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July 20, 2006 - Image 64

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2006-07-20

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June 30

Cassi (Himmelstein) and Michael
Cohen of Chicago announce with
much love the birth of their third
daughter, Logan Rae. Sharing
in their joy are her two sisters,
21/2-year-old Jaden Rose and
161/2-month old Madison Reese.
Grandparents are Esther and
Morry Wexler of Boca Raton,
Fla., formerly of West Bloomfield,
and Margaret and Joseph
Himmelstein of Cincinnati.
Great-grandparents are Harriet
Himmelstein, the late Joseph
Himmelstein, Rose and David
Feldstein and the late Mary and
Lou Cohen. Logan Rae is named
in loving memory of her paternal
grandfather Ronald Cohen.

Friedman of New Hope, Minn.,
are thrilled to announce the birth
of their daughter, Lanie Rose
(Yaffa). Lanie is named in loving
memory of her maternal great-
grandmother Rhoda Iczkovitz and
paternal great-grandfather Joseph
Schwartz. Excited grandparents
are Audrey and Jack Chase of
Detroit, Marge and Ed Friedman
of Minnetonka, Minn., and great-
grandmother Berdie Schwartz of
Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.

June 13

Ellyn (Craine) and Jon Davidson
of Huntington Woods are excited
to announce the birth of their son,
Seth Joshua
(Shai Yihoshua).
Welcoming Seth
home are big sis-
June 19
ter Lacey, 6, and
Excited first-time parents Steve
big brother Brett,
and Lisa Sable of Palm Desert,
4. Sharing in
Calif., who just celebrated their
their happiness
10-year wedding
are grandparents
Ben and Vicki
are announcing
with abundance Craine, Joan and Stuart Davidson
and great-grandmother Lucille
of love the birth
Miller. Seth Joshua is named in
of their baby
loving memory of a very special
boy, Ethan Ty
friend, Joshua Turetsky.
Sable. Ethan
Ty is named in
June 6
loving memory
Rosellene (Rosemberg) and
of both pater-
Rob Bronstein of Chicago wel-
nal great-grandmothers Edith
come with much love the birth
Stein and Tillie (Toby) Sable.
of their son, Nathan Isaac
Proud grandparents are Irving
(Natan Yitzhak). Welcoming Nate
and Frances Sable. He is also the
home is big sister Mia, 2. Proud
grandson of the late Robert and
grandparents are Sam and Faye
the late Sharon Stein.
Rosemberg of West Bloomfield
and Harvey and Marion
June 16
Bronstein of Southfield. Also
Jennifer (Wasserman) and Corey

sharing in their joy are great-
grandparents Saul Rosenberg
of Mexico City and Ellanore
Bronstein of Farmington Hills.

June 5

Ariella Kaufman and Brandon
Rubin of Ann Arbor are thrilled
to announce the birth of their
son, Yosef Bezalel. Sharing in
their joy are grandparents Naomi
Alboim and David Kaufman
of Toronto, and Dale and Jerry
Rubin of Huntington Woods.
Proud great-grandparents are
Bettie Alpert of Van Nuys, Calif.,
and Charlotte and Leonard
Sharkey of West Palm Beach, Fla.
He is also the great-grandson
of the late Bernard Rubin. Yosef
is named in loving memory of
his maternal great-grandfather
Samuel Alboim and paternal
great-grandfather Robert Alpert.

May 19
Eric and Emily Bocan of Wellesley,
Mass., are delighted to announce
the birth of their twin sons,


Spencer and Ethan Bocan

Spencer Martin and Ethan
Harrison. Excited. randparents
are Marsha and Dave Bocan of
Los Angeles and Erika and Bill
Fredericks of Napa, Calif. Proud

great-grandmothers are Madeline
Kaplan of West Bloomfield,
Cynthia Bocan of Las Vegas,
Nev., and Emmy Schreiner of
Napa. Spencer Martin is named
in loving memory of his mater-
nal great-grandmother "Sonny"
Fredericks and his paternal great-
grandfather Martin Kaplan. Ethan
Harrison is named in loving
memory of his paternal great-
grandfather Edward Bocan.

May 15
Rachel (Lawson) and Daniel
Shere of West Bloomfield
announce with much love
the birth of
their son,
Avi Mendl.
Welcoming Avi
home is big
brother Eitan
Akiva. Sharing
in their joy
are the proud
Joel and Margaret Shere of West
Bloomfield, Dr. Larry Lawson of
West Bloomfield, Gale Lawson
of West Bloomfield and great-
grandparents Victor Lawson of
West Bloomfield and Edith Pam
of Columbus, Ohio. Avi is named
in loving memory of his pater-
nal great-grandmother Eleanor
Shere and his maternal great-
grandmother Mayme Lawson.

May 9
Stacey (Hoffer) and Jason
Weckstein of Skokie, Ill., welcome
with much love the birth of their
son, Jonah Miles (Shalom
Chaim). Sharing in their joy are

proud big broth-
er Benjamin,
Dan and
Laura Hoffer
of Southfield
and Malcolm
and Charlene
Weckstein of
Hills. Jonah was named in loving
memory of his maternal great-
uncle Julius Hoffer, paternal great-
grandfather Charles Weckstein,
maternal great-grandmother Sadie
Hoffer and maternal great-grand-
mother Minnie Gladstone.

Aviel S'lomo Keidar will be
called to the Torah on Saturday,
July 22, at Congregation Beth
Ahm. He is the son of Gideon
and Rosalind Keidar, brother of
Eytan and the
grandson of
the late Jerome
and the late
Fay Ziegler and
the late S'lomo
Citaru. Safta
Sara lives in
Haifa. Aviel is
a student at
Orchard Lake Middle School in
West Bloomfield. His is the first
bar mitzvah of Beth Ahm's new
Hebrew school, West Bloomfield.

More B'nai Mitzvah

• Temple Shir Shalom
— Max Sokoloff, son of Mona
and James Sokoloff (Saturday).

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