A smart way to lose weight The Fast Of Tevet W hat: Asarah be-Tevet. Fast day which com- memorates the besieg- ing of Jerusalem by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C.E. When: Sunday, Dec. 31. Fast starts at sunrise and ends at sun- down. Who: Nebuchadnezzar. King of Babylon (605-562 B.C.E.). After his victory over the Assyrian-Egyptian alliance, he conquered lands from the Euphrates to the Egyptian fron- tier, including Judah. After Judah rebelled, he took Jerusalem in 597 B.C.E. He replaced king Jehoiachim with Zedekiah, and took captives back to Babylonia. Subsequently, Zedekiah rebelled and Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah again. In 586 B.C.E., he captured and destroyed the Temple, and expelled the Jews from Jerusalem (II Kings: 24-5). Why: In Jewish tradition, there are three kinds of fasts: statutory public fasts, special-public fasts decreed in times of calamity and private fasts. Private fasts were often observed in times of threat or danger, to display piety or to mark lifecycle events. Fasting is an ancient rite that was often used to express devoutness, induce visions, express sorrow, mourning or asceticism or as an aid in preparation for revelation or for a sacred meal. Judaism, which is generally not an ascetic religion, employs fasting as an expression of piety for purification, atonement or commemoration, with the goal of leading Jews to more ethical behavior. There are six Jewish statutory public fasts, of which two — Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Tisha b'Av (the Ninth of Av, com- memorating various tragedies of Jewish history) — are considered major fasts, lasting from sundown to sundown. The other four are considered minor fast days, which last from sunrise to sunset on the same day. Four of these fasts are connected to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and two of them (Yom Kippur and the fast of Esther) are observed for unique reasons. 1 _1 - THE COCIE DIET his is no ordinary.cookie. N e provide the toots you need to get thin and stay hearthy. L et our acclaimed "Cookie Di help you . change your eating habits and your life! •Lose 12 — 15* pounds per month • One-on-one doctor supervision • Easy, affordable, safe • Kosher cookies available I, art for Life Weight Management C nters ' Call Today For Information: 6700 chard Lake RcL Bloomfield iaza 24 432-00u0 * Results may vary. www.togetthin.com myjewishlearning.com 1193470 iN December 21 . 2006 39