HER v E Of Happy 75th, Rabbi Groner! David Groner delivered these remarks at the 75th birthday cele- bration for his father, Rabbi Irwin Groner, Oct. 29 at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield. G ood evening and wel- come to the celebration of Shaarey Zedek's leg- acy and my dad's 75th birthday. Before I speak tonight, I would like to say a few words. I am here in dual capacities, both to praise my father and to speak on his behalf. My father is humbled and honored by your presence and good wishes. I know he would say he is undeserving of these accolades, but no one is more deserving than my father. We all know why we are here this evening — because the Tigers are not playing at home. Which reminds me of a true story that really did hap- pen. The year was 1968 and the Tigers were playing the St. Louis Cardinals in the World Series at Tiger Stadium in Detroit. My brother and I were huge Tiger fans, and we begged our dad to get tickets to the game. Not being much of a sports enthusi- ast, our father begrudg- ingly agreed because he could sense our longing to go to the World Series. So he managed to secure the tickets, and the three of us went to the game. Sitting through the cold, wet, nine innings, in which the Tigers lost badly 10-1, my father, probably wishing a swift end to the game, duti- fully endured the conditions and allowed my brother and me to bask in the glory of being at the World Series. It's a memory that I'll never forget. And I know, Dad, you had no interest in being there; your interest was in serving God and the members of this synagogue. I know this because when my brother and I first approached you, enthusiastically extolling how wonderful it would be if the Tigers won, you asked, as you often did, "0.K., but is this good for the Jews?" Dad, that's been your convic- tion for all these years — doing what is good for the Jews, the congregation and the community as a whole. It is obvi- ous that you feel that your role and posi- tion as a rabbi is truly a calling and not just a job. Over the years, you have self- lessly and tirelessly worked to enrich and strengthen the lives of the members of this congregation. Vast Impact Dad, in the weeks leading up to this event, many peoplehave expressed to me how you have touched their lives and how they have developed a special bond with you over the years. When I was stopped in the store or at the courthouse or when people called on the phone, the conversation would always resonate with admi- ration and affection for you. My dad's reputation as a great orator is well known — so much so that many of you convinced him awhile back to compile his most poignant sermons in a book, Renewing Jewish Faith (available through the University of Michigan Press on Amazon. corn for $30). Dad, no one could captivate an audience like you. No mat- ter what the occasion, happy or sad, Shabbat or Yom Tov, when you spoke, people listened; they laughed; and they were moved by your quick wit, spiritual wisdom and, of course, your "Gronerisms." But not only do you speak through your words, but also through your deeds and actions. While growing up, our family watched you treat people with dignity, respect and kindness. We watched you help and comfort those who were in mourning and sadness. We watched you share in people's happiness and joy. And, of course, we watched and lis- tened as you inspired so many with your eloquent sermons, delivered from this bimah. You instilled in us the prin- ciples that helped us all navigate through the journey of life. You lent us wisdom and knowledge to enrich our lives and those around us. You taught us charity and compassion in our dealings with others. You encouraged us to have the integrity and moral courage to do what's right. You passed on your strong belief and faith in God to help us stay on course. All the while, you, by your example, demonstrated these virtues. You unequivocally embody the words: father, men- tor, teacher and rabbi. My father lives the philosophy that no man is an island. As he has said many times before, he would not be here today if it was not for the patience, understand- ing, support, and love of his part- ner and wife, Leypsa. Since they met, my mother has always stood by my dad's side, putting him on a pedestal as his biggest fan, but at the same time challenging and keeping him sharp, as his toughest critic. She managed the Groner household, raising the children; and she was truly my father's ezer kenegdo [helper]. My mother not only raised a family, but some say she even ran the synagogue. be destiny. Indeed, when Israel achieved independence, the Negev Desert extended up to Gadera, today a suburb of Tel Aviv. Due to centu- ries of overgrazing, deforestation and poor soil stewardship, the northern Negev — once a highly productive region — had largely turned into a wasteland. What emerged from Abraham's journey through the desert to the Promised Land was a nomadic lifestyle that was based on an equilibrium with the region's harsh environment. This equilibrium Was lost for many centuries. In a sense, in 1948 the Jewish people had to quickly relearn how to live in harmony with their arid homeland. Even with its meager resources as a nascent developing country, Israel set about to reclaim its desert heritage. During the 1950s, water infrastructure projects were built that delivered water from the rainy north to the desiccated south. Settlements were estab- lished that first invented and then expanded drip irrigation technolo- gies to produce prosperous, local, agricultural economies. The Jewish National Fund succeeded in plant- ing trees on dry and salty lands that professional forestry literature had long since written off. Grazing was organized, with seasonal allo- cations made to ensure that the land's carrying capacity was not exceeded. The Israeli experience was not without its mistakes. Aquifers were over-pumped. Sometimes, the wrong crops were planted. For too long, a paradigm of "con- quering the desert" rather than "living with the desert" prevailed. But the impulse of transforming the degraded heartlands of Israel remained a central national corn- Parting Thought, I would like to share with you some words that my father spoke at his installation as the presi- dent of the Rabbinical Assembly in 1990, and I quote: Israel's Ecological Triumph Beersheva, Israel M aldng the desert bloom — that's one of the axioms in David Ben- Gurion's remarkable legacy, which fired the imagination of Israeli farmers, international donors and a Zionist movement for over half a century. Israel's founding prime minister stunned the entire Jewish people in 1953 when he left his head-of- state position to move to a remote kibbutz, Sede Boker, in the Negev desert. There, he would live out his days trying to bring about Isaiah's prophesy: "The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wil- derness will rejoice and blossom" On Nov. 6, Sede Boker once again was the focus of attention when Ben-Gurion University's Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Studies co-hosted a 32 November 9 • 2006 yields according to major international their natural potential. conference, "Deserts Some 400 million of and Desertification the world's poorest — Challenges and people are negatively Opportunities." Its • affected. partner — the United The symptoms Nations Convention to are often seen in the Combat Desertification Al on Tal nightly news: famine, (UNCCD) — is the key Sp ecial illness, refugees, per- international mechanism Corn mentary vasive poverty and for addressing one of the even violence. Sadly, planet's most egregious international efforts to address the ecological scourges. This consti- myriad causes have been patently tuted the first conference in Israel inadequate and in many regions under U.N. auspices. desertification is expanding. Desertification, or the degrada- What makes desertification tion of soils in the drylands, is especially tragic is that it is one of a global problem of enormous the few global ecological problems dimensions. A recent report spon- for which clear solutions exist. sored by the World Bank estimates Israel serves as living proof that that 10-20 percent of the world's when a country makes soil conser- dry lands suffer from significant vation, irrigation, and sustainable degradation. That represents 6- desert agriculture and forestry a 12 million square kilometers of national priority, trend need not lands that can no longer produce