayatollah Khamenei. Today, Iran has become an obsession in Israel and in many parts of the diaspora community. The defiance of the United Nations by Ahmadinejad and the continu- ing development of Iranian nuclear power have frightened the Jewish world. No wall is a defense against missiles, especially nuclear missiles. Visions of a nuclear Holocaust terrify the Jewish imagination. The increas- ing demand by Jewish leaders that the Americans do something about Iran has led many anti-Semites to accuse the Jews of leading America into a war against Iran. Given the debacle in Iraq, this accusation aggravates the earlier accusation that the Jews led America into war against Saddam. Modern Haman If Ahmadinejad is our real Haman this Purim, then we need to know as much as possible about him and his country. Persia is an old nation mentioned in the Bible. The Persians are an Aryan nation, related by race and by language to the peoples of Europe. They invaded Western Asia, conquered many nations and created the largest land empire in the world. Among the peoples they vanquished were the Chaldeans, who destroyed Jerusalem and the First Temple. The Persians liber- ated the Jewish captives in Chaldea and allowed them to return home to build the Ahmadinejad Second Temple. preserved it, even though they wrote it in Arabic letters. Sunni Persia was more liberal than most parts of the Arab world. Painting, wine and Sufi saints made them less than orthodox. Jews thrived in this liberal world. Some of them even made their way to China and India. When the Turks came, they blended easily with the Persians. And the Jews remained very happy. However, the Jewish "honeymoon" ended in the 16th century. A group of Shiite Turks (Azeris) invaded and van- quished Persia. They were religious fanatics. In a few years, Shiite mullahs and ayatollahs replaced the Sunni imams. The Persians were forced to abandon their Sunni liberalism and to adopt the intensity of their new Shiite rulers. Life for the Jews changed for the worse. They were rejected, segregated and regarded as ritually unclean. The arrival in the 19th century of the British and the Russians made a difference. If Ahmadinejad is our real Haman this Purim, then we need to know as much as possible about him and the country he governs. When Persia was young, the Persians were our friends. In fact, the many Jews who went to live in the Persian Empire became the foundation of a prosper- ous and successful Eastern Diaspora. After the destruc- tion of the Second Temple by the Romans, thou- sands of Jews fled the Roman Empire to Persia where great rabbinical seminaries produced the Babylonian Talmud and where the Persian king honored the Jews with their own king. When the Arabs defeated and conquered the Persians in 636, they replaced the Persian Zoroastrian religion with Islam, Sunni Islam. But unlike most of the other nations vanquished by the Arabs, the Persians did not give up their native language for Arabic. They proudly They brought secular Western culture. A secular anti-mullah faction emerged in the army. A sergeant named Reza Pahlevi overthrew the old shah and made himself the new shah. He hated the Shiite clergy and loved modern European culture. He established secular schools, liberated women and emancipated the Jews. He even gave a new name to Persia-Iran (Aryan). Jews thrived under the n e w shah and his successor son. The discovery of large reservoirs of petroleum brought prosperity to the aristocracy and to the new middle class. As for the mullahs, they were persecuted and humiliated. But the Jews were on the winning side, enjoying a new world where religion was less important. The shah even secretly supported Israel and supplied it with oil. But the Shiite clergy burned with hatred for the shah. They cultivated the resent- ment of the poor. Their leader was the charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini who was forced to flee the country. When he returned in triumph in 1979, the shah fled. The Shiite clergy took power again. Their enemies were purged and executed. Western culture was rejected. Women were covered. Schools became religious. A mor- als police spied on everybody. Amid all this reactionary change, a new constitution and a new government was created. The shah was replaced by Khomeini, the deputy of Allah. Under Khomeini cowered the president and the parliament. Khomeini had the power to veto any law they passed that he did not like. Most of the Jews fled. Only 2,500 Jews remain, and they fear for their safety. The Shiite fundamentalists turned America and the Jews into the "Great Satan:' They also detested Sunni funda- mentalists like the Saudis and Muslim sec- ularists like Saddam Hussein. The Israelis were torn by ambivalence. Who was the more dangerous — Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran? Many Israelis imagined that the Shiite fear of Saddam outweighed their detesta- tion of Zionism and could serve as a basis for a renewed alliance of Israel and Iran. However, when the war with Iraq came, most Israelis supported the overthrow of Saddam. The war, created a Shiite govern- ment in Iraq, which is friendly to Iran. Today's Iran As for Iran, the regime established by Khomeini is still in place. Although Khomeini is dead, the clergy still reigns supreme. At the top of the government is the successor to Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei. Less charismatic than Khomeini, he is a stern fundamentalist who tolerates no significant opposition. Together with his mullah Council of Guardians, he freely vetoes laws passed by his democratically elected parliament, purges liberal candidates for public office, and runs roughshod over any sign of rebellion in the press and other media. However, there is a large and vocal opposition. The economy is rotten. Foreign investment is negligible. Unemployment is high. The educated middle class, especially the young, are weary and resentful of the oppressive clergy and their antiquated restrictions. 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