We thank our heroes who supported AFMDA throughout the year and especially our CODE RED campaign during the Lebanon War. Your generosity enabled the heroes of Magen David Adom to answer every call. AMERICAN FRIENDS OF MAGEN DAVID ADOM 23470 Riverview Drive • Southfield, MI 48034 armdil@aol.com SAVING LIVES IN ISRAEL 1 94400 NIIIINMENINSPIENWN"MM=SS A TZVXM.K.MMEMS.M I We transform your spme„ re-arrange the things you aireac.„ Fia ve and make if work. Gail us an\.., to see what we can do for you 248-841-4944 wearrang Home TieenseilantiLgilsitral 30 December 14 2006 Office • Special Events When you work this hard "*;' \\ c3 about where those dollars go. That's why we support only the most to raise money, promising programs. Learn more at komen.org or 1.800 I'M AWARE. YOU'RE CAREFUL HOW ITS SPENT. ; I he :_-.3Lis.an Ron ten „. B reas t Foundation This space provided as a public service. ©2005, The Susan C. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation